By Frank Vanderlugt
In a society where child labor is prevented by law, the industry of child modeling and child acting must proceed carefully. This is good because it helps to protect child from exploitation from overwork and unethical photographers and filmmakers.
Every parent and grandparent thinks their child or grandchild is the cutest baby to ever be born. Most are wrong in this opinion. Others however truly do have a child that possesses not only the physical attributes but also the personality to be successful in front of the camera.
For these lucky few the road catalogs, commercials and even movies is long and involved. And the journey is made worse by unethical people along the way who do not have the best interest of the child in mind. For parents or caregivers who are seriously considering taking their child into the world of child modeling, they should learn as much as possible about the industry and find a trusted agent to help manage their decision.
Some families decide to have one parent become the manager for the child. This can seem like a perfect solution at the time. The parent thinks that he or she is the best decision maker for the child. But because the parent is so closely involved with the child they can ignore important criticisms about the child’s appearance or performance. They can become blind to any imperfections in their child and unwilling to correct them.
Parents managing a modeling career or acting career for their child can also lead to tragic riffs due to business relations going wrong. The parent will maintain financial control of the money the child earns. If the parent mismanages the money the child may be caught in an impossible situation. If the bad manager is not a relative, it is easy to fire them. If the bad manager is your mother, well, that’s going to make for some awkward Thanksgiving dinners.
To get started on a modeling career for your child, most agents will begin with a professional photo shoot to have a portfolio to present to modeling agencies, casting directors and others in the industry that hire child models. The beginning may be far less than glamorous with the child taking jobs for minor roles in local and regional commercials.
Many children will never progress beyond this point. In some cases the child will not have the desire to continue the work. This can often lead to tension between the child and the parent because the parent may pressure the child into work the child simply does not want to do. Parents should always remember that this is a child and children are not supposed to be forced into work – even something that may seem harmless on the surface like modeling.
Other children will not progress because they lack the personality that is needed to complete the package. Looks alone are not enough because models and actors of all levels have to interact with photographers, directors, coworkers and the general public. It takes a certain personality to be able to do this well.
Other children will not progress because their particular look is not what is in demand. Trends come and go and sometimes the demand is for blondes with blue eyes. Other times the industry is looking for olive skin and dramatic eyes.
Parents and caregivers should always keep the interests of the child in mind and let the child decide if modeling is something they really want to do. If the desire is there, the time and hard work are more likely to be rewarded.
Frank j Vanderlugt owns and operates 2 Modelingforchildrencom
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Law of Attraction: MoneModeling for Children Allowed By Law?
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 11:52 PM
Manifest Your Dreams with the Law of Manifestation 2
By: Jeff Goodman
2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for money you desire.
3.Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
5. A clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire must be written, name the time limit for it's acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
6. Your written statement must be read aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. You must see and feel yourself already in possession of the money as you read it.
In order to attract financial abundance you will need a vehicle that will give you a way to use the power of leverage. The key to creating wealth is to leverage yourself by creating multiple passive streams of income. You can create an unlimited amount of passive income streams that continue to grow and bring in more and more money without any further effort on your part . I have found a truly superior vehicle after researching many hundreds of online businesses over the years.
I hope you found this article helpful and I hope you will attain your dreams.
Jeff Goodman has practiced the laws of manifestation for years and is a Coach for Abundant Wealth. He is looking for people who can envision creating a six figure income with a automated online business.
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 11:51 PM
Manifest Your Dreams with the Law of Manifestation1
By Jeff Goodman
Leaning to unlock the power of your subconscious mind will allow you to have the life that you have always dreamed of. What is your dream? The first step in manifesting your dreams is knowing specifically what it is you want in your life.
My first experience with this was when I was 18 and I conceived of the idea to travel to the Caribbean. I had no money and with only a backpack on my back and a dream in my heart, I manifest my dream. This was back in the days of easy hitchhiking. I hitched a ride from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Miami, Florida in two rides. After arriving in Miami the very first ride I got took me to the cargo ship that was heading for the Caribbean. I was hired as cook with no experience in cooking or being on a cargo ship.
My wife and I made a list in 1999 of exactly what kind of property we wanted to own in Hawaii. The list was very specific including a waterfall, ocean view, 10 acres +, good soil, close to town ect. Within six months we had the property that had everything we had put on the list. There is no doubt that the Law of manifestation does work.
