Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Law Of The Land:

The Law of the Land: Well, It Used to Be
The Average American’s Bill of Rights:
1. You have the right to pray to any God if you believe in one. The government will not get in the way unless some anal people get involved. You can say or print any stupid, idiotic thing you want, but beware, someone may beat the crap out of you or sue you for doing so. The press can say or print all the incorrect, left-wing, and liberal untruths they want and to spin the truth to fit their agendas. You and all your drunken friends can gather together peacefully and make complete fools of yourselves. You may pissand moan to the government any time you want something free that other taxpayers paid for; this includes the big-screen television you bought while you were on welfare.
2. You have the right to shoot yourself with the gun you purchased illegally at the monster truck show. You can blame someone else when you do something stupid, like letting your child get shot with the gun you did not protect them from. You can go out and kill animals to make yourself feel manly. You can wear all the camouflage outfits you want. You can have your child wear camouflage underwear if you so desire. You can shoot beer cans off fence posts to make yourself feel like Dirty Harry. You can play “cops and robbers” with your buddies as long as no one gets killed.
3. While not at war, you will not have to let one of our underpaid soldiers into your rat- and roach-infested home, to sleep on your doggie-toilet carpet and child-vomit-covered furniture, not that they would want to anyway.
4. You can rest assured that no one wants to search your porn collection. Your home (which you cannot find your children in) will be left alone, unless you say something stupid and allow it. Your car will not be searched, unless you forget to put out your joint or that white powder still hanging out of your nose. Your body, which has not been bathed in days, will not be searched. No one will take your stuff, unless you break one of the 150,000 laws on the books in America. For the government to violate these rights, all they have to do is have probable cause; which means if you eat the last donut at the donut shop, you are likely to go to jail later that day.
5. You can take this right to court with you as a “get out of jail free card” if you are in trouble with someone else. You do not have to admit that you broke one of the numerous laws that no one knows about anyway. When your partner in crime gets caught, you can use this right to send him up the river without telling on yourself. This right says that a group of morons like yourself will have to fry you in serious crimes, unless you can get them to think you are the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, or the devil; in that case you get to go to happy land and take drugs all day. You can only be tried one time for each stupid thing that you do. You can only be electrocuted for killing your wife one time. No one will kill you, steal your precious lava lamps, tie you up in chains, or hide you in a closet without following the law. No one will take your stuff, unless they say they need it or the local shopping center will pay your officials more tax money; in this case, you will receive pennies on the dollar for your stuff.. This right is shot to hell if you are in the military; in that case you are just screwed.
6. You have the right to a speedy trial. Speedy means two months for a traffic ticket, one year for molesting one of your dogs or pigs, and two years for using your second right to shoot someone. You have the right to be publicly humiliated due to your idiotic actions and to have your bad name hit the media faster than steam starts coming off of cow manure. You will be judged by another group of cow-tipping friends or neighbors in the state and area where your trailer is parked (wheels on or off). You have the right to know why you are behind bars, as if you did not know already that you did the crime; which is possible due to the number of laws we have; no one could know whether they were breaking one anyway. You will get to see people that tell a better lie than you do, as they make you look like a fool, whether you are guilty or not, which you probably are. You can get all your drunk, toothless friends to come to the trial with you and lie about what an upstanding citizen you are. You can use taxpayer money to provide a lawyer for you who does not care whether you fry or not, because he will be twenty cases past yours when you meet your first prison boyfriend.
7. In a crime valued at over $20, you have the right to be judged by the same group of drunk, wife-beating, powder-snorting, upstanding citizens who live near you, as mentioned in your earlier rights. Once this group of anal, politically correct, racially motivated, uneducated people have decided whether you can continue to freely be dumb, no other court can put you through this embarrassment again; unless they want to alter the law or use a loophole to do it again.
8. Since you are broke, this right is pointless but states that you will only have to hock your trailer to get your bail money to get out of jail. They can only squeeze so much blood out of a rock, so they cannot fine you more than the cost of a carton of cigarettes, unless it is a serious crime like putting up yard-sale signs. Your punishment has to be fair according to the way the judge or jury feels that day; if the judge has a case of green-apple splatters, you are going to the chair for stealing that beef jerky and six-pack. No one will make you do any cruel punishment other than going to sit in jail and eat, sleep, and live a better life than the average poor person does in America.
9. You have rights that no one knows yet, which apply to crimes you do not know you committed yet, because your politicians have not changed them sixty-seven times yet, because the U.S. Constitution was written by men who had not lost their minds yet.
10. If a right is not given to you in the Constitution, it does not mean one cannot be made up really fast by the states or other people to screw you over in a hurry. Others have the rights to play with the words and meanings of the Constitution in anyway they see fit. Every right can be slanted, spun, or turned into a racial attack or a civil rights violation in any trial, suit, or news story, as long as someone makes money or gains publicity by doing so. Above and before all else, your right to be an ignorant, foolish, and selfish individual will be upheld if you can say one of your other rights has been violated.
In conclusion, you have to get mad in America to get anything done, because jackasses make the majority of laws and decisions. The average American is too busy leading their lives to bother with such foolishness, but you will have to become one of these jackasses also, or nothing will ever change for the better. People who have nothing but enrichment, notoriety, and selfishness as their agendas are sucking America down a hole. We have to get out there and change the things we disagree with, and it seems the only way to do so is to become what we hate.
Good Luck,
Bear BrooksAuthor of “A Jackass at Every Turn”!
By: Bear Brooks
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Is One Law Of Attraction Teacher A Good Thing?

