By: Robert C. Worstell
People often ask: "it's all very well for you New Thought people to say 'Don't worry,' but what's a person to do when he thinks of all the possible things ahead of him, which might upset him and his plans? Well, all that I can say is that the man is foolish to bother about thinking of troubles to come at some time in the future.
The majority of things that we worry about don't come to pass at all; a large proportion of the others come in a milder form than we had anticipated, and there are always other things which come at the same time which help us to overcome the trouble. The future holds in store for us not only difficulties to be overcome, but also agents to help us in overcoming the difficulties.
Things adjust themselves. We are prepared for any trouble which may come upon us, and when the time comes we somehow find ourselves able to meet it. God not only tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, but He also tempers the shorn lamb to the wind. The winds and the shearing do not come together; there is usually enough time for the lamb to get seasoned, and then he generally grows new wool before the cold blast comes.
It has been well said that nine-tenths of the worries are over things which never comes to pass, and that the other tenth is over things of little or no account. So what's the use in using up all your reserve force in fretting over future troubles, if this be so? Better wait until your troubles really come before you worry. You will find that by this storing up of energy you will be able to meet about any sort of trouble that comes your way.
What is it that uses up all the energy in the average man or woman, anyway? Is it the real overcoming of difficulties, or the worrying about impending troubles? It's always "Tomorrow, tomorrow," and yet tomorrow never comes just as we feared it would. Tomorrow is all right; it carries in its grip good things as well as troubles.
Bless my soul, when I sit down and think over the things which I once feared might possibly descend upon me, I laugh! Where are those feared things now? I don't know - have almost forgotten that I ever feared them.
You do not need fight Worry - that isn't the way to overcome the habit. Just practice concentration, and then learn to concentrate upon something right before you, and you will find that the worry thought has vanished. The mind can think of but one thing at a time, and if you concentrate upon a bright thing, the other thing will fade away.
There are better ways of overcoming objectionable thoughts than by fighting them. Learn to concentrate upon thoughts of an opposite character, and you will have solved the problem.
When the mind is full of worry thoughts, it cannot find time to work out plans to benefit you. But when you have concentrated upon bright, helpful thoughts, you will discover that it will start to work subconsciously; and when the time comes you will find all sorts of plans and methods by which you will be able to meet the demands upon you.
Keep your mental attitude right, and all things will be added unto you. There's no sense in worrying; nothing has ever been gained by it, and nothing ever will be. Bright, cheerful and happy thoughts attract bright, cheerful and happy things to us - worry drives them away. Cultivate the right mental attitude.
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Sign up for your own free _Law of Attraction_ ecourse and get a complementary bonus at :: You can get your copy of William Walker Atkinson's Thought Vibration at :: Robert C. Worstell, PhD, has published over three dozen books and numerous articles - visit the Go Thunk Yourself Self-Help Library -
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Overcome The Worry Habit - Law Of Attraction Classics: Ww Atkinson
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 4:18 AM
How Laws Derive From The Divine - Law Of Attraction Classics: Charles Fillmore
By: Robert C. Worstell
THE POSSESSIONS of the Father are not in stocks and bonds but in the divine possibilities implanted in the mind and soul of every man. Through the mind of man ideas are brought into being. Through the soul of man God's wealth of love finds its expression.
It is well said that the mind is the crucible in which the ideal is transmuted into the real. This process of transformation is the spiritual chemistry we must learn before we are ready to work intelligently in the great laboratory of the Father's substance. There is no lack of material there to form what we will, and we can all draw on it as a resource according to our purpose. Wealth of consciousness will express itself in wealth of manifestation.
One who knows Principle has a certain inner security given him by the understanding of God-Mind. Our affirmations are for the purpose of establishing in our consciousness a broad understanding of the principles on which all life and existence depend. Our religion is based on a science in which ideas are related to Principle and to other ideas in a great universal Mind that works under mental laws.
It is not a new religion nor a religious fad but points out the real and the true in any religion. If you know Principle, you are able to know at once whether a religion is founded on facts or has a basis of man-made ideas.
In order to demonstrate Principle we must keep establishing ourselves in certain statements of the law. The more often you present to your mind a proposition that is logical and true the stronger becomes that inner feeling of security to you. The mind of man is built on Truth and the clearer your understanding of Truth is the more substantial your mind becomes.
