Sunday, April 13, 2008

Slight Of Hand Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, Bankers, Corporate Moguls - Scoundrels All

By: Burk Pendergrass

When The Tennessee Mountain Man was a child in a small country school, it was a big deal when a guest lecturer showed up and hosted everyone in the school auditorium as he explained the Bible story of Jesus complete with show and tell pictures manually applied to and removed from a big picture mounted on an easel. It was free and it got you out of regular classes for an hour or so.

An even bigger event was when an old man arrived in a big rusty station wagon with a load of noisy show dogs even though it cost a dime to get you out of class for that hour.

Then there was the occasional cowboy who was an expert with his six shooter, throwing knives, and bull whip. His pretty half dressed assistant would stand with a cigarette in her mouth and he would light it from a respectable distance with a quick draw and shot from his trusty revolver. He would then retrieve his bull whip and from half away across the basketball court he would put the cigarette out or cut it in half with one quick snap and pop of the whip. The assistant would then dutifully step on the cancer stick to extinguish the fire.

Thereafter the young lady, who other than getting out of class was the only reason the boys spent a whole quarter to see the show, would be tied to a big wheel and the cowboy would follow the outline of her body as he threw knives at her. This was usually followed by a pony or horse who could ostensibly count and answer yes and no questions.

Occasionally there would be a movie shown on a big screen temporarily set up on the stage in the school auditorium for the nominal fee of a nickel or a dime. And, since few if any students had TVs or access to theaters back then, we all paid our dues and watched in rapt attention for a couple of hours.

But, the big draw for the boys were the magicians who came performing. Few girls, for whatever reason, attended these sessions but boys were happy to pay a whopping fifty cents to watch these men and their assistants ply their trade for an hour or so. After which all the boys were trying to emulate the slight of hand artist for weeks.

Computer Man was lucky to grow up in a time when everything was new. Electricity distributed by newly formed farmer's co-ops in Appalachia was new to most and on the horizon for the rest to be eventually followed by party line telephone systems. A boy scout trip to a hydro dam was a big deal. A day ogling over Doctor Warner Van Braun's accomplishments (at least those the young men in snappy spit and polished uniforms would allow you to see) at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama really drove the

It all seemed a bit of big magic back then. We grew up studying slight of hand so when we became adults we should have been well prepared when professional politicians learned the trade and applied it with a slight if dangerous twist to the shady world of politics.

Momma always said, "still waters run deep". Dad always said, "it is the quiet ones you have to watch". They also agreed that most people were practicing deceit, magic, in one form or another. It has been our experience that you dare not lose site of Shakespeare's Hamlet Act 3, Scene 2:

Player Queen:
Both here and hence pursue me lasting strife,
If once I be a widow, ever I be a wife!

Player King:
'Tis deeply sworn. Sweet, leave me here a while,
My spirits grow dull, and fain I would beguile
The tedious day with sleep.

Player Queen:
Sleep rock thy brain,
And never come mischance between us twain!

Madam, how like you this play?

The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.

Companies which protest the loudest that they are not going anywhere have just joined the NAFTA community. Corporate Moguls assuring employees that their jobs are safe are either in the process of selling, shutting down, moving off shore, or scaling back.

And politicians, legislatures, judges, prosecutors and other elite found their own means by which to endanger our way of life. Can you say Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, or Jim McGreevey? How about George Bush, Chaney, or John Ashcroft? Each trying to keep us watching the their right hand while doing their own dirt with their left. Some committed perjury and some sanctioned cover ups and perverted justice while others used fear to steal and curtail the rights and privacy of United States Citizens.

In 1787, shortly after the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, a woman interested in the proceedings approached Benjamin Franklin. "Well, doctor," she asked, "what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" The venerable champion of American liberty replied, "A republic, Madame, if you can keep it." The question two hundred and twenty-one years later is, "can we?".

The people of the former USSR were safe except from the corrupt state, but they had no freedom. The people of China are safe except from the state, but they are not free. The Bush administration has tried to keep our fear from the 9-11 attacks elevated and distract us with complaints and concerns that Vladimir Putin is slowly sweeping away the freedoms of the Russian people while his administration was doing as much at home.

Let us not forget the admonition of Benjamin Franklin (also cited to Thomas Jefferson) "people willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both".

Slight of hand is practiced by Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, Bankers and Corporate Moguls, scoundrels all, at the expense of the rest of us. Today it cost more (much more) than the four bits we paid as children and is much more sinister than so called "black magic". It has much deeper and longer lasting negative effects for those who wish to maintain the Republic we love. "These capitalists", said Abraham Lincoln, "generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the people".

We fear America is in danger of being destroyed from within. Not by some disenfranchised group, but by the very ones who have benefited the most from her opportunities and bounties. They travel the world of twenty-four hour cable shows explaining why the common man can not be trusted and must be kept under thumb. They must be right because we keep voting against our own interest and keeping them empowered when we manage to overcome our complacency enough to participate at all.

Lincoln further observed, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves". And, again, he opined, "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution".

The pendulum must swing sans the same old scoundrels from the court house to the state house to the White House.

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Burke Pendergrass publication
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Law Of Attraction And The Holocaust

By: Seth Manne

This topic is used by people who don't believe in Law of Attraction to try to prove their case. They say "if Law of Attraction is real, did 6,000,000 Jews attract their own death in the holocaust?"

It sounds like a great argument. All LOA gurus don't like to deal with this argument. Even my own favorite author who is a recognized leader in the LOA movement has responded to this question at her seminars by saying to the questioner who asked about the Holocaust..."why do you choose to ask questions about such negative scenarios which in turn, keeps you focused on resistance in relation to your vibration?". Now I am paraphrasing what she said but I have definitely caught the flavor of her response and IT IS NOT AN ANSWER.

