Thursday, April 17, 2008

Law Of Attraction – 5 Reason Why Money Is So Hard To Attract

By: Daniel Hinds

Recently someone ask the question, “why is money so very hard to attract?” Lots of people who discover the laws of attraction want to know the answer to that very question. Many more people will continue to have a very hard time at trusting the law of attraction for the very reason that they are not able to manifest money as they would like.

1. You Want it tooo Much

Yes, that’s right! The mere fact that you want money makes you repel that money. The more you want something the more you activate the law of attraction to further push it away from you. When you want something desperately you are at a place of lack, emptiness and with out. There are many ancient techniques that can move you out of that feeling of emptiness to where you begin to energetically empower yourself to draw a phenomenal amount of magnetic power to you. These techniques although simple are extremely effective in making you a powerful magnet.

2. You Have Not Learned How to be Abundant

Learning how to be abundant is necessary to activating the law of attraction in your favor. Before you can be abundant you have to be able to see abundance all around you. You have to change your perspective on life and your present reality. If you are thinking and feeling that the universe is scarce then it is more than likely that what you seen of the universe and scarcely will be reflected in how you manifest money to you.

3. You Have Placed Money Above You

Few people will admit to doing so but most everyone has made money a huge priority in their life. It isn’t that money is not a priority but there is something which is way beyond money. The moment you become aware that your own divine self is far more powerful than money you will continue to struggle in attracting more of it. Those who are aware of their divine nature have an easier time of applying the laws of attraction to bring them more money or anything a lot faster.

4. You Don’t Really Want Money

If a survey were to be taken more people than not would say the same sing, “I don’t really want a lot of money, I just want to have enough.” It amazes me that so many people who work diligently at trying to understand the law of attraction will easily say that they don’t really want a lot of money. Is it any wonder that few people will ever really attract a large amount of money. The laws of attraction are quite on target with that inner feeling of conflict and will manifest exactly that resistance you have towards money

5. You Can’t Take Money as a Joke

One thing which is quite common to those who have manifested large fortunes in their life is that they moved beneath the pressure of making money. To move beyond money you need to see and feel money as a game. Making money should become a wonderful feeling of joy rather than a struggle of pain and suffering. If you learn to have fun with making money the law of attraction will reward you by bringing you much more.

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About The Author
Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit to learn more about these secrets teachings.Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.
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Law Of Attraction – How To Make It Very Easy

By: Daniel Hinds

Every thing is easy after you learn the ins and outs of how it works. There are those who think the law of attraction has no validity and there are those who believe that the law of attraction rocks. Guess what!? Both people are correct, because whatever one believes determines what that one will experience in his reality.

Despite the nay sayers there are secrets to the application of the law of attraction that can yield incredible results. The results are so astonishing that it seems like magic and sorcery but it is none of those, yet all of those. What is magic really? If not the ability to do the impossible or what is thought of as impossible.

Open to Greater Possibilities and Realize Those in Your Reality
Well there are secrets that can make the power to manifest completely outstanding. Imagine that you lived in a small town and you desired to go to the big city which is several miles way. Tom your neighbor comes along and tells you to use his old bicycle. You know that you can always walk which will take you several hours but the bicycle is a plus you happily accept.

After two miles you meet a stranger who tells you that he can surely take you along the route in his car which will get you there even faster. Do you ditch the bike and take the car? The secrets to manifesting are similar to this scenario. It gets deeper and deeper and each lesson brings you more spiritual power.

Those who yearn to understand the deeper nature of applying the laws of attraction discover that while the car ride was great there is the airplane. The journey gets faster and easier for those who dive deeper into the study of the laws of attraction.

Immersion is the key to Mastery
For every single topic including the law of attraction, there are those who truly master the topic by studying it quite deeply. You could not master money matters by making a study of poverty, or origami would you? To fully gain ease in manifesting with the laws of attraction you must make it a diligent study. You may take two to three months of studying all that you can but that study is like a masters degree which will serve you for the rest of your life.

