By Michael Lee
The law of attraction is a very basic but all-encompassing law wherein what you focus on - positive or negative - you get. The 7 Laws of Attraction explain the principles of this law in detail. Read the 7 Laws of Attraction below and get tips on how to make your thoughts materialize. Let these guide you to success.
1. The Law of Manifestation What you think about, and believe in, manifests. What you create in the mind, you create in reality. The more you focus on it, the greater the chances of it materializing. High intensity with high frequency does the trick. This law recognizes no right or wrong - it just materializes whatever you are thinking. So choose your thoughts carefully. Give attention to what you believe really matters. You are either limited or expanded only by your thoughts. They literally define you and the things that happen to you.
2. The Law of Unwavering Desire If you want something so purely and completely and you believe with all your heart that you deserve it, that you must have it, then you can only be sending out the right vibrations for the universe to receive and send back to you. Let no fear or doubts hold you back.
3. The Law of Delicate Balance Desperation is a negative emotion; and when you are desperate to have something, you may be sending out the wrong signals. It may seem like a contradiction to Law # 2, where desiring is beneficial to the attraction of positive energy towards yourself; but these 2 cases are different. You must strike a delicate balance between the dream you hope to come true, and living contentedly in the moment. Do not make your goal the singular object of your desire that you neglect all other aspects of your life. Just know that it will happen in time and that, while waiting, you need not be so despondent.
4. The Law of Magnetism In school we were taught that opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other. Not so in this case. Energy is as pervasive as air. It is all around us, even within us, and we ourselves radiate energy, though often we aren’t even aware of it. But what we must know is that whatever kind of energy we emit—whether positive or negative—is the same kind we attract as it returns to us from the universe. What goes around comes around, as the saying goes.
5. The Law of Synchronization The universe has much to offer in terms of gifts and gains. These fruits are yours for the taking, if you but align yourself and be in close harmony with the ‘Giver.’ Do not fight the flow or resist the order of things. You are part of a greater whole, not a separate entity; to throw yourself into this realm and bask in it is not only a duty but a birthright.
6. The Law of Universal Influence Do not take the tiniest of actions for granted. Even the most seemingly harmless of deeds can have influence, for we are all connected and, therefore, what I do affects you to a certain extent, and vice versa. Since you are practically glowing with energy, which vibrates and is carried out into the world, it follows that others will pick up on it and be impacted by it. So exude only the positive.
7. The Law of Conscientious Action Much like the principle of karma, this Law of Attraction follows the rule, “What you sow, you shall reap.” Carry yourself with dignity and act only in a way that is honorable—to yourself and to others—and the rewards will be plenty.
Keep these 7 Laws of Attraction in your mind and apply them daily. You will find that they all work together, in harmony, not only individually. Though it might take some time to really imbibe each one of them, once you do you’ll be surprised to see how easy it is to get what you want. Success is that sweet and easy.
Unleash the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Listen to the free audio at
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
7 Laws of Attraction – How to Attract Your Dreams
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 10:07 PM
Law of Attraction T-Tool
By Aldian Prakoso
The definition of the Law of Attraction is simple: We become a magnet for whatever we give our attention to - whether wanted or unwanted.
Attraction works by vibration. We vibrate through our:
- Thoughts
- Emotions
- Feelings
- Moods
Whatever we think about causes an emotion that feels either good or bad. The sum of our feelings creates the mood that sets the frequency of the vibrations we're emitting. These vibrations enter the atmosphere and, like a magnet, pull into our lives more experiences that match our overall vibrational frequency.
Most of the time, we're unaware of our vibrations. We react to daily situations in the moment and pay little attention to whether our vibrations are positive or negative.
Now we've decided to be more aware of our vibrations because we've learned that if we're not conscious of what we're vibrating, we'll keep attracting a jumbled assortment of experiences. I call this awareness "deliberate attraction."
Deliberate Attraction is a simple, three-step process through which the Law of Attraction delivers your desired experience.
- Step A: Get clarity about the outcome you desire.
- Step B: Raise your vibration to match your desire.
- Step C: Allow what you've asked for to arrive.
Step A: Get clarity about the outcome you desire.
How can you become clear about what you do want? Here's a guaranteed way:
Examine briefly what you don't want for the purpose of becoming clear about what you do want.