There is a definite and intimate relation between what we call Truth and this universal substance of Being. When the one Mind is called into action in your mind by your thinking about it, it lays hold of the substance by the law of attraction or sympathy of thought.
Thus the more you know about God the more successful you will be in handling your body and all your affairs. The more you know about God the healthier you will be, and of course the healthier you are the happier, more beautiful, and better you will be in every way.
If you know how to take hold of the universal substance and mold it to your uses, you will be prosperous. Mind substance enters into every little detail of your daily life whether you realize the Truth or not. However, to establish yourself in a certain security in the possession and use of universal life, love, intelligence, and substance, you must get a consciousness of it by first mentally seeing the Truth.
All true action is governed by law. Nothing just happens. There are no miracles. There is no such thing as luck. Nothing comes by chance. All happenings are the result of cause and can be explained under the law of cause and effect. This is a teaching that appeals to the innate logic of our mind, yet we sometimes feel like doubting it when we see things happen that have no apparent cause.
These happenings that seem miraculous are controlled by laws that we have not yet learned and result from causes that we have not been able to understand. Man does not demonstrate according to the law but according to his knowledge of the law, and that is why we must seek to learn more of it.
God is law and God is changeless. If we would bring forth the perfect creation, we must conform to law and unfold in our mind, body, and affairs as a flower unfolds by the principle of innate life, intelligence, and substance.
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Sign up for your own free Law of Attraction ecourse and get a complementary bonus at :: You can get your copy of James Allen's Byways of Blessedness at :: Robert C. Worstell, PhD, has published over three dozen books and numerous articles - visit the Go Thunk Yourself Self-Help Library -
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 4:17 AM
Spouse Immigration Law And Fraudulent Marriages
By: Kip Goldhammer
Spouse immigration laws are always very stringent and are followed very strictly by all countries. Firstly, the documentation and other necessary certificates are checked very thoroughly for people coming into a country under the Spouse Immigration Law. If there are any inconsistencies in the documents, the individuals are immediately deported or denied entry into the country. Needless to say, such incidents are an everyday matter in cases where people from a poorer country are trying to get into a richer country, them commonly being the USA and Canada.
Fraudulent marriages are another way through which men and women get into a country easily under the Spouse Immigration Law. In such a case, men and women vouch for the foreigner as their fiance, husband or wife and help them enter into the country. Once the individual is inside the country, they wait for a proper span of time - say six months - and file for divorce or separation. In such a way, the person comes into the country under spouse immigration laws, but is soon a single person in due course of time.
Such fraudulent marriages are commonplace, with most of them being mere financial transactions, wherein the alien pays a certain amount of money to the citizen to get them into the country. Earlier, most of such interactions were carried out clandestinely and off-line. But today, more and more people are coming online to carry out these antics. The Internet is one of the freest media and the basic lack of security makes it a very good place to carry out such conversations and therefore, decisions.
There is almost no way that the authorities can find out whether a citizen and alien are getting together for a fraudulent marriage with spouse immigration laws in mind. More commonly, the US citizen vouches for the alien as being their fiance, and once again, there is almost now way for the authorities to know the truth until they are too late.
The again, the entire concept of fraudulent marriages for spouse immigration laws is very complex. There is no set modus operandi that the US citizen as well as the alien is hand-in-glove to carry out this scam. There are chances that the alien has hoodwinked the US citizen so that they can get into the country riding piggyback on the US citizen's passport.
There are specific websites, blogs and message boards which cater to fraudulent marriages under the Spouse Immigration Act. Some individuals also quote a 'going rate' or 'coming rate' for the same.
Finally, it should be remembered that all such fraudulent acts are scrutinized quite thoroughly and in almost all cases, there are possibilities to get a judicial rap on the knuckles, which could be deportation to say the least, and arrest to say the most. Hence, it is advisable not to fall prey to such deals, and make use of genuine methods in acquiring passports and visas to other countries.
Article Source: Spouse ImmigrationSpouse Immigration dot com is a great source of information if you are looking for help on how to immigrate to another country. Authored by Kip Goldhammer
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 4:16 AM