By: Seth Manne
So you can see that firstly a human "being" in my imagination is by no means a simple creature. A person's life can be looked at as that individuals "demonstration" or as stated ...his or her canvas. The final stroke upon that canvas is the individuals type of departure or "death OF the physical".
There is no death for the "being". We have expressions like "the good die young" to quell our sadness when we see young people die in a car accident or in battle or die in some atrocious way. We question the meaning of those seemingly senseless deaths, senseless murders, senseless illnesses, senseless disabilities or deformities that babies carry into this physical life.
They are not senseless. They are demonstrations. Could "beings" choose those horrific demonstrations you ask. Others believe these conditions and "demonstrations" are put upon the individuals by fate, luck, destiny or God. To believe that is to believe that your life is controlled by outside forces. Frankly, by believing that you are actually insulting your "self" and demonstrating an immense lack of self worth.
So to understand what I am offering as an answer to this question you would have to believe in manifestation, mass manifestation and freewill. You would have to believe in the subconscious, super conscious, mystical magic of this powerful being's choices of demonstration, even if those choices occur on a super subconscious level. Again this sounds like quite a stretch for the average "human being". The opinion of one's own self can be high or low or anywhere in between. I, simply, choose ...extremely high.
For some individual being to make the choice that his personal demonstration will be one containing such horrific or atrocious "qualities" is unfathomable for most people. They "believe" that no individual being would choose such a seemingly nasty and ugly demonstration of life or death.
Let's face it most people don't even believe we choose our type of death or control the time of our death because they do not understand the "being". They have no connection with their super consciousness and they look at life from quite different perspectives than those that have mentioned here.
To them the answer they will receive here will not be understood because of their perspectives of how they view physical life and how they view physical beings. I realize your mind may be spinning and flooded with questions and counter arguments. You might ask and state simultaneously, "this is absurd, no one would choose such horrible demonstrations even if they could".
My response to that is...Who are you to say what the perspectives of an individual omniscient being would be and what reasons that being might have for making choices that you as a "human" can not fathom. Now we are coming to the point.
You must pretend and imagine you can understand the difference between the physical human and the all knowing "being". That understanding can take humans many lifetimes of physical experience to achieve. That understanding is contained by the being before and after its physical birth and death and is an awareness quest that the human embarks upon. It has been called enlightenment and has several other definitions and names.
As humans, first of all, many of us see death as this big bad tumultuous event. As beings we see death as no big deal. As beings we see death as being no more tumultuous than going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning. To the being it is not only some simple, matter of fact, transition, but it is a welcome transition because the being knows that it returns to what has been called source or the non physical. That place is adored by the being and feared by the human. I am speaking of most humans and all beings.
So now, with all this foundational belief information ...I say these mass manifestations in situations like the Holocaust or 911 do not make the "victims" have fault. Other evil players like Hitler, in the case of the holocaust, certainly played their part in creating and bringing these events to fruition.
Some people with a distorted view of karmic retribution might say those evil cause players will reincarnate for eternal lifetimes as a fly in stool. I am not going to get into explanations of karmic lifetimes but I will say that justice does prevail especially in the alternate realms. That justice has been described elsewhere as self inflicted...the most appropriate of all justice.
The Jews made holy, dignified and superior choices. They are, many times, the choices that only the greatest true heroes can make and they often appear to create victims. These demonstrations are a way of going to war against atrocity and teaching by example for generations to come.
These demonstrations expose the perpetrators and defeat them in a way that no war could ever do. And, mostly, these demonstrations are chosen on a super conscious level totally unbeknown to the human personality. However they become memories not only for us but for those who participated in the demonstration. Only the participating being knows the growth and expansion that it creates through these scenarios. Only the being knows why it chose to be the one to participate, possibly for reasons relating to its own character and journey.
I feel like I have gone out on a limb here to even attempt to present this information to those who will only be more enraged by what I have written here. I too sought out the great gurus and proponents of Law of Attraction and no one would provide an in depth answer.
You come to realize that so many people choose the path of least resistance. They will not deal with situations or scenarios that they deem as negative or resistant to their flow of well being. It is always best to first look inside for your answers and feel the magnificence of your own "being".
It is refreshing to step outside the "human" box for a few seconds and sense your own omnipotence. At that moment you may sense the magnificence of other beings that have gone before you, are here now and are yet to come. Any one who has gone into battle in war could have chosen not to do so. There are a multitude of ways and options available to not experience that.
Any one who, as they say, fought the hard fight or took the higher road was definitely not taking the easy way out or path of least resistance. These questions addressed here are a factor of perceptions. You must look deep to find answers that strictly relate to the "being" and not the human. When you look deep, you will be amazed at the deceptions that the human creates. You will be amazed at how the being operates in these seemingly mystical and omnipotent ways even while in a physical body.
I want to say to my favorite author and all of her following that you can not brush these historical incidents under the rug. You can not tell people "oh don't ask that question and don't think such negative and resistant thoughts". You are not giving answers that way. You are just avoiding the question because you can't seem to find the words to describe the answer.
