Monday, June 23, 2008

The Universal Law Of Love - A Powerful Healer In The Universe!

Unconditional love is the lesson we were put on earth to learn, it encompasses kindness, compassion and harmlessness in our activities towards others, as well as towards ourselves. The challenge we face as beings with a heightened awareness to the universal law of love, is how to go about implementing it successfully on the many critics that are out there and are somewhat "Closed Off" to such ideas.
On top of this, our education also teaches us to sacrifice ourselves, firstly to our family and then to our profession, society, religion, culture and country. So by rights, we can't possibly love ourselves right?
Well... This is the reason why there happens to be so much illness, due to imbalance in our lives and the lack of practicing the law of love on ourselves first and foremost. We direct love towards everyone and everything else in our lives that we "perceive" to be important, but at the same time we try and practice being humble and saying to ourselves "I'm totally unworthy of receiving".
The law of love really was designed that we begin loving ourselves unconditionally, and this means even if we have created a process of illness within ourselves. If we truly embrace this idea of self-love, then we'll begin to love all processes within ourselves, including illnesses such as cancer. Now this may sound quite strange if you're not used to such depths of self-love, but if began loving the illness instead of fearing it, then we can begin to look upon it not as a life drainer, but as an opportunity to recognize ourselves.
When be begin loving all things in our environment, even those areas that we create that aren't seen as positive (such as cancer etc), we begin to identify them as opportunities to learn about ourselves. So in essence this is a massive discovery for us to realize, and therefore we are able to balance out the cause of them, by looking deep inside ourselves. Once we heal the base cause we'll stop magnifying the disease process as a result, because we'll replace fear with love.
Our mission is to learn to love these seeming negative parts of us. We have to strive to give the illness a direction and not deny its existence, we can do this by not fearing them but by loving them just as we would like one of our own children who was constantly naughty.
This is a perfect opportunity to learn about ourselves and raise our own vibration towards enlightenment, it's a lesson for us to master our own minds and thoughts on such things, and quite often uncover areas about ourselves that we didn't know before, that's the reason why things happen, so we can learn from them, it's the universes way of communicating and educating us while here in our flesh bodies.
You see it's easy to apply the law of love to the times when things are good to us and those people who flatter us, but it's an entirely different love when we practice unconditional love. When the law of love is practiced completely, we give love to everyone, even the ones who don't return our love back to us, and those who hate us and betray us (this is forgiveness in action and is "Extremely" powerful for our own being). If we expand a little further on this, we could say, you can love the person, but you don't love their actions, this is how we can begin to heal ourselves and others.
If we just loved those around us who have the same thoughts as we do, then in essence we're just a sect, and truly be inviting the destructive forces to kick in within ourselves... I.e. those forces such as illness and dis-ease processes.
In light of this we need to be particularly aware of not giving in to our non-discipline of whether we'll love those people and situations that are different to ours. Or whether we'll look upon them in non-judgment and know that they are different to us, yet the essence (them being human beings) is still the same.
So when you encounter a perceived scenario that you don't like the look of, or sound of, or someone you don't particularly relate to, you have the option of going deep within your own self-control and facing it.
This will open you to a whole new level of determination, self-will, self-motivation and self-expansion. It could possibly be this discipline that we're veering away from, the thing is we have to be strong enough to face an idea that doesn't throw judgement back at us.
However, until we practice the above law of love it's only a theory, we both have the same feelings of contentment and disappointment and in the times of negative feelings it's up to us to harness the never ending love principals from the law of love to lovingly deal with our own internal conflicts.
So for us to effectively handle the traits we don't like in people or situations around us, we have a few options to learn from the situation involved and grow through it, these options are:
1. Be repelled / repulsed by the scenario, meaning we have denied them and ourselves the right to learn from the situation and what is truly being taught.
2. We can recognize the situation and then cover it over by a lot of self-discipline and illusion.
3. We can recognize the situation and actually take a stance about it and work through it pro-actively, meaning we have dealt with it and accepted it. While we may not like the actions or scenario at hand, by handling them with our own self-discipline we guarantee our own self-growth.
The third point above is the basis of staying congruent with the laws of the universe and the law of love, and while we may not like what is happening in the world, we need to love the world nonetheless as it provides opportunity to grow through the expression of free will.
I choose to love and practice the lessons taught in the law of love, and by practicing and following these laws, you're life and the processes within it will begin to improve. You'll wake up in the morning inspired (In-Spirit) because you're infused with the thoughts of love, not only will you heal your life, but you'll heal the lives of countless millions without even knowing it, as we are all energy and love is one of the most powerful energies around.
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Adam Price is a holistic success author on the laws of the universe for life & business. Learn how tap into the powerful laws of the universe in your life by visiting:

What Is Trademark Law?

