Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Law of Attraction – Is Your Past Preventing You From Getting Rich?

Can you create a challenge to make one million dollars by this time next year? I feel certain that you can, once you are armed with some of the greatest law of attraction teachings.

Far too many people are caught up on their limited past experiences and allow those experiences to dictate what they will allow themselves to manifest in their lives.

The law of attraction is both the most punitive law and still the most forgiving law. What a paradox! You see whatever mistakes you have created in the past you can let them go. Whatever limitations you may perceive in your life you can move beyond those too and begin to attract new and greater circumstances starting now.

Absolutely none of your present beliefs about yourself will help you in attracting an abundant life

Your past can only be damaging to your present life if you continue to hold it and court it by dwelling on it. As you already may know, whatever you speak about, think about you will attract into your life. This is where the law of attract can be quite painful or rewarding.

On the more fun and liberating part of the law of attraction you can begin to change your feelings as well as your focus now and from that present place you can begin to attract those better conditions regardless of what you ever experienced in the past.

No matter how poor you may have been you can begin to turn that around and begin to start that challenge and attract that million dollars into your life if you will allow it. Of course there are steps to attracting large amounts of money and you can do so quite rapidly but the first step is to let go of the old and begin to stand in the present where can be ready to receive all the advance teachings on attracting greater wealth into your life.

Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.
Submitted by: Article Publisher

by Daniel Hinds

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