The importance of the awareness of one's True Self. Principles of metaphysical healing.
By Leonard Lee
Awareness of Self
Most people identify the lower components of their microcosmic being as the Self. This is a misconception that results in suffering and pain in everyday experiences. It also prolongs soul-bondage to matter, to Maya, to the wheel of birth and rebirth. Buddhism, for example, teaches that there is no self in that which is ephemeral, and although exoterically, they deny the existence of a self within man, teachers of Vajrayana Buddhism do assert the existence of what they call "the Clear Light of the Void" which is correlative with the concept of the Self in Hindu Philosophy. This Self is independent of the lower principles within the microcosmic being of man. In Western Esotericism, this Self is called "the Monad," "the Virgin Spirit," or "the Divine Spark" issued from the Universal Supreme Being. It is a "fragment" or a facet of the Divine Universal Self, the Universal Being; and as such, it has all the qualities and attributes of its "Parent-Flame."
The One God is often described in Christian literature as omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. To the Buddhist It is Unborn, Unconditioned, Unlimited and Unformed. It is the Tao, with which Lao Tse knew to be nameless. The Real, Divine Being within is our True Being. It is "man" created in God's image. In actuality, it is God individualized as man. Man's Real Self is perpetually attuned with the Divine Mind of the Supreme being and through that attunement, partakes of divine nourishment. Awareness of, and the identification with the Real, with Reality and Truth lies the secret of the Ages related to illumination, life, and power. Conversely, ignorance of man's true estate is the cause of spiritual death. It is a state of non-awareness of the verities of the Divine Self and Absolute Reality. Ignorance causes us to misapprehend the external world. We perceive it as solid and stable, whereas it is void and subjected to the Law of Change. In his book, The Inner Reality, Paul Brunton defines ignorance in this way :
"Ignorance means that you confuse the unreal with the Real, and that you take sense-impressions, thoughts, opinions, or visions to be the one permanent reality which is unchanging." (1952:174)
In contrast to our Real Ego, that which we call our self is an illusion. It is our consciousness deeming itself to be a separate being, a created creature. Our waking consciousness is an integral part of the ocean but it believes itself to be an individual droplet. The Aquarian Gospel considers this concept of the self to be an illusion that should pass away if one aspires to illumination, enlightenment, or salvation--it is insufficient to simply call "Lord, Lord . . . " (Matt. 7:22-23). The Aquarian Gospel, a manuscript derived from Akashic sources also claims that the lower nature of man, the carnal self is the devil within. It says that,
"The only devil from which men must be redeemed is self, the lower self. If man would find his devil he must look within; his name is self." (8:21)
Understanding and being aware of our Real Self is essential if we are to live and function constructively and creatively in the lower worlds as a divine being. Self-reliance, self-confidence, and self-expression take on a deeper meaning when these attributes are realized to be dependent upon the True Self and not to the false ego. Self-confidence is in reality God-confidence. Reliance on the false ego for motivation and inspiration creates unpleasant circumstances as well as the grotesque, obnoxious and repulsive sights and sounds that we see about us. Let us take "self-expression," for instance, as applied in the philosophy and cultivation of art. Every artist is more or less aware of this term. But the "self" they believe in and refer to is simply the content of their subconsciousness, which more often than not, is filled with psychedelic images, gruesome forms, phobias, neurosis, and unresolved energies. Most critics of the art world hold such "self-expressions," so-called artistic works in high regard. The standard of divine beauty it would seem--the expression of the true uniqueness of the Monad, as a facet of the Supreme Being, as was known in ancient Greece--has practically been forgotten by modern man who is materialistically-oriented. We can see from this that the aesthetical sense of a large portion of humanity has been degraded by ignorance of the true Self coupled with an impure subconscious and conscious mind.