This article will go into some practical ways to attract abundance into your life.
Leaning to unlock the power of your subconscious mind will allow you to have the life that you have always dreamed of. What is your dream? The first step in manifesting your dreams is knowing specifically what it is you want in your life. One thing that has helped me a lot over the years is to make a dream chart. Cut out pictures and paste on a large poster things that represents what you want. For instance if there is a model of car you want find a picture online that you can print out for you dream chart. The subconscious responds better to images than words. A picture of your dream house, dream car, dream man or woman if you are seeking a partner, whatever you desire. Put it together in a way that expresses your vision of abundance, of relaxation, of happiness.
Here are some important points to understand about this creative process. The motivating force behind everything is faith. Above all, it is faith in yourself that is the most important factor in your success. If you feel skeptical about your success from the start, you will never achieve anything. The limits we impose on ourself are the toughest limits.
We have to condition the subconscious mind. What is responsible for our success or failure is our subconscious mind. It does not make any distinction between good thoughts and bad thoughts. As they say in computer programing GIGO (garbage in/garbage out.) The following is a method of conditioning the subconscious mind for attracting abundance.
The following is an excerpt from Napoleon Hill's classic, Think and grow rich.
Six Ways To Turn Desires Into Gold
This is a method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into it's financial equivalent. It consists of six definite, practical steps.
1. Fix in the mind on the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say, "I want plenty of money" Be definite as to the amount.
Jeff Goodman has practiced the laws of manifestation for years and is a Coach for Abundant Wealth. He is looking for people who can envision creating a six figure income with a automated online business.
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 11:50 PM
The Law Of Attraction & The Perfect Relationship 2
By: Michael Mcgrath
However, whether you decide to recreate your existing relationship or attract a new one the key to manifesting more joy in this area of your life is acceptance. It is essential that you remove judgement and negative emotions regarding your current relationship and just allow it to be the way it is. It is an axiom of the Universe and at the very core of the Law of Attraction that you always get more of what you focus on. This is the reason behind the Carl Jung quote what we resist persists. What you are resisting and trying to push away or fix is actually what you are directing your focus towards. So allowing your relationship to be ok the way it is, is the first step to creating a better relationship whether that be with your current partner or someone else. In this respect you must also be willing to release the relationship completely and allow something better to come into your life even if it is your desire to recreate your existing relationship.
Sometimes we feel that the relationship would be better if only the other person changed! We try to focus on the other person becoming more like we want them to be in order to create the type of relationship we want. In such situations it may just be better to seek that type of person rather than trying to change are existing partner.
For example if you are in a relationship where your partner has an addiction and you wish to recreate the relationship as it once was you must first accept that your partner has an addiction and may never change and so be willing and open to finding the joy and harmony you want in a different relationship.
By getting in touch with the values and emotions that are driving your desire for a better relationship you can build up a picture and emotional mind-set of what you really want. By focusing on that and allowing your current circumstances to just be then you will find situations and circumstances unfolding that create the kind of relationship that you truly desire. This may be with your current partner or may be with someone else entirely.
When you accept what is you align yourself with the universe and step into your own power. This releases the resistance you may be feeling and therefore all the negative thoughts and feelings around it. Therefore when you begin to focus on what you do want the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing are not hindered by opposing energies and the Law of Attraction immediately sets in motion the manifestation of your desire.
Through the power of your focus and the strength of your positive emotions you can create anything you desire. By focusing on the feelings you will get from the perfect relationship and keeping only thoughts in your mind that make you feel that way you trigger the Law of Attraction and immediately begin the manifestation of your perfect relationship.
Free review of the best Law of Attraction course we tested at Find out what really works! . Law of Attraction resources tested and reviewed for free at We find out what works so you dont have to!
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 11:49 PM
The Law Of Attraction & The Perfect Relationship1
By Michael Mcgrath
Have you found yourself in a relationship that no longer brings you the joy it once did? Have you and your partner lost that intimacy, love and special feeling you once shared? Do you long to rekindle that old spark and begin a-new? Or, perhaps you wish to end your current relationship and seek out greener pastures?
