Friday, March 21, 2008

A divorce lawyer New York can settle your case tactfully

By Damey Flower
Life comes with a mix of emotions like joy and sorrow and at some point of time; we all have to go through the emotions. A marriage is a happy union of two souls that brings together not just the individuals but also their families. However, if that couple has to part ways and the marriage ends in an ugly divorce, it can be a trying time for all involved. It is not just a traumatizing time for the couple involved but again, for their entire family and circle of friends as well. At times like the individual undergoing the divorce is not capable of making rational, practical decisions and hence he or she needs a competent guide and counselor to help out with the divorce proceedings. In such circumstances a divorce lawyer New York can be your best bet.

The relationship between a client and a lawyer is very delicate and based on trust. The client needs to have complete faith in his lawyer in order to entrust the case to him and when you are looking at hiring a divorce lawyer New York you must ensure that you hire someone who is competent. Some of the best ways to locate a good divorce lawyer New York is through the yellow pages, internet or through the reference of past clients. Once you have examined the successful track record of the lawyer, you are sure to enhance your faith in him and the bond becomes stronger between the client and the lawyer.

The divorce laws may differ from state to state and hence, it is important to be aware of all the legal terms and conditions of the divorce case before filing and fighting for such a case. If you reside in New York, then a competent Divorce Lawyer New York is sure to be well acquainted with the laws related to divorce and that itself makes your case stronger. The intricacies of a legal case is best understood by a lawyer and if you leave your case in the hands of a competent and experienced lawyer you stand a good chance of getting the decision in your favor.

A divorce case involves many complications and issues to be settled like the division of assets and the alimony to be paid to a spouse. All these financial details need careful analysis in order to be sorted out and they are best handled by a divorce lawyer New York. The situation gets further complicated if there are children involved and the decision needs to be taken regarding the guardianship of the children. The lawyer can handle the case competently so as to keep the best interests of his client in mind and settle the case favorably. So hire the best divorce lawyer who can be not only your legal guide but your moral support as well and help you carry yourself through the entire divorce proceedings. Life can tough to handle when situations like this arise but a lawyer on your side can help you get through it in a better manner.

About the author:
Damyel Flower is an experienced divorce lawyer.He has successfully handled many divorce cases. He gives advice to clients who are looking for Art lawyer,Divorce lawyer NYC,celebrity divorce lawyer and Divorce Lawyer New York. To hire services of a lawyer in New York and any legal advice visit

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DBA Law - Don't Get Caught - Get a DBA.2

By: Elias Stassinos
What if I Incorporate, Form an LLC or Get a Business License.

Would I still Have to File a DBA? Yes, you can incorporate or form an LLC and not file a DBA. If you do incorporate, you will not have to file a dba. However, in most states, getting a business licenses does not relieve you from the requirement that you file a DBA. Also, incorporating will not eliminate the requirement that you also get a business license.

What information is included in DBA Business Name application?

Most DBA Business Name applications must contain the following information: The name and address of the small business owner. A description of the small business starting business operations. And various other information pertaining to the business or the business owner.

What if I do not file a DBA Business Name?

Most states require a DBA Business Name filing. In California and most other states, you are require to have a DBA Business Name before you start your business and there is a fine. In some states, may be a misdemeanor not to file it.

Elias Stassinos, Esq. is a business law attorney. Visit his website: . Mr. Stassinos is also a corporate counsel for , a business licensing company.

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DBA Law - Don't Get Caught - Get a DBA.1

How To Get A DBA

Here is what is a dba or how to get dba. Keep in mind that you are required to obtain a DBA Business Name in California, Florida, and most other states if your business name does not include your last legal name or if you incorporated or formed an LLC and you do business in a name different from the LLC or corporation name.

What is a "DBA" Name?

"DBA" means "Doing Business As...". In using a DBA a person or a company is operating their business using a business name other than their real, actual name. For example, John Jones, a reseller of clothing items, starts a new business called "American Resellers". His business name is not his own name, thus he must registered a DBA. However, let's say that John Jones does business as "John Jones wholesale", then a DBA is not required to be filed because the owner's legal personal last name can be ascertained within the DBA business name.

Likewise, if you incorporate or form an LLC and if the Corporation, or LLC, or any other corporate entity, does business under a name other than the legal name of the Corporation or LLC, then a DBA must be registered. If your Corporation's or LLC's name is "Advisors, Inc", and your corporation is doing business with the same corporate name "Advisors, Inc", you do not need a DBA. However, if your "Advisors, Inc " corporation does business under the name "Biz Advisors" for instance, then the corporation or LLC must file a DBA. Here is an inexpensive and professional dba filing service that can help you file your dba: . Can I Use Any Name or Any Word In My DBA Business Name? Generally, you can use any word as part of your business name, such as "Landscape King", "American Nationwide Jewelry", "Day Care One" or "Mimi's Cleaning Service" and so on. Your products, location, first or last name or any other name may be part of your DBA business name. However, most states may not let you file a dba name with an "Inc.", "LLC" or any other similar suffix that denotes a corporate entity. So, if you want a DBA, after you incorporate or form an LLC, select a name that does not include corporate suffixes. For example, if your corporation's legal name is "IDM, Inc" and you want to file a DBA of "IDM California, Inc" you will not be allowed to file it. However, if you file the exact same name without the "Inc." suffix, you can file it. If I incorporate or Form an LLC, Do I need to file a DBA for my corporation?

