Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Law of Attraction - Body Language and Mind Reading2

By: Aldian Prakoso
First, it's a myth that body language allows you to read a person like a book. This theory, which was an attempt to 'alphabetize' non-verbal communication by defining a single gesture as having a single meaning, was originally fashionable in the sixties. If people scratched their nose, that meant they were lying. It didn't matter whether they were scratching because their nose itched, because they were nervous or because nose-scratching was an important ritual in their sub-culture - they were still seen as lying. Nowadays, we know it's just not that simple. Body language elements differ in meaning, and can be understood only in the context of a person's life situation.

Second, using body language successfully isn't about ignoring the words. Though we humans are apes-and many of the body talk sequences we use come directly from those developed by apes-we are nevertheless talking apes. Therefore, much of the teachings are about using body language along with the words, to emphasize them, to elaborate on them, to control them or even to contradict them. To be a real body language expert, use your non-verbal skills in addition to not instead of, your verbal ones.

Aldian Prakoso is a Law of Attraction Coach and the owner of The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog. The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog helps you to achieve success, wealth, growth and health by unlocking The Secret of Law of Attraction. Get your FREE online mini-course, and Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and Wallace D. Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich ebook ($147 value) ==>

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