If you are not new to the Law of Attraction then you will be aware that there is nothing that cannot be attracted, created or recreated by using this powerful universal law. We have no limits except those we impose upon ourselves. It is possible to recreate you existing relationship and to make it everything it once was but is this a wise choice to make if it affects another person?
Therefore the question may be on your mind, "Do I recreate my existing relationship and restore it to its previous glory, or do I walk away and attract something new?"
So regardless of the trials and tribulations that you may be currently experiencing in your relationship you should be aware that any problems can be fixed and lost love, joy, enthusiasm and passion can be restored through the workings of your mind and the use of your emotions.
You may be in a relationship that was once filled with the joy of living and now after some time and trials you find the relationship is no longer what it once was. Being aware that it is possible to recreate your existing relationship the question arises - should you recreate it the way it was by focusing on that? Or, should you release it and look for a new love that will fulfil your desire for joy?
To answer this question it is necessary to get in touch with your core desires. The universal Law of Attraction is non-judgemental. It doesn't care whether you believe your desires to be right or wrong, good or bad. It has no opinion on whether or not your thoughts are positive or negative, it merely responds to your habitual thinking and the power of your emotions and focus. For this reason it is important to get in touch with your core desires and the reasons for wanting a renewed joyful experience with another human being.
For instance you may be in a marriage that spans several decades and share many physical things with your spouse including, home, vehicles, bank accounts and even children. Do you believe that marriage is for life?
Under such conditions you may feel that it is the right thing to stay in a relationship that seems almost dead as the thought of venturing out on your own is not a prospect you wish to even contemplate. Perhaps your relationship has just become habitual and you want to renew the spark or take it in a new fresh direction. However, many times we stay in relationships that are not working becomes they are familiar and comfortable. The thought of starting all over again can evoke fear, trepidation or even despair.
If you take stock of your own emotions and really ask yourself why you are in a current relationship and what you are seeking from it, it should become clear what you should do
Free review of the best Law of Attraction course we tested at Find out what really works! . Law of Attraction resources tested and reviewed for free at We find out what works so you dont have to!
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 11:47 PM
Law of Attraction - Getting to Know the Universe
By Aldian Prakoso
Does feeling good have anything to do with receiving your desire?
Yes. The more excited you are about your desire and the better you feel about yourself, the higher the vibrational energy that is emitted, connecting you directly to the universe.
Vibrations are the energy that is emitted from our thoughts, emotion, soul and mind. Depending on how you are feeling on any given day, those vibrations can be high or low. The higher the vibration the more positive energy. It's the same type of energy you emit when you are in love or when you have just purchased the house or car of your dreams.
The lower the vibration, the lower the energy out-put; it is equivalent to someone who is sick and their body and mind are not in sync.
Let's delve a little deeper into how vibrations play a part in bringing your dreams, desires and goals into fruition. Connecting to the universe for a desire is like telepathy; words are not necessary for the universe to respond, for it does not speak, hear or see in the same fashion as a human. It's all about your thoughts, feelings, and energy this is what the universe responds to the quickest.
Think about the last time you were having a conversation on your cell phone and the call dropped. Well, you were in-between cellular towers and your signal was interrupted because there was a void between your phone and the tower's signal. Once you were back in line with one of the cellular towers, the conversation was reconnected or you had to make the call again.
Dropped calls would be the equivalent to being sick, thinking negative thoughts not being aligned with your soul. In connecting to the Universe you must be aware of your feelings and your intentions. It all boils down to what are you thinking, and what are you feeling. Becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings will lead you to make better decisions and attract new wanted experiences. Sometimes a dropped call is your subconscious mind remembering an earlier experience and then disconnecting; not wanting to have the same outcome.
This is exactly how it works with in the Universal Law of Attraction. When you feel good you are directly connected. Subsequently, if you are feeling bad or are in a stressed situation, you are not directly connected to the Universe; hence, a dropped signal. In order to receive your desire, you must stay totally aligned with feeling good, believing and having faith.
Aldian Prakoso is a Personal Development Expert in Law of Attraction. He shows people around the world HOW to apply Law of Attraction in their life to attract more money, better health, and better relationships. Create your own million dollar check and get FREE visualization e-course ==>
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 5:22 AM
Property law made easy - picking the right conveyancer
By Paul Green
There is a significant amount of costly paperwork involved. And unfortunately there are no short cuts. In fact, if all the boxes are not ticked properly when you're buying, it can make it harder for you to sell your home in the future.