Putting off the old man, the false ego, and putting on the new, the Higher Self, becomes a necessity if a utopian-consciousness is to be made manifest in man's mind and to appear as Heaven on earth. This is the Christian's long awaited Kingdom of God in which the vigil and the waiting are observed but not the laying of the foundation. It is the fact of man's dual nature that caused the Nazarene Master in the Aquarian Gospel to quip that,
"Man is the Truth and falsehood strangely mixed." (22:12)
It is incumbent upon the metaphysician to point out to the seekers the manner in which this may be achieved, in which the synthetic image of man may be shed, for most if not all of our social ills are derived from ignorance--from man's false identification with the unreal. Sacrifices of animals in ancient cultures and religions are outward, symbolical practices of the sacrificing of one's carnal self upon the altar of truth. Consorting with the false, and mortal principles makes it difficult for it to be sacrificed and to identify with the true. In the Corona Class Lessons, "Kuthumi" comments on this:
"The frailty of human reason is ever in its identification with the finite self. A sense of being entangled in the process of identification with the objects and experiences hinders the revelation of man's true spiritual nature." (1986:259)
Our present world-dilemma is actually a manifestation of the identity-crisis in man. The only antidote to this problem is in the principle of being centered, and living in God-Consciousness rather in the lower consciousness of the mind. About two thousand years ago we were exhorted by the Christ to seek that we shall find. After looking here and there, many still do not know what they are seeking or why. That which is sought for lies within and not without, and it is Truth that we seek that discloses to us our Reality, our True self. The quest for the Holy Grail in the Authurian legends is simply the search for one's immortal principle, for the Reality beyond the Veil of Isis. This truth emancipates us from mortal limitations, mortal conditions, mortal thoughts--mortality, in short. In teaching, healing and counseling the metaphysician has to stress the importance of this vital law. Most, if not all metaphysical techniques and principles depend on the right understanding of man's Divine, immortal nature.
In this section we will discuss some of the various principles applicable to the metaphysical ministry as related to the themes mentioned in the previous chapter. As man never ceases to be a student of Nature, so the metaphysician never desist from learning the higher unseen causes that affects one's world, and the laws and principles whereby one may be a master of his world, of one's destiny. It would, therefore, be impossible to deal exhaustively with all of the principles and the finer points of Cosmic Laws that the metaphysician should be aware of, as there are many of such that are as yet to be discovered. We will instead discuss a few that we feel to be of vital importance to one's ministry.
The Immaculate Concept
Many people are besieged by depressive thoughts--not all of which are of their own making. For negative thoughts, the tempting demons that they are, may have an external source that attaches themselves to vulnerable persons. Occultism actually call these "larva." Thoughts are things. They are energy-patterns that possesses independent life of their own, and as such they may live outside of the force-field of their creator. According to psychics, these thoughts, or thought-forms, may appear in varied forms, in accord with the nature of those thoughts. Negative thoughts such as greed, for instance, may appear like a creature resembling an octopus with its many tentacles. Thoughtforms may attach themselves to people other than the creator of those thoughts, and they may have detrimental effects upon the psyche, and the somatic system--that is, if the thoughtforms are debased, negative, depressive, and destructive in nature. It is by being aware of this principle that we may exercise a certain power of good by using it constructively for the benefit of our fellow beings. Indonesian shamanism and Javanese Kejawen recognize these harmful larva that attaches themselves to one's aura, and engage in empowered shower-rituals called "ruwatan" to cleanse one's force-field from the presence of these quasi-beings and their destructive work.
It is apparent from the above that there are two points to be considered:
1) The protection of man against negative forces and thoughtforms.
2) The conveying of the Truth, the immaculate concept regarding man--the highest, divine thoughts and principles on Reality and the True Self to one's fellow men.
