Sunday, December 2, 2007

Australian Franchise Law Affecting Economy

By: Lance Winslow

Well the Australian Government is allowing the Franchise Attorneys in their country to ruin the franchise model and so are the Canadians too. Australian Franchise Law is affecting their Economy, as Australia does not export enough and needs to export more.
It is amazing the linear thinking that goes on in our own government with over regulation, but what is even worse is when other nations copy us and our mistakes right along with it. If other governments of the world continue to copy our over regulation and allow lawyers to come in and ruin their countries then they will be throwing away the true value and true meaning for capitalism and free enterprise, but for what in return?
Level playing fields are important in life and business however over regulation does not help any consumers it only provides a greater advantage for the larger companies with the most political pull and most experienced high priced lawyers. Yet in such a game who wins in the end?
Not the government, not the protectionist corporations and certainly not the consumer. The only winner is the lawyers, Dah! So, if Australia was really smart rather than calling in for advice on their franchise regulation, they would call in Caesar. Consider this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
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