There are two different types of people when it comes to learning about the Law of Attraction. There are those who will love to read anything on the Law of Attraction, regardless of who the material is written by. And then there are those who find a specific teacher who they resonate with and will stick to them like glue.
Is there a right or wrong with this? Is it healthy just to rely on one teacher?
Of course, there is no right or wrong with any of this. You’ve may have heard the phrase “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. This is especially true with the Law of Attraction.
The teachers that you attract in your life that feel right to you, are the best teachers you could possibly find. What you may notice is that the majority of spiritual teachers are all teaching the same thing, yet this same information can be presented in so many different ways that some methods resonate more with different people.
I’m the type of person who likes to stick with certain teachers. I’ve noticed that over the course of 4 years I have gone through about 4 or 5 different teachers that have all led me up a spiritual ladder.
As I’ve progressed through teachers, its clear to me that I’ve either outgrown them or a mental shift has taken place within me and I no longer fully resonate with that teacher any more.
A good example for me is with Abraham-Hicks. I’m a big follower of their work and for about one year I fell in love with their teaching. I would dismiss other teachings that were available to me because I enjoyed their material so much. Now a couple of years later, their teaching no longer resonates with me as much and I have other spiritual teachers who I prefer to give my attention to.
What I know for sure is that the right teacher will always find you when you’re ready for it. You can never get anything wrong in this physical world, so there’s no need to worry about anything. Whatever you’re doing and whomever you’re learning from right now is perfect for you.
There will of course be other teachers who arise and resonate with you over the years. Embrace them and be grateful for their presence in your life.
By: Gary Evans
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Manifesting Reality Isn't Hard Work After All.
Get your free report on manifesting miracles right now by visiting:

Is The Law Of Attraction Enough?

In a word … NO.
Although the Law of Attraction (that says “That which you focus on, you attract”) is an omnipresent law of the universe, it must be understood in two larger contexts to be fully appreciated.
Firstly, we must understand that our conscious mind is but a small aspect of our total Being. If your conscious mind is saying “I want to be successful” and your subconscious mind is saying “Successful people are jerks!”, there is going to be some serious static on the line! … and the subconscious mind will always prevail in the long-run (therefore the key is to transform the subconscious mind … Contact me for further details on this important subject).
Secondly, the Law of Attraction is not the only Law in the Universe. You must also understand … The Law of Allowing.
The Law of Allowing states that we can only have that which we grant permission to receive. So, for example, say you REALLY want to be a millionaire. You have spent a great deal of energy and focus exploring the “what, where, when, and why” of the matter. If you are unwilling to RECEIVE this blessing – maybe because you believe you don’t deserve it; maybe you believe life must be a struggle; maybe you think that suffering gives your life meaning – you will not allow yourself to resonate with the “millionaire” reality in an on-going and joyous way.
In addition, you may have a “soul contract” to experience some other things first. Maybe you chose to experience the lessons that lesser economic status would likely foster (possibly that money is not the source of happiness, or learning how to be creative and “stretch” a dollar).
Soul contracts can be altered. However, lessons must be learned first. So I encourage you to learn the lessons placed in front of you, and then be open to The Law of Grace that allows for miracles as it collapses time and space and allows for quantum reality shifts NOW!.
As one of my teachers often told me: The Law of Grace transcends the Law of Karma. I asked him to explain. He asked me to think of an airplane flying in the air. The laws of gravity still exist. It is just that the laws of aerodynamics can transcend their limiting impact… Food for thought indeed!
I know this article is “jam-packed” with powerful ideas. I encourage you read it several times. Even read it aloud. I know it will touch you deeply if you let it.
Until next time, I remain …
Your Friend Along the Way,
Kathy Bibby
By: Kathy Bibby
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Kathy Bibby, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Kathy can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Financial Independence

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