Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Your Personal Security and the Law

By David Tang
The sad truth is, you can be a victim of crime anywhere at any time - in big cities, small towns, or even in the kindest of rural communities. Rapes, kidnappings, murders are read about each and every day on the news. The recent abduction and murder of teenager Kelsey Smith has captivated the nation, leading us on a vengeance to want to fight crime even harder.

You cannot rely on chance alone. With the right kind of self defense and personal security products, such as stun guns, pepper spray rings, tasers, folding knives and more - you can help thwart even the worst of criminals.

In 2004, a staggering 94,635 rapes were reported by United States officials. In addition to the rapes, there were 401,326 robberies, 854,911 incidents of aggravated assault, and an estimated 38,000 car jackings. Seventy four percent of these crime victims were accosted with a weapon. Unfortunately, the majority of victims were not carrying any self defense or personal safety devices, ultimately leading the criminal to continue his/her attack without any substantial resistance from the victim.

The Self Defense Product for You

The right kind of personal security products can help you to feel safer in a world that can be quite scary at times. The decision to carry a weapon for self-defense is a very important one - and the range of choices available is seemingly endless. Self defense weapons and personal security devices that are available include guns, stun guns, folding knives, butterfly knives, pepper sprays, and more.

While there are some states that allow concealed firearms and other weapons, it is crucial for one to be extremely familiar with all of the applicable state and federal laws. Also, there are many upsides and downsides to several self defense weapons. A gun requires one to partake in a considerable amount of training and practice in order for it to be effective and safe. If one chooses to buy pepper spray, he or she must know that the product requires a true training commitment for it to be 100% effective.

Knives on the other hand, are one of the most natural self-defense products existing today. There is a range of different knives available, including butterfly knives, folding knives, pen knives, and more. As a civilization, we use a knife from the time at which we are about 6 years old (for cutting food of course), and are very familiar with the tool. In times of panic, a knife can be a great form of self defense for you when being accosted.

No matter where you go, or what you do, know that there is always some type of risk involved. But you do not have to be afraid. Be strong, be vigilant, and be safe with the right kind of personal security products!

About the author:

Nick Muntimuri founded Promark Safety in 2005. Promark Safety provides quality home security and personal security products, including mace spray, child safety, personal alarms, voice changers, safety lights, tasers, and more.

Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com

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