By: Francisco Segura
In America today, two topics are guaranteed to arouse much spirited discussion and heated debate and these are the environment and the military. At the forefront of these issues is an institution who for the past 35 years of its existence has seldom taken the middle road. The Vermont Law School has taken the cudgels for two causes which are not only very much in the public eye, but may present America with some of its most difficult challenges yet.
Vermont Law School advocacies have never been easy as most advocacies usually are, but it is to the school’s credit that it has stayed on this course and offered a professional platform on which others with similar inclinations can use. Vermont Law School has championed a specialized study of environmental law and pioneered it to such an extent that the Master of Studies in Environmental Law (MSEL) it offers has been universally praised for its fluid blending of law, policy, science and ethics and other relevant interdisciplinary studies.
It has re-defined the boundaries of environmental practice and management and includes in its programs, crucial centers of study focusing on environmental law, energy, environmental tax policies, effective land use, natural resources and a legal clinic specifically for these areas of concern.
The Vermont Law School credo of "Law for the Community and the World" typifies the necessary perspective that environmental advocates believe would give everyone a true understanding of how environmental management can be crucial to humanity’s survival. Typical Vermont Law School programs, internships and academic immersions inevitably introduce students to the breathtaking vistas of the school’s South Royalton campus.
The stunning views and languid afternoons spent rowing on the White River that passes by the school serve to emphasize all the more, the urgency and significance of the school’s mission.
But the intensity of Vermont Law School causes in recent years has risen up a notch with the school’s refusal to adhere to the Solomon Amendment which was passed by the U.S. Congress to allow on-campus military recruitment in all colleges and universities. Refusal to cooperate meant losing federal funding.
Not surprisingly, the Vermont Law School became the only American law school to give up millions of dollars in funding as well as pursuing a legal case challenging the Solomon Amendment which it described as discriminatory. The school became a member of the Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR) which took the case against the amendment all the way to the Supreme Court.
In March of 2006, the court ruled unanimously for the government citing that because the government can require campuses to allow military recruitment, it can withhold funding if that requirement is not followed.
But rather than see this as a set-back, the school continues on with its trailblazing efforts to be not simply controversial, but relevant to the needs and requirements of the community and the country. It also continues to expand its environmental advocacies, creating global partnerships with similarly inclined institutions and groups.
For its efforts, it is but fitting that the Vermont Law School has been hailed by the U.S. News and World Report as being one of 2008’s Best Graduate Schools in America and ranking first on the study of Environmental Law.
Francisco Segura owns and operates Law School
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Friday, October 26, 2007
Vermont law school is an advocacy warrior
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 9:10 PM
Law of Attraction:How does it work?
By: Fiona Muscat
"Ask and You Shall Receive", "Your Wish is My Command" and my personal favorite, "That Which You Give Thought To, You Shall Attract". Those of you who have seen the hit movie "The Secret" will surely be familiar with these phrases. But, how exactly does it work?
In the movie "The Secret" many people world wide were introduced to the phenomenon that is the Law of Attraction. Although in the movie, the steps of how to use this law are mentioned, to a first timer, they may not be to obviously outlined. Wouldn't it be great if you could really live that fabulous life you desire and all it would take is for you to want it, ask for it with emotion and act as if you already have it, and it is so? The thing is, it truly DOES work that way!! Only, for all our lives , we have been taught that life is hard, you have to work hard to earn a living, no pain no gain and many other limiting beliefs. So, no wonder we find it difficult to accept how easily we could be living our lives and put up a little resistance! Sure, we all ask, but do we really expect to receive that what we are asking for? When you doubt, it is like you are automatically canceling your order. Then you find yourself saying "This doesn't work!". And you know what? The Universe says "Your Wish is my Command".
How much better would it be, if those same teacher featured in "The Secret", those same successful people who have been studying and using the Universal Laws to better their personal and business lives, show us the way themselves! Imagine a step by step program detailing exactly how to use the law of attraction in your personal life! Well, I'm here to tell you that this program does exist! It is called "The Science of Getting Rich".
What Makes The Science of Getting Rich Program so Powerful?
The Teachers featured in The Secret - Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have been studying, applying and teaching this material for decades. They earn millions of dollars every year. But that's not what makes this so powerful... many people earn millions of dollars but they are not able to articulate how they are doing it. Therefore, they are not able to share the cause of their good fortune with others, not even with members of their own family.
This is where Proctor and Canfield have distinguished themselves... they Understand... they Apply... and they are Masters at Transferring the Science of Getting Rich to others. They are two of the most powerful coaches in the world today.
Fiona Muscat is a professional Network Marketer who lives in Malta with her husband and 2 children. She has been running a successful home based Business for the past 2 years and enjoys the benefits of applying the Law of Attraction to her life. It is her mission to introduce people around the world to these Universal Laws so they too can enjoy life as she does. For 7 Free Lessons of SGR visit:
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 3:41 AM