Thursday, November 1, 2007

Putting the Law of Attraction to work: Understanding your Self-Esteem

By: Antonio Thornton
The law of attraction works best for those who have complete control over their lives. This means you need to have control over the emotions you inhabit. People have a great ability of anticipating another person’s feelings and thoughts. External emotional portrayal leads you on the path to any circumstance that is in line with the feelings and thoughts you experience.

The self-esteem you portray to others has a big role in the law of attraction. You see, if you portray self-esteem that is within the middle range, you will attract those in a like range. Attraction will never be present with those who have a higher or lower level of self-esteem. Your energy, thoughts, and emotions give you attraction only to those who share the same levels. This gives way to a path that will allow you to focus on someone who is on the same level and someone you would be very happy with.

Of course, you could always improve your self-esteem and embark on a greater path. In order to do this, you will need to have the law of attraction working for you. For those with a mediocre or low level of self-esteem, you could improve your life and your emotions to obtain a higher level, attracting the people you really want to attract. Even those with high self-esteem could use some improvement in a few areas.

Making the law of attraction work in your favor, takes some application of technicalities. It is important that you take full responsibility for the people you find yourself attracted to. While we are generally comfortable in our comfort zone, it is important that you engage in life, and try new things. Creating a better life requires new experiences. When talking to other people, you want to change the way you talk about yourself. When someone makes a positive comment, make a positive response.

By doing this, you are making yourself more attractive to others, because you are building up your self-worth. It is important that you never put yourself down. You cannot hope to get respect from any person if you have no self-respect. It is important to put yourself in the frame of mind that you will not allow abuse or negativity into your life any longer.

Making the law of attraction work well for you means application of the above techniques. When you hold self-value, you will find that you have a more exciting life with even greater possibilities. Self-esteem plays a giant role in attraction; when you find yourself attracted to another person, they, in all probability, have the same self-esteem level. It is up to you to portray attraction to them and make them take notice in you

I’ve had a passion for helping others reach their potential every since I could remember. They called me "The Professor" in elementary school because I was the kid who broke up fights, helped people with their homework and helped the teacher clean up after class. Yes! I was a nerd…and proud of it!

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