Monday, June 9, 2008

Using The Law Of Attraction To Make Money On The Internet

By: Court Tuttle

There are many different ways for you to make money on the Internet and you must choose wisely which methods you are going to use. One way that is fairly uncommon yet effective in the online business world has to do with the law of attraction, which basically means that your thoughts and desires will eventually be revealed in real life. The law of attraction states that you are able to attract things into your life with whatever you think most about.

Some people really do not believe this theory, but there are many business owners that try to constantly use this principle as a way of accomplishing desired objectives and tasks. Although your thoughts have a strong influence on the outcome of real life, there are a number of questions and problems that arise with the law of attraction. These concerns and issues need to be closely examined before using the law of attraction to help you make money on the Internet.

One main issue deals with the conflict of when two different people have strong thoughts and desires to accomplish the same objective. For example, if two people strive to have solid desires of obtaining a specific employment position, no matter how equal they are there will only be one person that eventually gets hired. This shows that there is a flaw in the law of attraction and can only work for people who have the strongest thoughts and desires.

Another major issue deals with bad situations and hurtful events that occur in the lives of innocent people. For example, if a person is murdered, it definitely does not mean that the victim had strong thoughts about being killed. Whenever bad things happen, this eliminates the law of attraction from having an influence in the lives of the victims.

There are also a few questions about whether or not the law of attraction works with infants, animals, and plants. Many people have tried to study this idea but there is no solid evidence that supports these ideas and concepts. The law of attraction can only surely be applied to the lives of mature and fully functional adults who live in todays society.

Although there are many issues that question the validity of the law of attraction, this law is strongly believed and applied by many online business owners. There is a lot of truth with the idea that your thoughts lead to words and actions. When you have a strong mental thought process, you really can influence the way that life turns out for you.

Another way to describe the law of attraction is with the expression of self-fulfilling prophecy. This means that whatever you strongly believe will happen actually might have a high chance of coming true in its own time period. If you strive to maintain a strong mental attitude and constantly apply the law of attraction to your online business, then you will have a greater chance of making money on the Internet.

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Court is an expert on how to make money with the internet and also provides internet marketing strategy.

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