Describe, by putting into words, what does not feel good. When you briefly examine a subject that doesn't feel good with the intention of changing it, then you're actually clearing away an unwanted vibration and replacing it with a wanted vibration. ("Briefly" is the amount of time it takes you to notice something doesn't feel good. For some people, "briefly" may be only a few seconds; for others, this process could take a few days.)
The Law of Attraction T-Tool for clarity
Here's a tool you can use to help you replace unwanted feelings or events with wanted ones. We call this the Law of Attraction T-Tool and you can make your own. Here's how:
1. On a blank sheet of paper, draw a large letter "T" down the middle.
2. Choose a topic about which you need to become clear.
3. Label the left column / don't want ... and the right column; I do want...
4. Begin on the left side and write down everything you don't want to experience. For example, take an aspect of your business or workplace and write down the things that aren't working well. If you've worked in several different places, think about the last three or four and write down everything you didn't like. (Remember to examine each item briefly-you don't have to relive it, just put it into words.)
5. Next, carefully examine each item in the I don't want... column and ask your Inner Being this question: "So if I don't want this, what do I want?" (Your Inner Being is the unseen spark of divine life within you. It is your True Self, Pure Love, Goodness, God, Universe, or Spirit within.)
6. Write what you do want in the right-hand column using the corresponding number from the left column.
Aldian Prakoso is a Law of Attraction Coach and the owner of The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog. The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog helps you to achieve success, wealth, growth and health by unlocking The Secret of Law of Attraction. Get your FREE online mini-course and ebook ($97 value) ==>
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 10:06 PM
Universal Law of Attraction - How to Attract Your Ideal Destiny
By Michael Lee
The universal law of attraction is the greatest of the ancient and unchanging basic laws that rule the universe. The universal law of attraction, in simpler terms, is "like attracting like." If ruminate on it constantly, it will come.
All of us are composed of energy. We have within us the same atoms and molecules that comprise the universe. Therefore, we are intertwined, and whatever energy we emit--whether positive or negative--will reel in energy similar to it.
The universal law of attraction falls into place when what starts off as an idea is turned into a dream, and then taken to completion by your actions or the steps you take to achieve it.
Perhaps you are familiar with the power of positive thinking. That is precisely what this is. It is all in the mind, as the famous proverb goes.
As potent and effective as owning this kind of mindset is, the same thing is true for the opposite. If you concentrate so much on the negative and constantly worry about even the littlest things, then the negative consequences will be birthed into reality.
Whereas, if you lived life in a sustained state of optimism and affirmation, then you are sending out positive vibes to the rest of humanity. The world will then pick up on those vibrations, and they will react in kind.
In Paulo Coelho's acclaimed book, The Alchemist, the weathered king tells the shepherd boy, "When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it." This is the true meat of the universal law of attraction. It's not a function of "if" you will get what you wish for. Rather, it is "when" your most coveted desires will come to you.
As said by the universal law of attraction, you have the capability to make things happen merely by ruminating on it. It just might be cliché to you, but anything can become reality if you concentrate on it. If you can keep it in your thoughts, you can be able to get it, do whatever you wish, or become whoever you desire to be.
Leave no room for fear and negativity, or these damaging emotions will rule over your life and tag along like a storm cloud. Do not doubt for a moment that your dreams will come to pass. If you are wholly and utterly convinced that they will come true, then trust that it will really happen.
But don't merely rest on your laurels absorbing everything that comes your way. Take command and draw to yourself all the success and prosperity the universe has created for you. Though you may not know it yet, you are in total control of your life.
But how do you exactly think your way to success? Keep your eyes on your goal, believe it is within reach, and visualize your achievement of it. Experience it in your mind--the feel of it in your fingers, having it so close you can actually smell it, and the euphoria of knowing it is already yours. Give yourself these positive experiences and you will attract similarly positive outcomes.
In film, the difference between drama and melodrama is that, with the latter, their environment influences the characters. With drama, on the other hand, the characters themselves take hold of their own circumstances. Just like in the universal law of attraction, you create your own reality; just as in a movie, you create your own happy ending.
Unleash the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Listen to the free audio at
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 10:05 PM
Law of Attraction - Body Language and Mind Reading2
By: Aldian Prakoso
First, it's a myth that body language allows you to read a person like a book. This theory, which was an attempt to 'alphabetize' non-verbal communication by defining a single gesture as having a single meaning, was originally fashionable in the sixties. If people scratched their nose, that meant they were lying. It didn't matter whether they were scratching because their nose itched, because they were nervous or because nose-scratching was an important ritual in their sub-culture - they were still seen as lying. Nowadays, we know it's just not that simple. Body language elements differ in meaning, and can be understood only in the context of a person's life situation.