Uncover the Layers
In all things there are layers. On just about every single topic you will find that if you consulted with someone who has gained success he can take apart the topic into several categories. Within each category there are layers that can be mastered in greater detail. The law of attraction is no different. Taking a little bit of time to understand the ways in which to apply each part will greatly benefit you in dramatically manifesting what you truly desire. There are ways of contracting time and moving what you desire to you rapidly. We truly live in a magical world. How far down the rabbit whole are you willing to go?

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About The Author
Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.
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Tips for Working with Divorce Lawyers

By :- Carolyn Elllis
Picking the right divorce attorney is a critical decision. Divorce lawyers are your guides through the legal system. They are your teachers about your legal rights and obligations. At a time when you’re not in your peak decision-making form, you have many important questions to answer when you’re finding a divorce attorney. Should you get a shark who can duke it out in court? If you and your ex feel you can separate amicably, do you even need a lawyer? If you’re already separated, will you ever need your lawyer again? What do you need to know about working with them effectively?

I am not a lawyer myself, but I have definitely been a client. In my divorce I was in the legal system off and on for almost three years, including almost a year of mediating my separation agreement. I’ve encountered many wonderful lawyers, and many not so wonderful lawyers. It’s important you find a legal professional that views you as a human being with a family, not just as a case.

Here are some important things to bear in mind when you’re working with a divorce lawyer.

You Are the Quarterback

While lawyers are a part of your divorce team, you must be the quarterback. It’s like when you are renovating a home. You can hire an architect, a designer, a contractor and a painter who all have their expertise to bring. But ultimately, you’re the one who has to wake up in the morning and live in the house. Your lawyer may have a lot of answers for you, but you need to be the ultimate decision-maker and call the shots.

Most Lawyers Are Trained as Gladiators

The legal system is adversarial and pits one party against the other. Many lawyers are trained with the “us vs. them” mindset. Particularly if you have children together, you’ll need to consider how you can have a long-term, hopefully cooperative, relationship with your former partner long after the case is over. Make sure that your lawyer understands your long-term goals as well.

Trust your Gut

Pay attention to your own intuition when selecting a lawyer. Does the lawyer speak English or legalese? How well does the lawyer listen? How about answering the question you actually asked? Can you trust him? Will the lawyer be available to answer your calls in a timely way? What is the lawyer’s track record of going to court or not? Is she a family law specialist? You’re entrusting your lawyer with so much, it’s important the lawyer values you as a person, not just as another file.

Think Outside the Box

There are options for working out the details of your divorce other than going to court. Think outside the courtroom box and consider divorce mediation or collaborative law. In divorce mediation, you work with a trained mediator who acts as a neutral third party to negotiate details of your agreement with you. Each party will have their own lawyer. In a mediation, you and your ex work together with a divorce mediator to hammer out a deal, going back to your lawyers to get legal advice on your solutions and how best to craft your solutions in your agreement.

In a collaborative arrangement, both lawyers work side-by-side with their clients to create agreement. Other related professionals, like financial planners, divorce coaches or therapists and parenting advocate can be part of the collaborative team. The intention upfront of all parties is to settle the divorce out of court. In fact, both lawyers must sign an agreement that if they are not able to reach an agreement, they cannot represent their clients in any future court proceedings.

Instead of their incentive being to drag the process out, collaborative lawyers have an incentive to reach agreement. The collaborative process offers a more respectful and humane way to end your marriage, and fortunately more and more clients are finding out about it and looking for attorneys with specialized collaborative training.

Getting divorced and navigating the legal system isn’t easy and can be overwhelming. It’s worth the time and energy upfront to find the right divorce lawyer for you who can be part of the solution, and not part of the problem.
Author Resource:- Author and spiritual divorce coach, Carolyn B. Ellis, founded Thrive after Divorce Inc. to help separated and divorced individuals improve relationships, increase self-confidence and save time and heartache. She is the author of The 7 Pitfalls of Single Parenting: What to Avoid to Help Your Children Thrive After Divorce. Visit
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