Regarding the first point, it would be important to recall the law that "like attracts like." The metaphysician should personally practice and educate his clients of the necessity of being pure in body, mind, and soul; and of thinking, feeling, and living constructively, creatively, positively, and divinely. This may effectively be carried-out by the correct knowing, identification and awareness of what constitutes the True Self. Purity and the positive state of mind acts as an etheric barrier to unknown sources of negative energies and forces in the forms of thoughts and feelings that seek to strike the unwary. Indonesian shamanism teaches of two forms of possessions, one by a living entity and this is called "kesurupan." The other by negative energies and this is referred to as "kesambet." The importance of protection against being kesambet is the reason why in the Eightfold-path of Buddhism we are taught to think and act rightly, in conformity to the divine purity of our innate nature. Another method of protection of great usefulness is to mentally create a white light surrounding the physical form. This acts effectively as a shield against the onslaught of negative thoughtforms, and mental and psychic attack.
The above principles implies that each and every one of us may be responsible for the many forms of crime in our society even though physically we may not have lifted a hand to cause any violence. Our unbridled fantasies and repressive emotions of a base nature are contributing causes of social felony and violence. For example, we may fantasize exterminating someone whom we dislike, and although not doing it in actuality, the thought lives on and tempts a poor weak soul who does listen to the "demonic voices" and thus initiates action. It is even probable that we are chosen to be the victims. Thus, externally, we may fall prey to our own thoughts and feelings; this is our inner reality taking shape and reflecting upon the world that we experience. We become a victim of circumstances by having created and putting the causes into motion in the realm of the mind. The Piscean avatar warned us of this principle by saying that to lust after a married woman is the same as committing adultery.
This brings us to the second point which is the converse side of the above. Holding the concept, the idea of our immaculate divine nature in our minds, by knowing and attuning with the Divine Mind, we tend to telepathically stimulate the minds of others as well, awakening them from their spiritual slumber. This should be reinforced by perceiving others not as they appear to be but what they are in Reality--the Divine Self. Our divine influence upon others is thus enhanced. No judgment and condemnation could occur in such a state and conflict is annihilated. With such a state of mind we radiate energy of a certain frequency that stimulates all with whom we come into contact. In India, for instance, the people intuitively know this and when the chance occurs, they would gather around holy sages for a "darshan." The negative side of this is that they end up worshipping images and divine messengers and not applying in their lives the Word of God pouring forth from their mouths--Jesus Christ was such an example. Nowadays more emphasis is placed on the importance of his person rather than on his teachings, which if they had been applied, would have long ago manifested Heaven on earth and triggered the "second-coming." The Nazarene Master had such a spiritual quality in his aura and mien, and he lived in such a manner that even the possessive entities recognized him as a "Son of God." Apparently, the magnetic waves radiating from his person were a little too intense for their liking.
From the above we can see how necessary it is to refrain from judging and gossiping about others, from perceiving their so-called weaknesses which are merely of the lower components of their being and thinking that they are real, whereas instead we should focus more on what is. Seeing perfection is a means of materializing it--it is having that intense faith built upon the foundation of Truth that has the power to move mountains to the sea; it is seeing the Divine Self made manifest in the physical world; to see the macrocosm, God's immaculate image, in the microcosm. This living idea influences spiritually, and telepathically, the lethargic minds who are unable to hold the vision for themselves. The professional metaphysician should establish his relationships with clients and students based upon such an insight, for it connects and unites his Higher Self with theirs. Divine Healing in a holistic manner then becomes an easy matter. To hold an immaculate concept of ourselves and others--on behalf of ourselves and others--is the task and onus of a metaphysical practitioner.
Metaphysical Healing
Too many therapeutical systems deal exclusively with the symptoms or effects of an inharmonious condition occurring within a person. Seldom do they consider the immaterial causes that bring dis-ease into manifestation. It is estimated that around 80% of our varied illnesses have their cause in the psyche--the emotional and mental being of man. This would indicate that medicine working exclusively upon mere symptoms and not treating the core of the problem is 80% ineffective in resulting in a permanent cure. This is not to infer that medicine proper is without worth as a therapeutical system, it is just that it has to include in its methods the proper evaluation and diagnosis of the psycho-states that results in ill-health--and indeed, advances are being made in the field of psychosomatic medicine. It is in this field that one begins to thread in the area of metaphysical healing, for this particular form of therapy is concerned with one's spiritual balance, with the state and condition within one's psyche. Spiritual health--the state of being in harmony with the universe, with the Tao--is the basis of physical health. In the years to come medical science will probe deeply into the subtle bodies, studying occult anatomy and physiology. This study, however, should be undertaken now by the metaphysician if he is to be an effective instrument of healing. The healing of others, and self-healing is a challenge to every individual, and it is the work of the metaphysician to inculcate the principles and techniques of health and healing to the populace.