Property law is not fun. And finding the right legally-qualified person to help you can also be a minefield. It's known within the legal industry that there are more claims against solicitors for things going wrong during a property purchase than with any other branch of law.
In our effort to explain the entire property buying process and open it up for you, here is some help to make property law easier, and help you pick the right conveyancer.
Once you've used a property guide and found your ideal new home, you need to instruct someone to act on your behalf. The legal process of buying and selling a house is called conveyancing. That term will apply to both a fully qualified solicitor who deals with house purchases, and a licenced conveyancer. That's someone who is legally qualified only to operate within property law, and not any other kind of law.
Many experts advise picking a conveyancer before you start house hunting, just so you are fully ready as soon as a sale is agreed (and won't have to rush picking such an important person).
The best way to find a conveyancer is through recommendation. Ask friends, family and people at work if they have used someone recently, and would use them again. If that doesn't work, ask your estate agent or mortgage broker… however be aware that some agents may be paid an introducer's fee by conveyancers. That may affect their recommendation. If in doubt, ask.
If you're still stuck do an internet search.
The conveyancer has to deal with all the difficult aspects of property law including local searches, land charge searches, the land registry, arranging stamp duty, and the new Home Information Packs, or HIPs as they are known.
That's a lot of detailed work that needs to be undertaken thoroughly. It really is a case of ensuring every single 'i' is dotted and 't' is crossed.
And that means that you're going to pay for it. Fees vary wildly, so make sure you get three quotes. It doesn't necessarily hold that a solicitor will be more expensive than a licenced conveyancer, it very much depends on the firm's speciality.
When you are getting your quotes, it's worth having a chat with your potential conveyancer in their office or over the phone. This person is going to be one of the key factors in the speed of your home purchase. Establish exactly who will be doing the work on your property and what their current workload is. If they are snowed under, walk away as you will be bottom of a long list. If they don't have much business, again walk away… unless they've just started up, ask yourself why they don't have any work!
Ensure you agree a fixed fee for dealing with all the property law related to your purchase. The fees will vary a little depending on whether your property is freehold or leasehold. It tends to cost a little more if the property is leasehold, as the lease has to be checked.
Because of money laundering laws, all conveyancers will need to see official identification such as your passport or driving licence. Plus you will need to provide the details of your mortgage lender.
Finally, most conveyancers will ask you to pay the land registry and local authority search fees up front. The rest of their fee is usually due when the house purchase is completed.
Property Today helps you at every stage of the home buying process. From casually browsing house prices, to finding your dream home and even appointing an estate agent, solicitor and financial adviser. For further information please visit our website at or ring us on 01733 427177.
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 5:20 AM
Modeling for Children Allowed By Law?
By Frank Vanderlugt
In a society where child labor is prevented by law, the industry of child modeling and child acting must proceed carefully. This is good because it helps to protect child from exploitation from overwork and unethical photographers and filmmakers.
Every parent and grandparent thinks their child or grandchild is the cutest baby to ever be born. Most are wrong in this opinion. Others however truly do have a child that possesses not only the physical attributes but also the personality to be successful in front of the camera.
For these lucky few the road catalogs, commercials and even movies is long and involved. And the journey is made worse by unethical people along the way who do not have the best interest of the child in mind. For parents or caregivers who are seriously considering taking their child into the world of child modeling, they should learn as much as possible about the industry and find a trusted agent to help manage their decision.
Some families decide to have one parent become the manager for the child. This can seem like a perfect solution at the time. The parent thinks that he or she is the best decision maker for the child. But because the parent is so closely involved with the child they can ignore important criticisms about the child’s appearance or performance. They can become blind to any imperfections in their child and unwilling to correct them.
Parents managing a modeling career or acting career for their child can also lead to tragic riffs due to business relations going wrong. The parent will maintain financial control of the money the child earns. If the parent mismanages the money the child may be caught in an impossible situation. If the bad manager is not a relative, it is easy to fire them. If the bad manager is your mother, well, that’s going to make for some awkward Thanksgiving dinners.
