By Antonio Thornton
I recently saw an article entitled "Clinton: Iraq War Bush's
Responsibility". I very rarely touch on political topics because I feel
politics in general is such rubbish. Not to mention, it effectively creates
the perception of separation and elitism which is totally against every
universal and spiritual principle known to man.
Nevertheless, I read about 2 paragraphs of the article and amazingly,
Clinton and other people actually feel the war in Iraq is Bush's "fault" and
responsibility. As if Bush elected himself president (twice), flew over to
Iraq, pushed a guy's shoulder and said, "Hey I'm picking a fight with you so
I can profit a few billion off the oil trade". Not!
WE created this war. Bush is only the personification (result) of the United
States' (and the world's) thoughts of creating war, corruption, and every
other negative event that we encounter in our lives. We created this
reality. We are just as responsible as Bush, the Taliban, Osama and everyone
else who talks about war, thinks about war.and writes about war. Yes, just
the writing of this article contributes to war.
The Law of Attraction states: You attract and bring forth what you think
about and focus on the most. We are the creators of the world we live in.
We, the people of this great nation (or whatever nation you may come from)
have created a burning desire to create war against anyone who may "hurt"
us. So war happens. And war continues to happen as long as it is the focus.
Just recently, Sen. Mitch McConnell said he doubts that a resolution
opposing a troop buildup in Iraq will pass. Vice President Dick Cheney said
the administration would proceed with additional troops even if a nonbinding
resolution won Senate approval. Sen. Joe Biden, who's now running for
President, was just quoted saying, 'It's not the American people or the U.S.
Congress who are emboldening the's the failed policy of this
president...' Wrong! It IS the American people - holding the thought of war
in their minds, talking about war, arguing about war. Let's not mention the
media's role in adding to the whole 'war conversation'.
Even these so-called 'anti-war' rallies are only just creating more war.
'Fighting' against war is about the most ridiculous oxymoron I've heard in a
while. I loved Mother Teresa's stance on anti-war rallies...She said, I'll
never attend an anti-war rally, when you decide to have a 'pro-peace' rally,
invite me!"
Obviously, Clinton's and Biden's comments were just blatant political ploys,
but they are the embodiment of public thought - passing blame. Most people
put blame on other people, events or things for the conditions in their
lives. People blame their bosses, their ex-wives, the government, the
terrorists, technology.even the weather for what's going on in their lives.
They find any and everything to point the finger at to avoid personal
The world needs to see that creating peace means focusing on finding,
developing and utilizing methods for peace. Really all that needs to happen
to create a successful campaign for peace is people believing that peace is
the answer. Just because a couple of people with particularly "big mouths"
say they don't want this war, doesn't mean that the majority is not still
calling out for it. When the Majority "believes" it is time for peace, we
will have it.
There is a common phrase that is perfect to illustrate my point on how to
achieve peace: "First you must believe (in peace) order to achieve
(peace)!" Just think about how quickly the world would change if we all
believed in the principles of peace.
About the author:
"Have You Seen The Secret? Are You New To The Law OF Attraction? Antonio
Thornton is an author, speaker and coach on Law Of Attraction and
Psycho-Cybernetics. Antonio's straight forward, ""practical-application""
approach has helped hundreds of people change their lives, simply by
changing their thinking. Visit the ThinkBanc blog today!"
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
Law Of Attraction: Clinton, Biden Blame Bush, but are Just As ...
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:10 AM
The Creative Process and the Law of Attraction
By Jane McCarthy McCarthy
Have you ever planted a seed in your garden?
If you have, you don’t have to be an expert gardener to know that your plant is already growing before you see any physical evidence.
You also have the common sense to know that thumping the ground and demanding to see immediate results will have no effect.
Instead, you allow nature to take its course, knowing that the small seed you planted will soon grow into a beautiful creation.
Throughout your life, you will plant countless seeds of creation.
However, the seeds will never mature into what you desire due to impatience or misunderstanding regarding the creative process.
You mistakenly believe that you must force the issue, however, this only serves to sabotage your dreams.
The first step in the creative process is to simply ask.
You choose what you want, but you must also be clear about what you want.
If you send a mixed message, you will only attract mixed results.
You only have to ask once.
If you ask more than once, you are sending a signal that you doubt the universe has heard you.
The second step in the creative process is to believe.
You must believe that it is already yours. You must believe that what you want is yours in the moment that you ask.
There is no shortage of what you desire. The universe is abundant. The universe also knows the path of least resistance for your desires to manifest. The universe knows the essence of what you are reaching for and it will effortlessly move all circumstances, people, and events, for you to receive what you wish for. It is at this stage in the creative process that many people get frustrated. They become impatient and start doubting. These feelings must be replaced with unwavering faith.
Remember, the universe is highly creative, far more so than most humans, because of their limiting beliefs. Your job is to figure out what you desire, but let the universe determine how to bring it to you. If you try to dictate exactly how your desires will be fulfilled, you are effectively limiting what the universe can do. The universe is unlimited in its possibilities. It knows better than we do. So, it’s important to allow it to do its magic without your intervention.