Faith plays a prominent role in any system of healing. It would be accurate to say that without faith and the will to live, chances for healing is reduced by a large margin. In most "miraculous" healings, it is this spiritual quality of receptiveness which faith instills that allows the divine energies from the Universal Source to descend into the psyche to purify, and to energize the psychosomatic system. This is a principle that should be recognized by the metaphysician as he is too likely to believe that he is the sole instrument in any healing treatment. Patients are likewise in error should they consider that they were healed by a certain healer after having visited a whole line of doctors and healers. The healing process probably started a long time before it culminated in a healing-treatment given by a certain healer. The healer likewise develops arrogance and pride as a result of believing that s/he is the sole cause of the healing.
In the metaphysical healing process, the arousal of faith in the mind of the patient should be the first step. This principle was known by the ancient practitioners of theurgy and thaumaturgy. The Piscean Avatar, for instance, made it a prerequisite condition for those seeking his divine aid in returning a state of harmony back into their physical bodies. The role faith play in healing is one of the reasons why catalysts in the form of amulets and talismans that influence and transform the conscious and subconscious minds are sometimes effective in healing--as every Polynesian Kahuna and shaman knows.
Not every individual is easily healed. There may be various reasons why a healing may not take place. People get ill for various reasons and although in their conscious minds they may seek alleviation from their illnesses, but deep down inside their subconscious mind they may not at all be anxious to get well. This may seem to be paradoxical, nevertheless, this is a true state of things, and one that faces the challenge of the metaphysician to get to the root of the problem. Some of the possible reasons why people unconsciously militate against the amelioration of their health is that they desire the attention of others. Feelings of being unloved causes an emptiness in the heart and disrupts the natural frequency of the energy-centers in the etheric body. Being ill gives them a morbid sense of fulfillment in the attention that they crave that is being shown upon them. Ted Andrews in his book, The Healer's Manual, gives other pertinent reasons which we will not belabor here.
Copyright © 2006 Luxamore
Leonard Lee aka Luxamore
Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.
Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, amulets, mustika pearls, kerises, etc.
Magickal Bezoar Mustika Mani Pearls from Indonesia.
Friday, January 4, 2008
The Awareness of Metaphysical Laws and Principles Part 2
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:19 AM
The secret and the law of attraction philosophy can change your life.
The law of attraction was first published in the book the science of getting rich and states that you get what you think about. This philosophy is centered on the idea that your thoughts and emotions control your destiny.
By ken wilson
The law of attraction was first published in the book the science of getting rich and states that you get what you think about. This philosophy is centered on the idea that your thoughts and emotions control your destiny. The science of getting rich was written in the year 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles and has inspired a successful film called the secret. At the very core of the movie the secret is the law of attraction philosophy which reveals a whole new perspective on reality: we attract those things in life that we focus on. You can find out all the information you need on this fascinating subject at
The law of attraction, also the central idea of the movie the secret, tells us that we are the ones that create our very own reality. Our thoughts and feelings are closely related to our existence and what we get in life. The reality around us depends on the positive or negative things that we choose to focus on. For example, if we only see the negative parts in something we will never see anything positive that might be there right in front of us. If someone repeatedly states that he hates his job he will never see any of the satisfying aspects. The law of attraction is as simple as that. Just wanting something isn’t enough if we are obsessed with not having it. The result of a negative mentality will be blocking out our true desires.
