Of all the universal laws, the law of attraction is both the most fascinating and the most misunderstood. Fascinating, because as humans we naturally want a tool to help create the life of our dreams, and the law of attraction can certainly help us to do that. Misunderstood because, unlike a tool that we can pull out and use now and again but is otherwise inactive, the law of attraction is operating in our lives constantly and independently, whether we are consciously aware of it, or believe in it, or not.
In other words, there is no need to engage the law of attraction, it is already at work in your life and always will be. So long as you are alive and breathing, the law of attraction is at work. This is great news! You are already using the law of attraction to create everything in your life whether you realise it or not. The results that you are experiencing: your career, finances, relationships, health, home, community, and so on, are a direct result of the law of attraction and your interaction with it in the form of thoughts and feelings.
If you’re not creating the kind of life you want though, chances are you are creating by default, allowing the law of attraction to bring you more and more of the same. Unfortunately, we weren’t handed a life manual at birth and, for many of us, our parents were not aware of the law of attraction and so did not teach us. At Attract Like Magic we are dedicated to helping you understand this powerful universal law and how you can begin to use the law of attraction to consciously create the life of your dreams. On the Attract Like Magic site, and in upcoming newsletters and articles, we will explore everything to do with the law of attraction and provide tools that will help you to harness its power.
But in order to really understand the law of attraction, you first need to understand another of the universal laws, the law of vibration.
Law of Vibration
According to the law of vibration everything is made of energy and has a distinct frequency or vibration. With the advent of powerful enough technology, science now agrees. Quantum physicists have shown that, although matter may appear to be solid, when you look at it through a high-powered microscope so that it is broken down into its smallest components: molecules, atoms, neutrons, electrons and quanta (the smallest particles measurable), it is ultimately mostly empty space interspersed with energy.
In other words, at the quantum level, everything is comprised of energy and empty space and what makes you, your home, your car, the chair you’re sitting in, seem solid is the frequency of the vibration of the energy that makes it up.
Not only does your body and all that you consider to be “you” have a distinct and unique vibration (or more correctly a mix of vibrations), but your creations, in the form of thoughts, also have distinct vibrations which affect or blend with your overall vibration.
In turn, your vibrations affect everything around you – your environment, the people and animals around you, the inanimate objects, even the seemingly ‘empty’ space and they, in turn, affect you. That’s why, when you walk into a room where there was an earlier argument, you can sense it. We even use terms like “bad vibes”, “you can feel the tension”, and “you could cut the air in here with a knife” to describe it. In each case what we are referring to is the energy imprint of the earlier occupants.
Similarly, you may have gone to someone’s home, office or business where, as soon as you entered, you felt the “good vibes” that filled the place. That’s because, over time, a place becomes imbued with the energy imprints of the dominant vibrations of the people who live or work there. So a home, for example, can literally become filled with love or tension or anger or sadness or any other emotion, and that home will feel that way to a visitor even if none of the regular occupants are at home at the time. If you’ve ever entered such a place you may even have noticed how you just relaxed and felt good in response to the “good vibes” around you. Of course, the extent to which you take on the vibrations of the people and things around you is up to you – but for most people, this is not a conscious decision.
So, you are giving off vibrations every second of every day. You are also simultaneously receiving and translating the vibrations of everything and everyone around you. If we use the analogy of television, you are both a television transmitter, beaming out your own unique station, and also a television set or receiver, able to tune in to all the stations or frequencies being broadcast around you. Sometimes we refer to these incoming vibrations as intuition or “gut feelings”.
So how do you know what your vibration is at any moment?
Simple - ask yourself how you are feeling.
Your emotions are a quick and handy guide to your vibration in any moment. If you feel loving, you are vibrating at the frequency of love; if you feel angry, you are vibrating at the frequency of anger; if you feel curious, you are vibrating at the frequency of curiosity, and those vibrations are received by everything and everyone around you. You are also, through the law of attraction, bringing to you more experiences that will match this vibration so when you feel angry the law of attraction will bring to you more experiences that will elicit the feeling of anger, you will attract angry people and find yourself in the middle of angry situations.