Step three, and the final step in the process, is to receive.
To receive, one merely has to feel good. Feel what it would feel like to have what you have asked for. Don’t worry about how, when, or where, just feel as though you have received. When you feel as though you have it now, and you make that feeling as real as possible, you will receive.
You must know that the universe supports you in everything that you do. If you follow the creative process by asking, believing and receiving, it will withhold nothing from you.
To learn more about creating the life of your dreams visit us at:
About the author:
Now you can get 7 Free Lessons from The Teachers featured in
'The Secret' and discover how to
create your dream life.
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:09 AM
Law Enforcement Training Careers
By Sarah Bell
Career: Career Opportunities In Point Lisas Trinidad
Careers In Promoting Environmental Business
Write your cover letter Together with the resume your cover letter is an extremely important factor to get thing noticed by the job market. The first step to finding your dream career is determining what it is. If you are looking for the perfect career for you but are unsure of where to look or what to look for, then don't go any further without doing a career search. A career search is a great way to learn about potential careers without making any commitments or signing any contracts first. You may not have a college degree in these areas but they all contribute to your skill base and just as importantly they demonstrate your learning capacity.
Employment Executive Business Recruiters Consultants Careers
Find out what your maker put you on this planet to do. Take a good look at the types of positions you've held to date along with your college major. Ask yourself, do I like where I'm at and where do I see myself in 5 years? Don't be ashamed if you're not sure. Visit your favorite job bank, type in keywords for your intended career field, and examine those positions to determine if any meet your satisfaction. If you are looking for a computer career your range of options is immense. Trying to choose which path to take or attempting to take a peek into the future can be nearly impossible. See tacoma washington educators career fair Sports medicine has two fields of expertise.
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Part-time internship work is beneficial when you are not being paid so that you can have another job as your main source of income. You would probably ask, is it possible to achieve career success with 5Ds? Yes, it is possible. These 5Ds I am referring to stands for Dependability, Determination, Delight, Detailed and Devoted. Not only will they increase your chances of achieving career success, they will also increase your motivation at work. See at government sites for career planning Salaries for pharmacists vary due to elements such as geographical location the amount of experience you have under your belt and the level of education you have completed. You know deep down inside you that you are a singing talent yet to be discovered.
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. Rather it is more a process in time wherein we come to know and trust our deepest desires intuition and clarity of mind. Each of these represents a career option by itself or throws up some characteristic in you - qualities that could be good assets in your future career options. See more at They can charge a lot for their services and the more successful dentists make a lot of money year in and year out.
About the author:
Gabrielle is an expert in job hunting internet resources general career information for over
20 years. More sources at
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:08 AM
Bringing The Law Of Attraction Into Your Life
By ryan marc read read
Getting Out of the Current Reality Trap
We tend to spend an overwhelming amount of attention on our current situation. We think about things the way they ARE - rather than the way they SHOULD BE. Because our dominant thoughts are on our current situation - these thoughts tend to be about daily worries, current lifestyle, how much money you currently have, the state of your current relationship and so on. These mediocre, passive thoughts do nothing for us!
All these thoughts do is simply keep in our lives our daily worries, current financial situations and current relationships. This is why CHANGE comes SLOWLY for most of us. We get obsessed with the way things ARE rather than the way things COULD be.
And so we stay "stuck" in our lives - year after year - observing the same things.
No growth, no abundance, no new wonderful discoveries or ideas - nothing. This is called the Current Reality Trap.
The sad thing is, , it does not have to be this way. You do not have to stay stuck in mediocrity. We are powerful, amazing beings - but sadly, many of us do not realize our own beautiful potential.
This is the difference between mediorce people and successful people. Mediocre people dwell on the present. Successful people look excitedly to what COULD be.
We've all heard of millionaires who suddenly went broke and lost everything. The amazing thing about these people is that they usually, with remarkable ease, gain back their wealth. This is because while their physical wealth may have been lost through bankruptcy or bad investments - their mindset - their INNER wealth - is focused on riches. And so riches pour back to them quickly. It's the Law of Attraction at work.
A Simple Technique to Begin Escaping the Current Reality Trap
We want to share with you a simple exercise you can do to help correct you thoughts and move you towards more abundance.
go to this site for seven great lessons that will change your life
Jane earns a decent income - but she's not happy. She still has car payments, she wants to send her kids to a better school, she needs to save up for her graduate level education. But no matter how hard she works she just never has enough. And to top it off - she owes the credit card companies tons of money.
Odds are - you know someone like Jane.
Most of us in Jane's situation will start to focus on what we DON'T have. But the problem is, when you fuss and complain about not having enough - you attract more bills to pay.