The science of getting rich, and later on the secret lead to an unprecedented phenomenon. Especially after viewing the secret people were thirsty for more information on the Universal Laws. They were eager to find out how to make the most of their natural capabilities. The movie made them feel tired of attracting negatives and become prepared to embrace a completely new mentality. It is important to realize that attracting wellbeing and abundance is knowledge to a certain extent. This knowledge has become available to anyone by means of the science of getting rich and the law of attraction.
There are many different types of personalities and each person has its own way of manifesting. Some people are better at manifesting than others and they sometimes seem to really be the lucky ones. These people look like they have everything they want in life and they put so little effort into obtaining it. This may be a consequence of the fact that they were born with the knowledge of manifesting already intact. However, not being born with extraordinary capabilities doesn’t mean you can’t practice and even surpass the talent manifested by another person. People who are so efficient in attracting the positive have usually trained their minds into completely focusing on their desires. They sometimes attract without even realizing that they do so, because they have already learned the power of their own thoughts so well. If someone came to such a person and suggested that they couldn’t have something or don’t deserve it, this person wouldn’t even pay attention. Not deserving is not part of their reality anymore. Completely eliminating negatives and barriers can do wonders for your life and you can experience an incredible feeling of liberation. Understanding how the law of attraction truly works can be the first step to a life filled with accomplishments and abundance.
Your thoughts control what you get in life. The law of attraction as described in the science of getting rich tells us to make the most of our lives by exploring our own natural capabilities. Whatever we want in life we can obtain with the proper mentality and approach to things. The secret has opened people’s minds to the Universal Laws and brought them a brand new perspective on their existence. Wallace D. Wattles introduced the world to the science of getting rich and brought great changes into many people’s lives around the world. At you will find all the information you need to start making a change in your life.
The law of attraction was explained very well in the movie the secret and has changed many lives. The philosophy of the law of attraction was first stated in the secret of getting rich by Wallace Wattles and states that we get what we focus on. Find out more by visiting our website.
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:17 AM
The Law of the Path of Least Resistance
What does a Lama wool sweater, quantum physics, and hating your job have anything to do with one and another? Come and discover the strange twist within.
By Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin
What is easier? I have an old habit of placing a large Lama wool sweater, much cheaper and bulkier than the Irish, back on top of another. Just as lumpy. It never fails, the first one always brings the resting one down on my heels. I have been doing this for twenty years now, but it has become a ritual of much comfort and satisfaction. In homage to Loki, the Norse Scandinavian trickster God. Even though it pushes me far past the reaches of the most cunning aquatic Chinese expert in the act of pain can ever devise. So what keeps me from taking the extra time to clean the shelf off and try something new by placing them alongside each other on the bottom or the top of the other heavy New England gear?
What would be harder to do? Plan and act consciously. Engage the time needy by choice to arrange a new way of doing things. Or keep wearing the worn out loafers that became my trusted friend. Even at the increase of my bunions and woes? To borrow from Kurt Vonnegut, but sort of different? I will use his terms of Karrass and Granfalloons, loosely though to tell only a small white foma. For arguments sake, lets assume that a Karrass is when nature finds its natural path through its journey of motion to rest and back again. Granfalloons are what seems to be easy in the moment to facilitate the journey. For even though you are traveling even faster, it does not necessarily mean you are on the right road?
Before I go into the next part of this unstructured essay; I have a small story;
A small bird once fell out of its nest into a pile of fox poo. Even though he fell from a great distance, the poo cushioned his fall. Kept him warm. Gave him comfort. The small bird spied the fox returning and chirped for his kind assistance. The Fox bent down and pulled the small bird out by the scruff. Jerked his head and swallowed him down.So what is the moral of this tale: If you find yourself fallen from a great height. Be appreciative if you are warm and safe. For those who are willing to bring you back up to the same bough that snapped, might not be doing you any favors.
