All About Law Firms
When you need to find a lawyer for a particular legal issue, you can always conduct your attorney search by looking through the Yellow Pages or on the Internet (or the online Yellow Pages for that matter). You can also consule a lawyer directory; the Bar Association in your state or province publishes such a directory every year. If you already have established a relationship with a lawyer who has little expertise in your particular issue, s/he may make a lawyer referral. Alternatively, you may wish to consider law firms, which are basically small (and sometimes large) corporations for which several lawyers in many different fields work.
One Stop Legal Shop
Unlike the lawyer who operates out of a store front in your town, those who work for large firms are salaried employees of that firm (known as associates) or may be partners who take a percentage of the profits. These organizations are common in many large cities, and some may maintain offices across the country and even overseas.
Typically, if an attorney search takes you to a law firm, you can expect to pay a lot more – but not necessarily. Law firms are more likely to take an injury case (known as a tort) on a contingency basis, meaning you won’t have to pay anything up front; the lawyer(s) involved receive a percentage of any award (typically around 30%). It’s a bit of a risk; if you lose your case, they’ll get nothing. If yours is a strong case however, they are usually willing to do this.
In many states, a law firm is required to contribute a certain amount of hours to pro bono work in order to keep its charter; this means there is no fee for their services. If you are involved in a criminal matter and cannot afford representation, you may wish to investigate this when doing your attorney search.
Find a Lawyer Who’s Right For Your Case
A typical legal firm will have lawyers working in the following areas:
• Criminal law
• Divorce and Family Law
• Traffic and DUI
• Torts (Personal Injury Law)
• Immigration
• Real Estate
• Business and Contract
• Wills and Estate Planning
• Tax Law
When you call such a firm, you’ll need to tell the receptionist the nature of your legal issue; an appropriate lawyer referral will be made. You may also consult the firm’s attorney directory ahead of time and request a particular individual.
Another Option
If you belong to a “legal club” or have a “legal plan” (which is similar to health insurance, except that these plans virtually always cover what it stated in the terms, and they do not “drop” people), you’ll be able to receive consultation from any number of law firms as part of your monthly dues (usually between $12 and $25 per month). It is one way to avoid many of the headaches of having to find a lawyer by sifting through an attorney directory. These clubs have at least one or two law firms in every state and province that can be accessed by members.
By: Jonathan Blocker
Article Directory:
Jonathon Blocker is a proud member of a attorney directory. lawyer referral service is what everyone would like access to when they need to find a lawyer.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Law Firms Are Now Online
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 9:15 AM
How Long to Get a Law Degree
Curious about finding out how long it takes to get a law degree? Most people that I have met who have gotten their law degrees say that it takes approximately four years to obtain your law degree from an accredited law school. However, today, we have many people that are now taking their degree courses online, and some of these online schools are putting out law students a bit faster than the standard four-year law graduate students of the past.
In order to be accepted into most law schools around the country, you most definitely have to have a Bachelor's degree, at minimum, just to be considered as a candidate for law school, and some people, of course, have their masters before they become lawyers, or even their doctorate. The official name of a law student graduate is a Juris Doctor in the United States, and in other countries, of course, their standards vary and the names that they give to their graduated law students are different than in the United States. For instance, in England, lawyers have the title of BA in Law, or Bachelor of Law, whereas in the United States, as stated above, a graduate is called a Juris Doctor, and their certificates read as such. In any instance, the standard time to become a lawyer, or to go through a law school course to be ready to pass your bar examination, usually is four years.
Education | Thursday, February 15th, 2007
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 9:13 AM
Ten Tips To Use The Law Of Attraction To Win At Casino Gambling
The Law of Attraction is the Law of the Universe that states that what you think about and focus on is what you will physically draw into your life to experience.
But what if you wanted to create more money for yourself by winning at gambling. Will the Law work for you then? The answer is Absolutely! -- as long as you are vibrating in the right place mentally while you are doing it.
You see, I know this for a fact because I have been both studying the Law of Attraction for 20 years as well as enjoyed gambling for approximately the same amount of time; and I can tell you without a doubt that as my studying and learning has progressed, so has my winnings and jackpots!
While this article will mostly be focused on winning at Video Poker games in casinos (because it is personally my favorite to play and I know the most about it) I am sure you will find a lot of tips here that can help you win at other games as well.
Here are a few simple tips to help you get into vibrational alignment with winning as well.
1. Don’t gamble with money you cannot afford to lose.
Now, this may sound like typical “moral” advice that anyone would tell you, but from a Law of Attraction standpoint it is especially important. The fact of the matter is, if you are playing with rent or bill money then you are playing with scared or guilt money! Playing with scared money will put you in a negative vibrational place right from the start and will make it much more difficult to draw more money to you.