To get started on a modeling career for your child, most agents will begin with a professional photo shoot to have a portfolio to present to modeling agencies, casting directors and others in the industry that hire child models. The beginning may be far less than glamorous with the child taking jobs for minor roles in local and regional commercials.
Many children will never progress beyond this point. In some cases the child will not have the desire to continue the work. This can often lead to tension between the child and the parent because the parent may pressure the child into work the child simply does not want to do. Parents should always remember that this is a child and children are not supposed to be forced into work – even something that may seem harmless on the surface like modeling.
Other children will not progress because they lack the personality that is needed to complete the package. Looks alone are not enough because models and actors of all levels have to interact with photographers, directors, coworkers and the general public. It takes a certain personality to be able to do this well.
Other children will not progress because their particular look is not what is in demand. Trends come and go and sometimes the demand is for blondes with blue eyes. Other times the industry is looking for olive skin and dramatic eyes.
Parents and caregivers should always keep the interests of the child in mind and let the child decide if modeling is something they really want to do. If the desire is there, the time and hard work are more likely to be rewarded.
Frank j Vanderlugt owns and operates 2 Modelingforchildrencom
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 5:19 AM
Lemon Law Tips - 6 recommendations from Top Lemon Law experts
By Paul Fleming
Lemon Law Lawyers like it when everything is in place before taking on the automotive dealers. It's important to make sure your documentation is in place from the very beginning. Following these six tips may help you when your vehicle is in the shop:
1. NEVER LEAVE THE REPAIR FACILITY without a copy of the work orders. A complete record of the vehicle history is very important, especially with repeated problems. Although not absolutely necessary to prove your claim at a later date, copies of the records prevent the dealer from writing several repair visits as one, a common practice.
2.GET AS MUCH INFORMATION as you can. Comprehensive work repair orders are especially valuable. Try to get it as detailed as possible and make sure they include the dates. Accurate reporting is very important.
3. ASK ABOUT TSBs - TSB (Technical Service Bulletins) are instructions from the manufacturer that alert dealerships about defects or repairs in certain models. However, dealerships do not generally tell the customer about TSBs unless asked. So speak up. Ask the dealership to write your TSB request on the repair order even if told no TSBs exist for the concerns you are experiencing.
4. DEMAND RESPECT - You paid a lot for your don't be afraid to go over anyone's head if your vehicle isn't repaired properly. Part of the price of the car is the warranty service for which repairs are being made. You paid for it, you should get your moneys worth.
5. ARBITRATION - At present, the Federal Trade Commission has determined that no manufacturer has in place an "arbitration program" which complies with Federal minimum standards. What this means is that the FTC finds these programs to be unfair to consumers.
6. DON'T BE MISLED - In some situations, the dealership may claim that the consumer is causing the problem. This is a common tactic when the dealership cannot fix the problem or the manufacturer has no repair to correct the condition. Ask about the TSBs as stated above and stick to your guns. Your situation is not as unique as the dealership represents.
To obtain a vehicle history on your car, check
To obtain the value of your car for sale, go to
To find out if technical repair bulletins or recall have been issued for your vehicle, choose
Naturally, we feel it is important to get in touch with a Lemon Law Attorney as soon as possible but the most important thing is to do your homework and have everything in place so that you don't jeopardize your claim.
Paul Fleming represents Kimmel & Silverman who have been providing cost-free, quality legal representation to distressed consumers of lemon cars since 1991. Contact them at or visit their website at .
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 5:18 AM
Law of Attraction: Money Is Only An Illusion - How Can You Believe You Are Not Entitled To It?
By Janeen Clark
The question most often asked by people when it comes to the Law of Attraction is how can they use it to attract more money. They’ve done the reading and the exercises and have attracted other things they’ve wanted in their lives, so why was this money thing so elusive?
It isn’t really hard to see where the problem is. Money is the one subject most of us are bombarded with negative messages about on almost a daily basis. Any time you pick up a newspaper, watch T.V. talk to friends and family, so much of the conversation revolves around money and the supposed lack of it. The increase in milk and gas prices, increased taxes, the billions going to the war. Rise in unemployment rates, rise in bankruptcies, rise in foreclosures and personal debt. And this is on top of the silly negative messages we received as children growing up. So it not hard to see why it seems to be one of the hardest things to manifest.