Granfalloons. Some fomas act as a band aid. They keep your mind clean and unasssailed for a period. But without the access of the spirit of the air, it never closes or heals. It just is soggy. Sometimes the foma is the prodigal son. Who says being late for work is a bad thing, it could of made you check your watch in a hurry as the pick pocket passed unnoticed. But any foma kept too long is like two day old skin on the eczema scalp. But the Granfalloons sell you the same leaky pot they steal back from you in the night. They carry it back to the well empty. Because it was empty by the time you entered the house. For the waters of life still run deep within you. For the even the good pot is a foma. The best and final water carrier is through the mouth. Just be lucky. If some one was watching out for you, there might be flowers from the path of your leaky cauldron. That is if the Granfalloon did not step on them in the dark.
Once at Docspond, a whirlpool formed from a crack in the side of the tunnel. I watched twigs twirl about. Then sucked down in a furry. Why? Because it was the least path of resistance. The molecules before it gave up their seat in a hurry. Only natural thing was to fill it quick and shoot past the singularity out the other side. At which point it follows the most desired path of water, up! For when water is in streams it desires to rise. When in clouds, to fall. In this process it will move balloons and mountains. For what is a black hole anyway.
When friction is removed, it is not always the best proponent of motion. For when you are sailing down the ski slope at maddening speeds, has your risk of injury increased. So is the snow and slope only enabling at best? Is it displacement only? Friction of the wind increases.
Is the way of your life like the space ship. As it approaches the speed of light, created an increasing proportion of friction. Now how do you remove the space in front of. To open the draw bridge? Quantum Physics is the science based on quantitative study of parts and motions of something no one has ever touched, seen, heard, or smelled, But the atom does exist and has done dreadful things in the name of peace. The power within. Is that the new science? If new, has it been here since the beginning? Like the line in a whore house, it moves quickly. Chain reactions are the emptying of a space that quantum parts sense as a relief from the pressure that assails it in all other direction. Even if the rest is infinitesimal Like air feeling the pressure of elastic, upon it, flies out with the smallest of pin holes.
So how do you remove the friction from your life? It starts within. The belief you want it and deserve it. In knowing it already happened. Which at that point it is for you to only sit in the back of the bus. Granted you still had to work a forty hour week to earn wages to pay for the Greyhound. It might not be comfortable, but as long as you stay aboard, it gets you to the place you had paid for in advance. If you get off, it is a long walk back to the place you hang your hat. And it might not be home. But you can always work another week to take the journey again. This time finish it for their is allot of Granfalloons who would like to see you stop midway to pay them again.
Now animals are smarter. Stick a set of reindeer horns on a dog. It will try to take them off as fast as it can. What keeps yours on. Lust? Is five years of loneliness alone less than fifty years of a cold bed and heart? Where lies the foma? Six month of unemployment or forty years of an unanswered life of why you get out of bed at all? Only thing quicker than a line in a whore house is the speed of the pink slip after Christmas. So why do you wear those silly things?
Is the quick cut of the knife worse than the three years of death that follow the untreated cancer? So I find myself going to the shelf to prepare a place for the sweaters when I return them from the dry cleaners. My first new pair of Reeboks in two years arrived today. Mrs. Fox next door is doing better with her Cancer. They say she can get of the Chemo and she got to see the Florida Keys and found time outside work. She was pulled through the ringer to that singularity and spit back out. But she was spit back out into the waters of life. Even though she could not stay away from the work that was killing her, bag at her side and all. She still felt she had to be at work to be anyone. Small things she never seen or knew existed within her was killing her until they were examined. Can she get those things from within to shine on the x-ray? For what is within you can kill you or save you. Now if you choose not to let something beyond yourself to carry you through, do you just jump the bus. The road back to this point in the next life is a long one. But many die of thirst as the palms of the oasis is just on the horizon. Can she find a reason to drink the waters of life, or does she find a thief in the night scampering away with her pot.
I am just glad I had to deal with two shaved Lamas...
Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin is the owner of Norgeforge Studios and a counselor in his other love at Docspond Life Coach Services of the past twenty years.
