Friday, March 28, 2008

Connecticut Auto Bill Of Sale Laws

By: David F.
An auto bill of sale is made for the purpose of privately selling your vehicle. An auto bill of sale is your legal receipt to prove you paid for the vehicle.

A bill of sale should include the vehicle information such as the make, model, year, VIN (vehicle identification number), and the odometer reading at the time of the sale. You also will need to include the buyer and seller information on your auto bill of sale form; this will include info such as the name and address, and the signature\'s of both buyer and seller. The last thing Connecticut requires to be on your auto bill of sale form is the selling price and the date the vehicle was sold.

You can obtain a bill of sale (H-31 form) from your local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) for a \"print fee\", my DMV in Florida has charged me over ten dollars for one of these \"print fees\". When the bill of sale is completed, the purchaser must present the completed form to the Motor Vehicle Department with other forms required for proper registration. The best thing to do is go online and download an auto bill of sale kit that includes instructions and all the forms you need for the same price.

At any time you can obtain a copy of the original Bill of Sale once it’s filed by filing a Copy Records Request (Form J-23), which you can request to be mailed to you. Connecticut courts charge a twenty-dollar fee for a Copy Records Request, and usually takes about four to six weeks to receive a copy of the Bill of Sale that you specifically requested.

A Bill of Sale is not simply limited to an automobile; you can use a Bill of Sale to sell a boat, vessel, motorcycle, a motor vehicle, or other motorized vehicle.

Article Source:

This article was brought to you by Legal Forms Bank .Biz where you can download all the forms you need to file your Auto Bill of Sale. We also provide a Colorado auto bill of sale kit and SC auto bill of sale kit.

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