The words are inside but at times you too prefer the path of least resistance. You worry sometimes that addressing certain issues will be bad press for you. I say practice what you mostly preach. I am not trying to fault you for avoiding what is atrocious and not easily explained in a short seminar. However, I feel that when someone is the recognized leader of the Law of Attraction movement, they should really not avoid issues because they are unpopular or not quickly explained away.
Article Source:
Seth Manne is the inspired author of Manifesting the Ultimate and a foremost authority on the "Seth Material". He is also an expert in areas such as Parapsychology, Metaphysics and Quantum Physics. More information at
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 10:11 AM
By: Katey Nixon
The Law of Attraction says that if you give out joy, you will attract more joy in your life. Similarly if you give out anger, you will get anger back.
The Law of Attraction is universal, it operates from morning to night every day of the year. As an example let's look at gettting out of bed and getting dressed. What happens when you reach in your sock drawer and can't find a single pair of matching socks! Frustration and the Law of Attraction is going to send this back to you - All day!
So you draw out a sock, then scramble around for another one to match - getting frustrated yet? Remember the Law of Attraction operates so that this frustration will be come back to you at some point in the day.
So you've got a pair at last. You've eaten breakfast and you're out of the house, but your rushing. You cut someone up on the freeway and there's a squeel of brakes - more furstration!
You've just put the other driver into a bad mood - well maybe he was in one already because he couldn't pair up his socks - he gets to work furious and shouts at the junior administrator and on the highway on the way home the same junior administrator cuts in to traffic two cars ahead of you - there's a squeel of brakes -your adrenaline is soaring! And all for the want of a matching pair of socks!
Now there are two ways to approach this. Firstly you can find a way of pairing up your socks and you could try employing an odd sock bag technique.
As an alternative let the universe find the pair of socks for you. A technique called the Sedona Method is one which I personally use to help with this. By letting go of my desire to find a pair of socks, I usually find one - this is because of the way the Law of Attraction works:
Simply because if you want to find a pair of socks, you are by the same token, lacking a pair of socks, and at the same time you are resisting the fact that you need to find a pair of socks. Hence the universe will resist your finding a pair of socks by same Law of Attraction. This is how the Law of Attraction really works.
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If you'd like to know more about the odd sock bag method, the law of attraction and the Sedona Method read Katey Nixon's freee report: odd socks and the law of attraction. For peace in your early morning routine there's the odd sock bag method, for the rest of the day, the Sedona Method
Posted by pipat 0 comments at 10:10 AM
By: Vikram Kumar
Driving under the influence (DUI) of Alcohol is an act where the driver is operating a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol. His consumption of the beverage can cause impairment of his motor and mental skill. This way, it becomes a criminal offense to some state in the US including California.
Los Angeles police are strictly implementing the law against DUI. Once a driver is identified with the slightest sign of DUI, he can immediately be accused. Sometimes there is a possibility that the driver will be wrongly accused. The accusation will have various effects:
1. The accused will be brought to jail for a considerable period of time. On top of this, he can also be charged with a fine of 1000 dollars plus some penalty assessment.
2. The accused will suffer humiliation and embarrassment for the crime done.
3. The license of the accused will be suspended.
4. Subsequently, once the accused will file for auto insurance, the negative driving record will have a negative impact on the underwriting of the insurance. In effect, the accused will have to pay higher insurance rate than the regular rate.
Because of these negative effects on the DUI, the driver should defend his cause. He doesn’t just have to defend alone as there are complex processes involved. The processes involve a lot about laws and defense. The accused driver then has to get a Los Angeles DUI lawyer to defend him.
When trying to get a Los Angeles DUI attorney, the accused driver should be able to get out of the wrong accusations. This means that the driver should get a Los Angeles DUI attorney that is experienced, knowledgeable and expert on the law on DUI. The Los Angeles DUI attorney should also be aggressive enough to learn how to play around for the freedom of the accused.
Fortunately, there is Los Angeles DUI lawyer that has been handling cases on the DUI with expertise. One of the Los Angeles DUI lawyer who is an expert on DUI is Robert Salinsky. His expertise developed from many years of experiences in defending DUI cases. There is no complexity in the DUI law that Robert Salinsky cannot get over with.
So if you have been wrongly accused for DUI, you can contact Robert Salinsky to be your Los Angeles DUI attorney. He can help you fight against the revocation of your driver’s license. He can also help you minimize the penalties charged against you. Remember that you have ten days to defend for the revocation of your driver’s license. And there are also severe penalties for the DUI case. All you have to do is to immediately call Robert Salinsky in case you get caught for DUI.
As a Los Angeles DUI lawyer, Robert Salinsky caters to public in Los Angeles California. He is also available as Los Angeles DUI lawyer in Glendale, Pasadena and Brubank. He does not only handle DUI cases. He is also experienced in lawsuits for physical injuries and criminal prosecution. So with such level of knowledge and exposure to various cases, you can be assured that Robert Salinsky can be the right Los Angeles DUI attorney for your case.
Article Source:
Los Angeles DUI Attorney Robert Salinsky will provide you the best deals on your cases. You don’t have to search that far, you have the Los Angeles DUI lawyer that you need with Robert Salinsky.
Posted by pipat 1 comments at 10:06 AM