Second, using body language successfully isn't about ignoring the words. Though we humans are apes-and many of the body talk sequences we use come directly from those developed by apes-we are nevertheless talking apes. Therefore, much of the teachings are about using body language along with the words, to emphasize them, to elaborate on them, to control them or even to contradict them. To be a real body language expert, use your non-verbal skills in addition to not instead of, your verbal ones.
Aldian Prakoso is a Law of Attraction Coach and the owner of The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog. The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog helps you to achieve success, wealth, growth and health by unlocking The Secret of Law of Attraction. Get your FREE online mini-course, and Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and Wallace D. Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich ebook ($147 value) ==>
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 10:03 PM
Abraham’s Law of Attraction – How to Create and Attract Your Dreams
By Michael Lee
What you want, you can get simply by attracting it - this is one of the major tenets of Abraham’s Law of Attraction. And how do you attract it? Just by your thoughts. You know Abraham’s Law of Attraction is in action when what you focus on in your mind - good or bad - actually happens.
Finding this a bit hard to believe? Think back on your life - are there not instances where the person, event or thing you focused on actually materialized? Your thoughts are potent energy - and this energy attracts.
You are a proverbial magnet, and the energy that this action generates attracts energy of a similar frequency, one that is on the same wavelength. That is the universe giving you what you want. It is true what they say in the Bible, “Ask and you shall receive.”
Here are but a few of the teachings of Abraham’s Law of Attraction:
1) You are a creator; you create with your every thought.
Abraham says, “We create our own experience—with our thoughts.” Whether you want it or not, whatever it is that you focus on or pour all of your mental and emotional energies into will definitely be yours.
Unfortunately, this also means that whatever you fear or worry about on an irrationally constant basis may likewise be created, thus, bringing about unpleasant incidences. Abraham’s Law of Attraction is unbiased and does not make a distinction between good or bad experiences. It will only give you the same kind of energy you put out, so be like Peter Pan and think only of happy thoughts.
2) Anything that you can imagine is yours to be, do, or have.
Whatever you desire, you create; and the Law of Attraction is the force that brings you what the universe provides. Rest assured, you can expect from it exactly what you yourself release. Again, if you can think it or conjure it in your mind, then it’s as good as yours.
3) You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts.
Thoughts and emotions are inseparable. You cannot have one without the other. In the same way that you interact with the universe, your thoughts and emotions impact one another.
Your thoughts are capable of eliciting certain emotions, depending on what it is you are thinking. Therefore, use your feelings and emotions from your positive thoughts as a guide to point you in the right direction so you know exactly what you want and exactly what you’ll get.
Your life right now is the result of all your previous thoughts. And your thoughts now will shape your life tomorrow. If you stay in a positive frame of mind and focus on all the good things - not the bad - you want to happen to your life, then Abraham’s Law of Attraction will allow you to create the best life possible.
Unleash the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Listen to the free audio at
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 9:59 PM
Law of Attraction - Body Language and Mind Reading2
By: Aldian Prakoso
First, it's a myth that body language allows you to read a person like a book. This theory, which was an attempt to 'alphabetize' non-verbal communication by defining a single gesture as having a single meaning, was originally fashionable in the sixties. If people scratched their nose, that meant they were lying. It didn't matter whether they were scratching because their nose itched, because they were nervous or because nose-scratching was an important ritual in their sub-culture - they were still seen as lying. Nowadays, we know it's just not that simple. Body language elements differ in meaning, and can be understood only in the context of a person's life situation.
Second, using body language successfully isn't about ignoring the words. Though we humans are apes-and many of the body talk sequences we use come directly from those developed by apes-we are nevertheless talking apes. Therefore, much of the teachings are about using body language along with the words, to emphasize them, to elaborate on them, to control them or even to contradict them. To be a real body language expert, use your non-verbal skills in addition to not instead of, your verbal ones.
Aldian Prakoso is a Law of Attraction Coach and the owner of The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog. The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog helps you to achieve success, wealth, growth and health by unlocking The Secret of Law of Attraction. Get your FREE online mini-course, and Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and Wallace D. Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich ebook ($147 value) ==>
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 12:30 AM
Advice on buying Bulgaria Property
By John Everitt
Under Bulgarian law a foreigner cannot own land.