If money is a little tight right now - start a JACKPOT JAR in your home. (Be sure to write Jackpot Jar on it by the way. This way every time you look at it you are giving yourself a positive affirmation. Eventually you will come to believe that that is exactly what it is. ) Put some money in it every week. It doesn’t matter if it is $2, $5 or $10. Just put a little aside until you have accumulated the amount you would like to bring to the casino with you. Maybe you can cash in the penny or change jar you have sitting in the corner of your bedroom that is doing nothing.
The point is to go on your trip with “guilt-free” or “fear free” money. You will automatically be in a better vibrational place knowing that it really doesn’t matter if you win or lose it, as long as you have fun!
2. Visualize Winning Before You Go
My father was one of the luckiest Video Poker players I have ever met. When he hit, it was usually for some pretty big amounts. I remember a $13,000 jackpot, a few $8,000 jackpots and too many $4,000 and $1,000 jackpots to count.
Now the funny thing is my father didn’t technically believe in the Law of Attraction per se, but a favorite hobby of his was to daydream (or visualize) about his next trip to Atlantic City and how he was going to win. He would say things like “First I am going to go to the quarter machine and hit $1,000 there, then I am going to take that money and go play the dollar machine and hit $4,000 there and then I am going to sit for an hour or two winning smaller amounts until I hit the big one.” (Is it any wonder I am a fan of Video Poker when I see someone win at it so easily?)
Now again, he didn’t do these visualizations as a “technique” to help him win, he just did it because it was fun for him think about. Regardless of the reason why he was doing it - I can tell you it absolutely worked!
It got to the point where if he won less than 3 jackpots in a weekend, it was considered a “slow” weekend.
Eventually he got so good at winning - the thought of losing didn’t even enter his mind. And Law of Attraction being what it is (what you think and believe is what you get) he hardly ever did lose.
So start visualizing winning before you even go. Start small if a “huge jackpot” seems too unbelievable to you. Say O.K. first, I’ll win $100 here, then win $300 there. Imagine the perfect hands that will be dealt to you. Feel the excitement you would feel as if you had really won. Envision yourself counting a huge wad of bills on your trip home and how good it feels. Do this as often as possible before your trip so you are already on a great vibrational level before you even arrive at the casino.
3. Practice at Home
If you are reading this, chances are you have access to the internet. The internet has tons of free sites where you can practice “winning.”
Find your favorite game free online and practice how winning feels. (Don’t pay attention to any losing hands in your free play) just focus on how “easy” it is to win. Feel as if you are playing with real money. Feel the excitement, feel your confidence grow as you get one winning hand after another.
Now that you are fully prepared for your trip, here are more tips for when you get there:
4. Watch Your Words
While negative thoughts can keep you from winning, those thoughts spoken aloud can be ten times more powerful. Be careful not to fall into typical “casino talk” that is so common for players. For instance:
How much are you down?
How much money do you have left?
Nobody seems to be hitting today (or the opposite).
Everybody seems to be hitting today except me.
I’m never lucky in this place.
I can’t get any play.
I can’t seem to do anything
I hate this place
This place Sucks!
Remember, Universe is following your lead. When you utter these kinds of thoughts and feelings, universe responds as always by bringing more of it to you.
Try more positive statements such as:
My winning machine is calling to me right now, I just have to listen.
My jackpot is waiting for me here somewhere and I am going to find it.
The right machine is going to jump right out at me.
I love coming here, I always have such a good time!
5. Truly Enjoy The Game While You Are Playing
Stop focusing on the credits that are going in and out or the amount of chips left on the table and bring your focus back to the enjoyment of the game itself.
There have been many times, especially in Video Poker where I have gone into “auto-mode”. I have been playing the game for so many years, that not much thought is needed to automatically hold certain cards that are dealt in a hand. Unfortunately this leaves my attention open to focus on the amount of credits in the machine instead, and if the amount is going down, my vibration goes with it.
I have since learned to refocus on the fun of the game itself. I now slow down my auto response. I sometimes pretend to be a novice to the game. I get myself deliberately excited over something as little as a pair of 2’s that are dealt to me, wondering how cool it would be to draw another one --possibly even two more of them! Yeah! I no longer wait for only the “big” hands to get me excited. I purposely enjoy the game. The more I enjoy, the more I am vibrating positively. The more I am vibrating positively, the more good hands I bring to myself that give me something to be genuinely happy about.
So slow it down. Remember why you are there. To have fun. If you are focused on having fun, the money will come naturally.
6. Switch Up Your Game
Did you ever wonder why “beginners luck” occurs so often? I firmly believe it is because a person who doesn’t know how a game is played, can’t have any negative thoughts or resistance associated with it.
An experienced video poker player may know that 9 out of 10 times that 5th card for the Royal Flush will not come up, but a novice has no idea. So where an experienced player might not believe it is going to happen because it is usually difficult, a novice has no such mental resistance.