Trademark law is one of the three branches of Intellectual Property Law. The other branches are Patent Law and Copyright Law. As an overview, patent law guards new inventions that can be valuable by giving the owner or patentee the right to keep out other individuals from using the said invention in their enterprises. Copyright law, on the other hand, protects the rights of artists for their creation of their works, be it a book, film, or an artwork from any unauthorized imitation of the said work. Copyright law, however, has nothing to do with the idea of the creation or work; it merely protects its expression.
The trademark law is a little different; it protects any symbols, names or forms of signature that are found on a company's products. Trademarks can be names, drawings, sounds, images, or anything original about a certain company. However, services are distinguished by service marks which act as trademarks but are used for services.
The trademark system ensures that people are buying and identifying certain products. If people would be confused concerning trademarks they wouldn't be sure that the product they buy is original. The company's status and reputation is also assured through this system and keeps other company from copying a trademark or a product already on the market.
Trademark law also keeps a liberal competition between companies and ensures that all buyers are respected and have knowledge about the quality of the products.
Trademark law practically has an effect on creative artists as well (writers or authors, designers, etc). It endows creative artists and their business associates broad protections from any unlawful use of a trademark as long as it does not misled the public that the use was endorsed by the owner of the trademark. Trademark law and the art world connect through titles, trade dress, domain names, literary characters, and mishandling of the name of an author.
Secondary meaning is another term which pops out when speaking about trademark laws. This term is a synonym for commercial use or commercial appeal and it refers to titles. These titles are protected, no matter the field, but they have to be famous and meet some requirements. Even titles that represent one type of merchandise can obtain protection in another type of merchandise. But one shot titles are not protected by the trademark law.
Trade dress is the visual image when speaking about trademark laws. It includes all the shapes, design and packaging that are being used for a certain type of product. This will make sure that clients will recognize it when searching for a product.
Current legislation applies the trademark law in other fields like the internet. Here, trademark law protects domain names used by certain companies, online publications, or any type of original information given to the public. The punishment is the same for people who make illegal use of electronic creations.
Sometimes a character from a novel or a movie can become the image of a certain product. Although the character may lose copyright protection, it will gain trademark protection because it helps a brand sell its products and becomes a signature.
If someone makes false advertising on any products which are trademark protected, the owners can take legal measurements protecting themselves and their reputation. By making this possible, trademark laws help people get the right information about certain products. Also, trademark laws play an important role in sustaining the world's economy and protect each company from frauds and client confusion.
By: Rex Stevenson
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Your Trademark Law explains everything you need to know about trademarks, copyrights, and patents. It is your personal reference to protecting your business.

Writing Law Essays Uk

Essays are always easier to write about than the other types of literature. This is because the content of essays is totally own and is based on the thought of the writer. An essay is one man’s order as the content is decided by the writer. For this reason, people find essays easy to write than anything else. There are many types of essays written. One of the many types of essays is law essays. As the name suggests, the essays are related to the field of law. There are certain guidelines that should be kept in mind while writing a law essay.
The first and foremost guideline for writing law essays UK is that the whole essay should be clear and precise. The question must be properly read and understood in order to answer in an appropriate manner. Though this rule sounds pretty simple, it is rarely kept in mind. The next is that the subject matter should be clarified so that one understands the area of law involved. All the times the subject is not easy. There are times when the subject matter is a bit complicated and it requires more determination and effort to identify the area of law that is involved in the case.
Next, one should identify the approach of the case. This step is very vital to answer a question. Most of the times a law essay can ask the writer to evaluate something; reflect something; reflect on some other thing; writing of a critique; discussing a statement, reflecting a judge’s statement; the impact of a case on law. If the question asks the writer to compare on more than one particular thing the similarities and differences should be noted down and a conclusion should be reached. A question that asks for a discussion should be answered by commenting on its viewpoints and reaching a conclusion.
Writing law essays depends on the structure of the essays. A law essay is appropriate with chapter headings and the chapters are germane when it covers an extensive area of law and also addresses various areas. These chapters help in focusing the writer as well as the reader. Another significant criticism of law essays is they waft from the nucleus of the topic and angle supposed to be addressed such that the thread and the point are lost. Another vital criticism of law essays is that the writer lists the legislation laws and discusses the topic without any perceptive opinions about the writer. However, any law essay should have an introduction as well as a conclusion and ensuring that the sources are current sources is vital.
Similarly, the citation should be done consistently with correct referencing. It is essential to give credit while quoting someone else, so that your essay is not plagiarized. You cannot steal essays from the internet or copy it from a book. The examiner will hunt for writer’s comments, views and opinions depending on the construal of the law and meticulous research. Your references to the case law must be illustrative and relevant with the inclusion of a complete bibliography. This is required as the examiner will try to interpret how well the writer has researched various resources. Writing law essays UK should be done precisely.
By: Eyelogic27 Media27
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This article was written by an academic, on behalf of Law Teacher. Law Teacher provides all types of assistance to UK Law Students. This ranges from our case law database to essay, coursework and dissertation marking on case law database. Find more information on his website at coursework and dissertation marking here.

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