Jane might set a goal to get out of debt. This too is wrong...the goal of getting out of DEBT - keeps you forever in DEBT. You're thinking debt, debt, debt - and that's exactly what you attract into your life
This is how Jane would change her mindset once she attains mastery of the Law of Attraction
First she would change her goal. Her goal would no longer be "get out of debt". Her goal would be "absolute financial freedom". Now she's focusing on a positive. She would spend a few minutes every morning just day-dreaming about what she's going to do once she attains financial freedom.
The next thing Jane would do is auto-correct her negative thoughts. Her initial thought might be:
I'm so badly in debt - I don't know what to do.
I don't have enough to get the things I seek in life for myself and my family.
Slowly, she'd start correcting these thoughts:
I have a home, my kids are happy. I have a loving family.
I have a nice job with an opportunity for a raise.
I am healthy.
I should not feel so bad - many people don't have a house or a loving family
My debt will be paid off - when I start saving just a little bit every month.
There are people far worse off than I - 1 billion people worldwide have to survive on less than a dollar a day.
I'm grateful that I have a job and a middle-income lifestyle.
I like the idea of being rich.
I'm grateful that I have a car, nice clothes, can eat 3 meals a day, and can take the occasional vacation - most people cannot afford this.
I can believe that more money and multiple streams of income will open up to me in the near future.
So, by gradually changing her view of her circumstances, Jane corrects herself from negative thinking to positive thinking.
Slowly, her thoughts and dreams get bolder:
I believe my talents will help me earn more income soon.
I will soon have a business for myself.
I can see myself owning a 6-bedroom home by 2012.
I will have one million in the bank within 5 years.
Jane has started shifting into a mindset that lets the Law of Attraction flow freely in her favor - rather than against her.
Notice that her thoughts essentially shift from
I'm so badly in debt - I don't know what to do.
I will have one million in the bank within 5 years
It's a gradual shift, with small incremental boosts in your self-belief. But once you get started, you'll notice that the positive thoughts begin to come faster and easier as you go along.
Tiny concidences will begin to happen. Maybe Jane will get a small raise, or she'll learn a way to control her debt from a chance meeting with a financial advisor. New ideas and opportunities will start flowing her way - this stream of coincidences are The Law of Attraction at work.
Watch out for them, embrace them and follow them - these tiny signs from the Universe will help give you the motivation and belief to keep moving towards greater and greater things.
The current results you have in your life are based on your current belief. Your present income is based on your belief of what you’re capable of earning. As you go through this program, you are going to re-evaluate what you see as truth … what you believe. When you re-evaluate a situation, you will find that your results will change.
for free lessons that will change your life visit this site
About the author:
teacher of the secret
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:05 AM
Want Bankruptcy Information - Bankruptcy Law and the States
By Deanna Mascle
Although federal bankruptcy law mainly regulates bankruptcies, the individual states can have specific guidelines for the process within their jurisdiction. States can typically choose to have their own rules that govern the types of exemptions that the debtor is allowed to keep after filing for a discharge of their debts. For instance, some states will allow debtors to keep their homes no matter how expensive or extravagant they are whereas other states will force the liquidation of property as an attempt to pay off the debts. Other variations include the types of debt that a debtor can discharge, although many of these are federally mandated without exception.
Florida bankruptcy law heavily favors debtors in regards to the property that they can retain. In fact, Florida has a reputation for being one of the most liberal states in the country for debtors to petition for a discharge of debts. The state government has elected to opt out of the federal regulations concerning the debtor's lawfully retainable property. According to Florida bankruptcy proceedings, you can keep more of your personal property during a bankruptcy than in any other state. As a result, many people who plan to file often move to Florida with their assets in order to take advantage of the state's lenient bankruptcy law.
To see a contrast in the how the bankruptcy law changes from state to state, look at the exemptions that the Maryland law allows. Maryland is stricter in regard to the debtor's assets that must be liquidated in a bankruptcy. For instance, a debtor who files bankruptcy in Maryland is only entitled to keep $500 worth of household goods and furnishings as well as $3,000 of cash in their bank accounts. Also according to Maryland bankruptcy law, debtors can only retain up to $2,500 worth of personal property and the rest must be sold or liquidated so the proceeds can go towards paying the creditors.
Not only do the states have differing laws that affect bankruptcy exemptions, but the exemptions and guidelines also pertain to the differences in the bankruptcy chapter that the debtor files. For instance, debtors who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy have the option of having their debts completely discharged but their assets are typically liquidated to help repay the creditors. For a Chapter 13 bankruptcy however, debtors are placed on a repayment schedule and they can keep their homes and other personal property as long as they continue to make the required payments.
States have certain regulations that they require debtors to adhere to when they file for bankruptcy. As a result, some states end up being more lenient toward creditors while others tend to be more sympathetic to the debtors. This makes for situations where savvy debtors can spot loopholes in the system and use them to their financial advantage. That is why there is a need for federal bankruptcy law to be the ultimate jurisdiction for any bankruptcy petition filed in the United States. This helps to simplify situations in case questions or confusions arrive.
About the author:
Learn more about debt solutions at
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Posted by pipat 0 comments at 2:03 AM