Thursday, May 15, 2008

Utilizing the Law of Polarity for Balance in Our Lives!

by Adam Price
The law of polarity can best be described as "As Above, So Below" or the power of opposites. This can be illustrated in the following way, if you take a magnet there are always two poles a negative and a positive pole. If you match the two like poles together, they stick, yet if you put the opposite ends together it pushes the other away.

You may be thinking that this whole law of opposites attracting is contradictory, but it's an intentional design element that the divine creator of the universe wanted, and it's for a very good reason as you'll now learn.

I want you to think about a see-saw in a park, and how they require two people of approximately the same weight (opposing forces, "Polarity") to make it work properly, and in the middle is balancing point. The two ends are indeed opposites and yet at the same time need to be of similar weight for this to work, because it's obvious if one side was too much heavier than the other there would indeed be an imbalance in the overall effectiveness.

And another example is the human race, we are all created equal, but to self-propagate and continue our existence we have been made male and female (Opposites).

So the divine plan of the universe was to have everything there is to have and opposite, day and night, hot and cold, high tide and low tide, Sun and Moon and so on. This even permeates into pure invisible energy itself to the negative and positive forces of attraction which we see in magnets, it's an indesputable fact of life. The law of polarity permeates through every energy form in existence, and that includes us, because our very essence is energy. And energy itself is nothing but a series of high and low frequencies, ups and downs, which gets us straight back to the what this law is all about.

I want to put this into perspective for you and illustrate what the world might be like if there was no law of polarity. Imagine for a moment your perfect day, there is only a few clouds in the sky, it's not too hot or cold... Just right, the sun is shining warmly and a beautiful breeze that is very pleasant is gently blowing.

Now I want you to project that perfect weather to be here tomorrow also, as a matter of fact, no night will fall because there is no night, because there would be no law of polarity, hence no opposites. Just the same breeze, pleasant weather, warm sun and a few clouds in the sky that never seem to move anywhere.

How long do you think you could stand such a "stand still?".

My guess is not too long, life would indeed be very boring if there was only one side of the law of polarity that existed. And as a matter of fact it would be quite disruptive to us as human beings, the earth and the universe itself.

So by now I hope you have a better understanding of how important this law is to every facet of our entire existence.

About the Author

Adam Price is an information provider and coach on the laws of the universe for life & business. Learn how tap into the powerful laws of the universe in your life by visiting:

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