Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Law Of Attraction - How To1

By Michael Mcgrath
If you look closely at your life you see ample evidence that the Law of Attraction exists. For most people the time between your thought and its manifestation is too long for them to notice the connection. However, have you ever heard the phone ring and new instantly who it was because you were just thinking about them? Have you ever been thinking of a friend of haven't seen in a long time only to bump into them unexpectedly? There are those who put these experiences down to coincidence but knowing about the Law of Attraction means you no longer have to do this. Now I am going to show you how to do this consciously and deliberately to attract anything you want!

The Law of Attraction works because you get more of what you focus on in life. Your thoughts are creative!

The things you focus on most are the very things in your life that you get more of. If you focus on the things that make you happy you tend to attract more things that make you happy. On the flip side when you focus on things that make you feel unhappy you will attract more things to be unhappy about. If you focus on riches and abundance you get more riches and abundance. Likewise, if you focus on poverty, you will tend to create situations that rob you of what little you do have.

The Law of Attraction works on this simple premise. What you focus on you get more of. This is why negative thinking can be so damaging to your life. By worrying about things that have already happened, are happening now or that you are fearful may happen in the future you are activating the most powerful law in the universe to your detriment. You are attracting the very things that you do not want.

In order to activate the law of Attraction you need do nothing. This law is constantly at work because you are constantly thinking and feeling. What you need to do is make a decision that you are going to deliberately take control and use this law to your advantage.

The vast majority of this planet's population judge their reality by what they see, touch, hear and smell - they judge things by appearances. They observe what is happening in their world and then offer thoughts that are similar to it. The Bible tells us not to judge by the sight of our eyes or in John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance. You must get into a mental state that reflects the things you want not where you are constantly focusing on the lack of it.

Create a mental picture of the life you wish to live and generate as much positive emotion around it as you can. This will immediately activate the Law of Attraction and begin the manifestation of that vision.

To attract your desire to you quickly and activate the Law of Attraction you must be able to create a detailed accurate mental image of the thing that you want. You must be clear in your own mind about what it is you are intending to create. Although the aforementioned statement is common sense it is an unfortunate truth that the great majority of people have no idea what they want. They are great at telling you what they don't want but at a lose when they are asked exactly what it is that they do want. Their desires are vague. They want better relationships but don't know what a better relationship would look or feel like. They want more money but don't know how much? They want a different career but can't decide what would suite them best. You must not be one of these people if you wish to live life on your terms
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