You need to file a dba if your corporation's name is different from the name you doing business. Example: Your corporation's name is "XYZ, Inc", and the corporation is doing business as "John's Auto Repair". You need to file a DBA under the corporation.

What Do I Need a DBA for?

First, it makes you legal. I.e., it helps you comply with the legal requirement that all person doing business under a name other than their legal name have to file a DBA. Second, it is a required filing to open a business checking bank account in the name of the business. Without a DBA registered, it will be almost impossible to open an bank account - banks will generally not open an business account without your filed copy of your DBA registration certificate. Note that some banks may also ask you for your business license. On the other hand, if you form an LLC or Incorporate, you don't need to file a DBA. When you see your banker, just show him your corporate certificate and he may not even ask you for a business license.

Elias Stassinos, Esq. is a business law attorney. Visit his website: . Mr. Stassinos is also a corporate counsel for , a business licensing company.

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Living With Abundance and The Law Of Attraction – Part 2

By: Nigel Pendrigh
How often have I thought or said: "I cannot . . . ." I can't run a mile . . . I can't afford it . . . Someone else is not helpful (or a pain etc.) - of course, I am stating it politely! I want to feel more happy, excited, calm, peaceful, etc. – you can substitute your own emotion here!

Robert Kiyosaki first pointed me to a much more empowering alternative thought, question, or belief: "How Can I . . .?" "What Can I . . .?" OK I want to run a mile - what do I have to do and how can I make it easy and fun? In other words, how do I get started? I want to buy an expensive . . . How Can I afford it? How Can this person's skills and resources be used to the collective benefit?

Then Anthony Robbins helped me realise that my emotions are values that are based upon beliefs or rules.

So I took Robert Kiyosaki's question and applied it to Anthony Robbins' ideas and asked myself: "How Can I be more happy?" "How Can I be more excited?"

Another really important aspect of this that actually helped to get started, instead of procrastinating, was listening to an interview of David Allen on CNET. David Allen is all about "Getting Things Done".

Like Robbins & Kiyosaki, you have you know what your outcome or goal is and Allen adds: "Make sure that you know what is the next step!"

Very simple and very powerful.

Lao Tsu said "Every Step is a Victory".

Absolutely, every step is a step towards my outcome.

I used to never reach the empowering question because a disempowering thought blocked it, such as I don't what to do or how to do it perfectly. Now, I usually get to the empowering question from the disempowering thought I am learning to get there faster or even instantly by not have the disempowering thought at all in the first place.

This is helping me to create and nurture an even more abundant mindset which leads me to influence myself and those with whom I have contact to "Live With Abundance".

This may sound simple: Like people are attracted to like Like minds are attracted to like Like thoughts are attracted to like You have to be what you want to attract, then you will surround yourself with like-mind people that provide leverage to empower each other even more.

Good Luck (Preparation Meeting Opportunity) and Good Thoughts.

Nigel Pendrigh Living With Abundance @ http://www.NigelPendrigh.Com/Interview

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Living With Abundance and The Law Of Attraction – Part 2

By: Nigel Pendrigh
How often have I thought or said: "I cannot . . . ." I can't run a mile . . . I can't afford it . . . Someone else is not helpful (or a pain etc.) - of course, I am stating it politely! I want to feel more happy, excited, calm, peaceful, etc. – you can substitute your own emotion here!

Robert Kiyosaki first pointed me to a much more empowering alternative thought, question, or belief: "How Can I . . .?" "What Can I . . .?" OK I want to run a mile - what do I have to do and how can I make it easy and fun? In other words, how do I get started? I want to buy an expensive . . . How Can I afford it? How Can this person's skills and resources be used to the collective benefit?

Then Anthony Robbins helped me realise that my emotions are values that are based upon beliefs or rules.

So I took Robert Kiyosaki's question and applied it to Anthony Robbins' ideas and asked myself: "How Can I be more happy?" "How Can I be more excited?"

Another really important aspect of this that actually helped to get started, instead of procrastinating, was listening to an interview of David Allen on CNET. David Allen is all about "Getting Things Done".

Like Robbins & Kiyosaki, you have you know what your outcome or goal is and Allen adds: "Make sure that you know what is the next step!"

Very simple and very powerful.

Lao Tsu said "Every Step is a Victory".

Absolutely, every step is a step towards my outcome.

I used to never reach the empowering question because a disempowering thought blocked it, such as I don't what to do or how to do it perfectly. Now, I usually get to the empowering question from the disempowering thought I am learning to get there faster or even instantly by not have the disempowering thought at all in the first place.

This is helping me to create and nurture an even more abundant mindset which leads me to influence myself and those with whom I have contact to "Live With Abundance".

This may sound simple: Like people are attracted to like Like minds are attracted to like Like thoughts are attracted to like You have to be what you want to attract, then you will surround yourself with like-mind people that provide leverage to empower each other even more.

Good Luck (Preparation Meeting Opportunity) and Good Thoughts.

Nigel Pendrigh Living With Abundance @ http://www.NigelPendrigh.Com/Interview

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personal laws