If you feel you are not having any luck at your usual game of choice, go play a game you have no clue about. I can’t tell you how many times I have won money and didn’t even know what I hit or did to get it. What fun! Then I take the winnings from that and go back to my usual game with a whole new winning vibration.
7. Go on a Good Luck Charm Treasure Hunt
So, do good luck charms really work? We are talking about Law of Attraction here, so obviously they will work if you believe they will.
Does it have to be a certain charm? Not at all. My mother and I have been going to Atlantic City together for years. One of our favorite things to do when things are going slow is go on a Good Luck Charm Treasure hunt.
When someone wins a machine jackpot, the casinos place little white cards in the coin slot that says “Congratulations! You are a winner!, as the person is getting paid. Quite often people leave these lying around and I love to find them and use them as my good luck charm because they already have winning associated with them. If however, after 4 or 5 hands they haven’t brought any luck, we look for other things.
Sometimes it can just be a swizzle stick lying around. I will pick it up and hold it out as if it is the Holy Grail and claim “This is it! This is the one!” and gently place it on my machine. We’ve had more fun coming up with the strangest of charms to use and experiment with.
One time we drew a little Kilroy figure on a piece of paper. (You know the guy with the big nose and hands looking over the wall?). We put him on the top of our machine and had all sorts of fun with him. We would rub his little bald head before hitting the play button. My mom would turn him over and make him face the wall if he didn’t give us the second hand we wanted. We ended up having such a good time and so many laughs, that we ended up doing very well that day.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it was “Kilroy” who made us win, but we were having so much fun playing with him, our mood and vibration so light and happy, that Universe had no choice but to respond in kind and matched our vibration with lots of winning hands and money. Remember it is all about the vibration you are sending out. Abundant good feelings brings more abundance in other ways.
8. If You Can’t Change Your Negative Vibe - Walk Away For Awhile
Sometimes no matter what you do, you can’t shake a losing attitude. If you find this happening to you it is time for a little mental distraction. You know the saying “No sense in throwing away good money after bad”
If you are operating from a negative place, it will only bring more negative (i.e. more losing). So it is time to walk away for awhile and change your mood in other ways. If you are lucky enough to have a hotel room go there for awhile. Rent a $10.00 comedy on the television (believe me you would lose a lot more than that if you kept playing negatively for 2 hours on the casino floor) and lighten your mood.
Maybe go window shopping in the Casino mall, listen to the live band playing in the lounge, go for a walk on the boardwalk or the strip. Go get yourself a great snack or meal you would normally not eat at home. Up your vibration, feel better and then go back and play. Again, it is all about vibration.
9. Put Your Emotion Into Your Winning Hands - Not Your Losing Ones
Let’s say you have 4 cards to a winning hand dealt to you and you do not pull the last card that you need. What is your immediate first response? Do you feel hopeful that at last the cards are starting to line up for you and a winning hand is on its way soon or do you feel disappointment or anger that you “missed” it and find yourself fuming for the next 20 minutes.
Again, your vibrational reaction makes all the difference. If you focus only on the hands you didn’t win guess what you will get? More non-winning hands. If you put your emotion into the excitement of the winning hands, no matter how small, guess what you will get? More winning hands.
Learn to change your focus and put more of your happy emotion into the winning hands only. This leads us to the last and most important tip to winning more with the Law of Attraction.
10. Gratefulness
Personally I have found that nothing helps me win more than constant gratefulness while I am playing. If I win even as little as 5 coins I will say “Thank you Universe and more of that please!“ Like I mentioned above, I purposely get myself more excited about the wins and have learned to feel little or no emotion at the losses. I also make a concentrated effort to appreciate every thing around me. I am grateful for the air conditioned casino in the summertime. The fun sounds and lights I am surrounded by. The free drinks. The shouts of people winning at the craps table across the casino ( I love hearing the excited sounds of others winning! It boosts my spirits and makes me want to win even more, so I can share in the excitement.) I enjoy the company of the people I go down to the casino with, the food in all the restaurants, the clean hotel room.
Remember the reason you went was to have fun. Make that your priority and Universe will respond in kind and make sure it is fun for you.
Happy Creating!
By: Janeen Clark
Article Directory:
Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like to read more Manifestation Exercises that you could put into practice right now, please visit her website at or her daily blog at
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 9:12 AM
Law Of Gratitude Breaking From Poverty
How does one break from the horrors of penury? It is through gratitude that one changes his or her energy. Two types of energy that we experience are negative and positive energy. Both types determine what you manifest in your life. The number one thing that one has stop thinking is, that it is ok to be poor. There is nothing noble about being poor. Poverty attracts thievery, deception, crookedness and a host of other negative actions. Center yourself around prosperity, no matter what your current reality may be. Change the way you think, and it will change the way you live. The way you can do this is by flooding your mind with positive affirmations through motivational tapes, inspirational reading and applying it to you everyday living. Things will begin to change for the better, but one must be constant about it.