If you wish to buy land or a house with a plot in Bulgaria then you can circumvent this law by opening a Bulgarian company.
The land (and house) can be owned by this company and a foreigner can have outright ownership of the Bulgarian company.
The cost for setting up a company is relatively low (under 1000 Euros).
With new, off-plan developments it is not necessary to own part of the land or set up a company as buildings can be owned by foreigners.
Bulgarian Property hotspots
The Black Sea Coast
With a climate similar to northern Spain and golden sandy beaches aplenty, the Black Sea coast is a popular destination with holiday makers and property buyers alike.
Property prices along the coast have increased rapidly over the past 12 months and continue to do so.
However, 65,000 euros will still be enough for a one-bedroom apartment on the coastal strip of Sunny Beach, les in less popular resorts.
Bulgaria's capital is where those with an eye on making a profit will undoubtedly find themselves drawn.
New one-bedroom apartments can be bought from 55,000 euros, while on the city's outskirts, prices are closer to 20,000 euros.
However, the cost of Sofia apartments are almost certain to rocket in the coming year, as the country moves closer to joining the EU.
Bulgaria Ski Resorts
About 30 per cent of Bulgaria's territory is occupied by mountain areas. Of these, the Rhodope, Rila and Pirin mountain ranges all offer fantastic ski resorts between October and March, one of which could be in the running to host the 2014 Winter Olympics.
Prices of apartments in Bulgaria's ski resorts vary from between 40,000 euros for one bedroom, to 75,000 for two bedrooms.
The country's second biggest city behind Sofia, Plovdiv has slowly started to generate a trickle of interest with British buyers.
Property prices are still extremely cheap - a two-bedroom house could cost as little as 15,000 euros - although rental potential is still limited.
Legal fees & costs of buying property in Bulgaria
Legal fees & costs on purchase price totals around 5
Notary expenses are approximately 2
Stamp duty of 2
Time scale for the entire process is around 30/40 days.
These guidelines are meant for guidance only and describe a straightforward purchase scenario. However this information is not meant to replace proper legal advice, which we always insist you take.
John Everitt is a consultant to Globespan European property portal. Please visit our estate agents directory and this Bulgaria buyer's guide
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 12:25 AM
Law of Attraction - Love’s Form
By Aldian Prakoso
Love's form is energy. It's one of the life-generating frequencies that move swiftly and freely through time and space. The Universe is alive with energy. Light, sound, movement - all of life takes part in an ongoing dance of energy at play. From the motion of the planets to the smallest encounters between passing strangers, everything contributes to the constant flow and exchange of personal and Universal energy.
Contrary to what most people believe, love is so much more than a feeling or a condition of a relationship. Love is energy. In fact, it's the greatest and most creative power in the cosmos. It may not be as immediately noticeable as the energy of sound, or as easily measurable as that of light, but love is as vital and dynamic as any energy that we're capable of experiencing.
In ancient Greek mythology, Eros, the God of Love, was originally perceived as a cosmic force-more energy than entity-whose job it was to organize and direct all of the elements of the Universe in order to create harmony out of chaos. Only later did this force become personified in the figure of the arrow-shooting angel who directed the dreams of human desire.
This organizing force is an apt representation, for it's love that's responsible for the laws that bring order to all of life. In fact, it's the energy of original love-Divine Love-that's responsible for life itself. It's the creative source of everything we see. Every person, being, or object in the Universe is an expression of the power and creativity of Divine Love.
This remarkable power is an irrepressible river of energy that continually flows through the Universe. You are a part of that river. You have that Divine power radiating to and through you. It's what you do with this power that determines your destiny in relationships-and in everything else.
You can connect with this powerful river of energy through your motivation or intention. Ultimately, you must align your own intention with that of love, in order to ride that wonderful tide of amour. If you don't, you'll continue to find yourself struggling against the current.
This is what happened to Psyche, Eros's lover, when she allowed her love to turn to fear. Theirs is a classic love story, full of passion, jealousy, and suspicion; yet today, it remains an accurate representation of the patterns and the power behind the Universal Laws of love.
Aldian Prakoso is a Law of Attraction Coach and the owner of The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog. The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog helps you to achieve success, wealth, growth and health by unlocking The Secret of Law of Attraction. Get your FREE online mini-course, and Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and Wallace D. Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich ebook ($147 value) ==>
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 12:23 AM