So where to start to give even a glimpse of a proper answer. I must lay some foundational ground rule assumptions. This all can be looked at as no more than my opinion. I 'am not saying that this some written in stone answer. It can also be looked at as perspectives of "being'. However, I assure you it is not contrived.

Do adversaries of LOA believe that a human being is just a higher animal form destined to die into nothingness? Do they believe that the "being" that is human has any special powers or is omniscient and omnipotent? In order to understand my explanation, one would have to first believe in this foundational assumption... that "beings" who are human ARE endowed with powers that are omniscient and omnipotent. That foundational belief can be quite a stretch for those who argue against LOA.

O.K. so now, assuming, we have a very "Godlike" being existing in a physical body. We of course must assume that the "being" has NO LIMITATIONS while the physical body IS LIMITED to physical laws.

More questions...Do you believe that you, as a human "being", can manifest any circumstances at all in your own life? Elsewhere, your life has been represented as your "canvas". How others view your life is what they are seeing and surmising from the canvas that you have created and are demonstrating.

Now we must entertain areas that become even more questionable to many and those are areas such as mass manifestations, the mass mind, the sub conscious, the super conscious and the choices to which any "being" has access. The choices a being has, are infinite. A human "being" is by no means a simple creature.

A person's life can be looked at as that individuals "demonstration" or as stated ...his or her canvas. The final stroke upon that canvas is the individuals type of departure or "death OF the physical". There is no death for the "being".

We have expressions like "the good die young" to quell our sadness when we see young people die in a car accident or in battle or die in some atrocious way. We question the meaning of seemingly senseless deaths, senseless murders, senseless illnesses, senseless disabilities or deformities that babies carry at birth. It is all not senseless. These ARE demonstrations. Could "beings" choose these horrific demonstrations you ask?

Some believe these conditions are inflicted upon the individuals by fate, luck, destiny or God. To believe that is to believe that your life is controlled by outside forces. To understand my answer to this question you would have to believe in manifestation, mass manifestation, freewill, and the omnipotent power of a "being" that is human. You would need an understanding of the subconscious, super conscious, and the mystical magic of this powerful being's choices of demonstration.

Again this sounds like quite a stretch for the average "human being". Can your imagination make these "stretches?" The opinion of one's own self can be high or low or anywhere in between. I, simply, choose ...extremely high.

For some individual being to make the choice that his personal demonstration will contain such horrific or atrocious "qualities" is unfathomable for most people. They "believe" that no individual being would choose such a seemingly ugly demonstration of life and death.

Let's face it, most people don't believe we choose our type of death or control the time of our death because they do not understand the "being". They have no connection with their super consciousness and they look at life from quite different perspectives than those that are mentioned here.

Even if you are going along with me purely for the sake of your momentary entertainment, I realize your mind may be spinning and flooded with questions and counter arguments. You might ask and state simultaneously, "this is absurd, no one would choose such horrible demonstrations even if they could". My response to that is...Who are you to say what the perspectives of an individual omnipotent being would be and what reasons that being might have for making choices that you as a "human" can not fathom. Now we are coming to the point.

There is a difference between the physical human and the all knowing "being". That understanding can take humans many lifetimes of physical experience to achieve. That understanding is contained by the "being" before and after its physical birth and death. It is an awareness quest that the "human" embarks upon. It has been called enlightenment.

As humans, many of us see death as a tumultuous event. As beings we see death as no big deal. As beings we see death as being no more tumultuous than going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning. To the being it is not only some simple, matter of fact, transition, but it is a welcome transition because the being knows that it returns to what has been called source or the non physical. That place is adored by the being and feared by the human. I am speaking of most humans and all beings.

So now, with all this foundational belief information....I say these mass manifestations in situations like the Holocaust do not put the "victims" at fault. Other evil players, like Hitler, certainly played their part in creating and bringing these events to fruition. Some people with a distorted view of karmic retribution might say that the evil players will reincarnate for eternal lifetimes as a fly in stool. I am not going to get into explanations of karmic lifetimes but I will say that justice does prevail especially in the alternate realms. That justice has been described elsewhere as self inflicted...the most appropriate of all justice.

To the beings who participated, their choices were holy, dignified and superior choices. They are, many times, the choices that only the greatest beings and spirits could make and they often appear as victimization.

These demonstrations are a way of going to war against atrocity and teaching by example for generations to come. These demonstrations expose the perpetrators and defeat them in a way that no war could ever do. And mostly these demonstrations are chosen on a super conscious level totally unbeknown to the human personality. Only the being knows the growth and expansion that it creates through these scenarios. Only the being knows why it chose to be the one to participate, possibly for reasons relating to its own character and journey.

Step outside the "human" box for a few seconds and sense your own omnipotence. At that moment you may sense the magnificence of other beings that have gone before you, are here now and are yet to come.

Any one who has gone into battle in war could have chosen not to do so. There are a multitude of options available to not experience that. Any one who, as they say, fought the hard fight or took the higher road was definitely not taking the easy way or path of least resistance. These questions addressed here are a factor of perceptions. You must look deep to find answers that strictly relate to the "being" and not the human. When you look deep, you will be amazed at the deceptions that the human creates. You will be amazed at how the being operates in these seemingly mystical and omnipotent ways even while in a physical body.

I want to say to my favorite author and LOA expert, that you can not brush these historical incidents under the rug. You can not tell people "oh don't ask that question and don't think such negative and resistant thoughts". You are not giving answers that way. You are just avoiding the question. At times you too prefer the path of least resistance. You worry sometimes that addressing certain issues will be bad press for you. I say practice what you mostly preach.

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Seth Manne is the author of the newly published book entitled "Manifesting The Ultimate: Perfect Health, Massive Wealth, True Love, Infinite Happiness", available at

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