Have you ever had a day where you felt lousy, but tried to pretend that everything was OK to family, friends or co-workers? It doesn’t work does it? Your friends, family or co-workers know straight away that you are not how you are pretending to be. They may ask if something is wrong, or comment that you don’t seem to be your normal self. They pick up on the incongruence between what you are saying and your vibration. Because we are not used to explaining in terms of vibrations, they may attribute their knowing to something more mundane like tone of voice or body language, but even people without the full use of their senses can detect this type of incongruence.
To sum up, you are sending out vibrations every moment of every day. Those vibrations are a mix of your thoughts and feelings and they affect everything around you. At the same time you are also receiving and translating the vibrations of everything around you (which can, in turn, affect your vibration by how you react to them). Now that we understand vibration, let’s look at how it interacts with the law of attraction.
Law of Attraction
The law of attraction, simply put, means energy attracts like energy. You may also have heard it expressed as “like attracts like’, “that which is like unto itself is drawn” and even “thoughts become things”.
The law of attraction is at work in your life every minute of every day. Your vibrations are constantly being broadcast to, and received, by the universe. This activates the law of attraction which then matches your vibrations and attracts to you similar vibrations in the form of people, things and situations in your life. In other words you are always creating your life through your thoughts and feelings. The conditions in your life, whether they are what you want or not, are always a match to your dominant vibrations.
The law of attraction, like all the universal laws, operates whether you are aware of it or not, or believe it or not. The often-used terms “what you focus on grows”, “careful what you wish for (cause you just might get it)”, “birds of a feather flock together” and “you can’t get enough of what you don’t want” are all examples of ways that we describe the law of attraction in action.
So, the question becomes - if your life is not how you would wish it to be, how do you change it? And the answer most often given by law of attraction and personal development teachers is a simple one - change your thoughts.
Simple - yes, but not easy. Here’s why.
Somewhere between 94 - 98% of all thoughts are subconscious, that is, below or out of conscious awareness which means that only 2 – 6% of your thoughts are ever conscious. So, even if you managed to change all of your conscious thoughts to be positive, that still leaves an awful lot of subconscious thought, at least some of which would be negative, vibrating away in the background without you even being aware of it! If you’re having trouble creating what you want in life, chances are your subconscious mind is at fault.
In our next article we will explore the subconscious mind and how it can interfere with your Law of Attraction efforts.
By: Yvonne Ellis
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Yvonne Ellis has been studying personal and spiritual development for over 20 years. She teaches and coaches in these areas and is co-author of the website AttractLikeMagic where you'll find loads of information about the Law of Attraction and the Universal Laws including free eBooks to start off or enhance your Law of Attraction library.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Law Of Vibration – The Key To Understanding The Law Of Attraction
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 10:22 AM
The Laws Of Sales Success
Sales professionals must create magnetic appeal to increase closing efficiency. Our present global environment creates numerous obstacles that polarize sales efforts, form the proliferation of the Internet to advanced media. Ironically, with the intrigue of technological miracles the foundation of sales success exists upon 10 principles. Since the beginning of trade, selling has not changed, nor have these laws. These principles as they have for centuries are the laws that attract numerous clients and create successful selling professionals.
The Law of Preparation
The best selling professionals are always prepared. Preparation denotes a voracious appetite for information. Productive professionals attract more clients when they read information and eventually convert this to client knowledge. The knowledge output provides client value in terms of competitiveness, productivity and even profitability. Value stems from reading newspapers, trade publications and conducting research. When clients determine from the value professionals provide they are more apt to conduct business and moreover, use them repeatidly. Finally, closing ratios increase when selling professionals anticipate client needs.