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:16 AM
Employment law and the importance of understanding it
Employment law deals with rights and obligations of both employees and employers within the workplace. The failure to fulfill certain obligations or to respect employee rights leads to a large number of litigations every year.
By Anne Tide
Employment law deals with rights and obligations of both employees and employers within the workplace. The failure to fulfill certain obligations or to respect employee rights leads to a large number of litigations every year. Ending up in court can be avoided by maintaining yourself properly informed on your rights and obligations. However, if you have a complex employment law problem, it’s best that you consult a specialist. Makbool Javaid is one of the leading experts in employment legislation, having handled several high profile cases concerning employment issues.
When becoming part of a company or work group it’s only natural that you respect a set of well-established rules. The employment agreement you sign specifically requests that you fulfill certain obligations within the company. In return, your employer is obligated to respect your rights and the terms of the employment contract. The employment law contains all of the general rules that are to be applied within a workplace environment. Not respecting the rights and obligation by either employee or employer is punishable by law. Therefore, having superior understanding of the employment legislation is crucial to avoiding legal problems. Makbool Javaid is head of the employment group at Simons Muirhead & Burton and one of the best legal professionals in employment law matters. At you can read more about Makbool Javaid and his many accomplishments in the field.
The employment legislation also refers to legal rights during the hiring process. For instance, an employer should avoid asking questions about the applicant’s race, religion, sexual orientation and so on. These kinds of issues may only be discussed if brought up by the applicant. Furthermore, the employer is obligated to do several things before hiring a new employee. Obtaining a federal employment identification number, preparing an illness and prevention plan for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, setting up a pay system to withhold the taxes to be paid to the IRS – these are just some of the employer’s hiring process obligations.
The main concerns for most employees are probably their wages and job benefits. Federal and state employment laws deal with issues like the minimum wage or the workers entitled to overtime pay. Federal laws also set out some benefits which employees are entitled to, such as the family and medical leave. Other benefits are optional and must be negotiated during the hiring process. Violations of the employment wages law are unfortunately very common, due to the poor understanding of the law. The most serious violations include not paying minimum wage, not paying overtime or deducting too much for tips.
The complexity of the employment law has often leaded to misinterpretation or poor understanding. If you’re an employer or even an employee, you can have serious problems if you don’t respect the federal and state employment regulations. The best way to make sure everything is in order is to get legal assistance from a professional. Makbool Javaid, an expert in employment legislation, offers professional training on employment issues and advises on general employment law.
Not respecting the employment law regulations can lead to serious problems within a company. Getting professional assistance is always a good way to avoid getting into trouble. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about Makbool Javaid.
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:15 AM
Who Is Responsible For or Enforce The Law
In any state, a government has three functions. These are the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary.
By Olivia Hunt
In any state, a government has three functions. These are the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The concept it is of great antiquity and can be attributed to Aristotle through to Locke. In essence, the three organs of government-the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary should each have a discrete and defined area of power and that there should be a clear demarcation of functions between them; this is a true separation of power. The doctrine requires legislature to made law, executive to put it effect and the judiciary to adjudicate upon disputes. The doctrine further provides a system of check and balances, so from above discussion the executive is enforce the law. Now is the time to discuss that who is the executive. The executive may be defined as that branch of the state, which formulates policy and is responsible or its execution. The executive comprises the government and they are elected members of the parliament. In addition the civil service, local authorities and the armed forces, constitute the executive in practical terms.
The ETA provides electronic documents and records the same legal position as physical papers by declare that the authority of such electronic versions cannot be denied their legal effect on the basis of being electronic to be made. Where there are legal rules and principal are retention of documents and records, the ETA sets out the situation and necessities for satisfying such rules by storing the information provides in electronic form. Where the rule of law already specifically requires electronic records to be retained, or where a government agency or organ of state has must be predetermined additional requirements, such requirements must be shown in the base rules. The ETA definitely states that contracts know how to be formed electronically, where the parties have agreed otherwise. Any offer and receipt for a contract know how to be made in the form of electronic records or messages.
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:13 AM