Another thing has to do with emotion. Money invokes strong emotions. As much for the people who have it, as the people who don’t. Law of Attraction works stronger and faster when there is serious emotion behind it.
So again, it is not surprising that someone who feels strongly about having money has tons of it while others who feel strongly about being poor experience serious lack.
Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter. It is time to let go of the emotions and get practical.
The truth is there is no lack of money. In fact, money itself isn’t even real. It is all an illusion.
Money is merely legal tender we have collectively decided to give a value to. In truth it is nothing more than rectangular pieces of paper covered in green ink with miscellaneous numbers on it. And nowadays it is not even that.
It is said (and this varies from nation to nation) that only as little as 4% of the money that exists in the banks today exists as paper bills or coins.
That means that out of $100 only $4 of that is available in cash money! And that money is not even backed up by anything since we got rid of the Gold Standard in the 1970’s.
The rest of the "money" out there is just a bunch of numbers flying electronically over our heads from one account to another and back again.
Think about the last big purchase you have made. When you bought your house, your car, a major appliance. Did you have to go to the bank and physically take out those thousands and thousands of dollars in cash?
Of coarse not. You simply wrote down some numbers on a small piece of paper called a check and handed it over. Or you used a little plastic card that will cause you to receive another piece of paper at the end of the month with even more numbers on it.
Money is simply an idea we have all agreed to accept. Think about some of the other things we consider "valuable" simply because we collectively decided to. For instance, my father used to say to me about diamonds; "I have no idea why people would want to spend so much money on a bunch of shiny rocks." And it was so funny to me because it is true.
Diamonds are simply shiny rocks created in abundance by nature. It is only in our decision (or more importantly the decision of the diamond mine owners) to declare that they are "worth" something. There have been times in the past that diamond miners would have millions of dollars worth of diamonds reserved in vaults that were distributed in limited amounts just to keep the value of diamonds high. But the diamonds themselves weren’t scarce. Granted they are beautiful -- but they are also rocks.
How about the other things in our lives that change on almost a daily basis due to what we hear and read? For instance, how can a house that was worth $250,000 a few years ago increase to a worth of $750,000 when it is the exact same house? How does a stock worth $80 yesterday drop to $40 today based on a review given by a third party?
You see it is all in perception. So many of us have been brought up to believe we are undeserving or not entitled to have a lot of money. But that is just as big an illusion as money is itself.
It is time to stop being intimidated by a non-existing entity!
Do you want to know why you are entitled to have anything you want on this Earth?
Simply because you are here! You are entitled to everything that exists on this planet simply because you exist on this planet along with these things!
Nobody owns it! Nobody has more or a less of a right to it than you do. We are all equally entitled to all of the bounty that exists here - otherwise it wouldn‘t exist here at all to be experienced!
And do you know what else? You do not need to do anything to justify it - you do not need to prove it and you certainly don’t need to wait for someone else to allow you to have it.
It is yours to experience simply because it is here to be experienced and because you are here to experience it. You are did not come down to this gorgeous planet to experience lack. You came down here to create wonderful physical things!
So it is time to get practical and get over those old tiresome theories about what is considered "valuable" and if you are deserving of them.
If Debeers can decide how much diamonds are worth, and the Federal Reserve can decide how much interest is worth, and Wall Street can decide how much stocks are worth, and consumers can decide how much the latest Elmo is going to be worth this Christmas, don’t you think it is time to declare what you choose to be worth?
Who’s going to do that if not you? Why should others get to make all the rules?
Of coarse you are entitled to a bunch of shiny rocks!
Absolutely you are entitled to rectangular pieces of paper stamped with green ink!
Darn right you are entitled to have a bunch of large numbers in some account that has your name on it!
Most importantly of all is your right to enjoy this physical lifetime simply because you choose to. Because it is why you came here! And don’t let anyone think they can take that right away from you. No government, bank, employer, credit card holder, spouse, parent…anyone!
Remember that money is simply an illusion. Basing your self-worth on it, is an even bigger illusion. It is time to shatter them both!
Be the entitled being you are supposed to be. Enjoy every minute here as you intended.
You are worthy!
Happy Creating!
Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. For more articles or information from this author please visit her website at
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 5:16 AM