The law of Gratitude is positive energy that is given eventually returns with rewards. The Law of Gratitude is that sense of satisfaction in knowing that energy, which has been given, receives its certain reward according to its nature. Energy that is given moves out on that curved and unequal line, and when extended far enough, can only return to its source bearing gifts. Keep in mind that there is no magic button you can press and woo-la everything is wonderful. It does not work in that sense. However, one will see small changes from day one because that energy has changed from negative to positive. If you need more money, love, and friendship in your life, then learn to give it. Opportunity is in every problem you are experiencing Have you notice how Jesus is always giving thanks before he prays? "Thank you father for thy hear-est me." This is true faith in believing the unseen. Make a point every morning to give thanks and to be grateful for what you already have. Be grateful for your bills, for they are blessings that you have already received. Think about it.
One must apply this law to his or her business life as well. Be grateful if you did not get that job, it may have been the wrong one on down the line. Be grateful for everything that is happening to you because it is suppose to happen. You are being prepared for success. One can not experience success with a cluttered mind. I was told once in my life, it is better to get my shit together than to gather my shit up! I had to think about that one, but it made a difference in my life. Prosperity is all around you, but you must be willing to receive it. Have all the things you desire through your creator, he will provide them for you. He can only do for you what he can do through you.
As you center yourself around prosperity, all negative things will just fall away. Your desires will change. One will no longer want to do the same thing that they have done in the past.
By: Robert Flowers
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Learn how to use The Law of Gratitude from this know expert that changed his life for the better. For a free e-book The Astonishing Power of Gratitude Visit Visit Blog:
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 9:11 AM
Understanding The Intricacies Of Employment Law In Woodland Hills
An employee being sexually harassed discriminated against or wrongfully deprived of overtime pay and seeking recovery thereof, may find the experience puzzling, tiresome and emotionally stressful.
He/She has several options: settle the dispute by mediation or conciliation or bring the matter to the court. In either case, the participation of a lawyer is inevitable.
If this happens in Woodland Hills, the place has several employment law attorneys to whom you can consult or seek legal advice.
Necessity of Employment Law Attorneys
Employment Law is often confusing especially to ordinary employees who have limited knowledge on it. Workers need sound guidance in their plight against powerful and influential employers.
They need legal assistance in all aspects of state and federal employment law issues such as:
• Discrimination
• Sexual Harassment
• Injunctions
• Defamation
• Family Medical Leave and Pregnancy Leave
• Wrongful Termination of Employment
• Retaliation
• Unpaid Wages
• Employee Rights
• Overtime Compensation
• Employment Laws
• Severance Agreements
• Trade Secret Agreements
• Non-Competition Agreements
• Whistleblower Claims
• Administrative Law
Managing Employment Problems
Disputes on employment do not necessarily result to lawsuits. One way of preventing this is by alternate dispute resolution.
Alternate dispute resolution includes a variety of procedures in resolving employment disputes. The parties may decide to utilize arbitration, mediation or conciliation. All of which are reasonable and efficient means to resolve a conflict. In fact, it is widely recommended under the Americans with Disabilities Act to settle disagreements.
Even at this stage, the presence of someone who is knowledgeable with the law is necessary. His/Her absence will not assure you of the best possible bargaining settlement. That is why, it is best to hire an employment attorney.
Intricacies of Employment Law
Employment law is often a frustrating area of law as it covers all areas of the employer-employee relationship. In fact, the existence of such relationship must be alleged and clearly shown.
Mind you, the determination alone of whether an employee-employer relationship exists demands time and effort. Much more with the other intricate area of employment like wrongful termination, whistle blowing, discrimination, workers compensation, harassment, and other unfair practices by the employer.
Of course, the determination of what is the applicable law poses a lot of challenge. Like in many areas in California, particularly in Woodland Hills, many of these issues are administered by applicable federal and state laws that are very complicated.
For instance, federal laws addressing discrimination in the workplace primarily are set forth under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII).
California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), however, provides greater protection for employees than that provided by Title VII. FEHA also prohibits discrimination based on marital status. Furthermore, Title VII only covers employers who employ 15 or more employees, while FEHA generally applies to employers with only five or more employees.
These laws and their applicability may be too complicated enough for an employee to understand.
Undeniably, hiring a Woodland Hills employment law attorney will definitely make your case easy to navigate. Hence, if you think you have a case to file, act immediately and seek for the right attorney to handle your legal problem.
For credible assistance on your Employment Law concerns, log on to our website and consult our team of expert Woodland Hills attorneys. We also impart free case evaluation for our clients.
By: Mary Jean Kuda
Article Directory:
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 9:10 AM