The Law of Selling Methodology
Sales training is critically important to all organizations. ES Research Group reveals that 90% of all sales training programs conducted for corporations result only in a 90-120 day increase in sales productivity and, as a result, fewer than 20% of companies realize any sustainable productivity gain that lasts beyond 12 months. In the United States alone over four billion dollars is spent per year on training selling professionals with two thirds of that money ear marked for one day training.
To be competitive, selling professionals must be competitive. It appears that taking the time to develop a training program does in fact pay tangible returns. Many companies think that sales training can help with the strategic account planning aspect of selling. More importantly is providing selling professionals with a methodology they adhere to and more importantly create attraction.
The Law of Value Proposition
Many professionals are quick to state what they do for a living. While not much is incorrect with this statement, the tendency forms stereotype. And, worse yet as an entrepreneur operating a business, one gets placed into a pool with competitors. One of the best assets for every selling professional is a value statement. Be mindful, this is not an elevator speech. This pithy statement ends the stereotype and focuses all attention completely on the prospective client. A value proposition is solutions based with all benefits focused on the consumer. Customer value propositions have become one of the most widely used terms in business markets. These simple statements enable selling professionals to articulate their company’s position into useful terminology that engages the prospective client.
The Law of Referrals
Proper attraction involves referral acquisition. Professionals abhor asking for referrals! Business is driven by the ability to ask for new business. If clients are happy with your work they will willingly provide others with your value. The best way to seek referrals is when you are first engaged with the client and they are at an emotional high. More importantly you want to ask when you are in the account, since this is the best time to be top of mind.
The Law of the Decision Maker
Sales attraction is discovering the true economic buyer. 67% of selling professionals spend too much time with those that cannot make a decision. Sellers are often duped into the process because they do not ask the proper questions. Good detective work means asking the difficult questions. Selling professionals must be intelligent enough to know about the organization, the competition to conduct and intellectual conversation. Research has found that the title never denotes the economic buyer.
The Law of Value
True selling professionals endeavor to resolve client issues before the client understands the issue. They have a passion for converting products and services into value. In a recent interview with over 10,000 clients, they indicate their desire for sales professionals that can speak client language, understand the core issues and get to the heart of the matter expediently. Ask clients provocative questions that get them thinking about legacy, expectations and strategic direction.
The Law of Networking
Truly the best professionals constantly network. Selling professionals by nature require constant engagement with others to comprehend business trends and meet new opportunities. Admittedly, there exist a plethora of networking associations and organizations, choose those close to your location and aligned with your business. Review your local paper for functions that interest you and attend as a guest, but go! If you do not attend, your competitors are.
The Law of Desire
Successful professionals love challenges, are exceptional at overcoming adversity and love what they represent. They are never shy or non-conversant, and you can sense their spirit and their passion when they speak. Successful professionals have an aura of spirit, of love, of passion, of commitment in everything and anything that they do. The passion for assisting others is the fuel that bounds from failure to fortune.
The Law of Faith
Faith is a component of both passion and love. Faith is the ability to disavow the norms. Thomas Edison did not believe he failed he had faith to succeed. If Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie did not have faith our American business system would not be the supreme power it is. And if Abraham Lincoln did not have faith, African Americans would not be free and his name would not be associated with America’s greatest president. In fact, faith was so imperative for Lincoln because his successes did not arrive until after his 40th birthday. Faith is one of the largest key components to the laws of selling attraction.
The Law of Success
Professionals have to breathe it, become it and yearn for it. Success does not come easy. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King jr. stated, Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Take the ladder of success one step at a time by seeing each step, living each step and appreciating each step.
Copyright (c) 2008 Drew Stevens PhD
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Drew Stevens PhD assists organizations to dramatically accelerate business growth. He is the author of seven books including Split Second Selling and Split Second Customer Service and Little Book of Hope. Dr. Drew is a thought leader on sales and customer service issues. He can be reached at www.gettingtothefinishline.com Get a FREE White Paper on Sales Effectiveness or FREE 40 page Business Builder e-book at www.gettingtothefinishline.com
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 10:22 AM