Friday, March 21, 2008

DBA Law - Don't Get Caught - Get a DBA.2

By: Elias Stassinos
What if I Incorporate, Form an LLC or Get a Business License.

Would I still Have to File a DBA? Yes, you can incorporate or form an LLC and not file a DBA. If you do incorporate, you will not have to file a dba. However, in most states, getting a business licenses does not relieve you from the requirement that you file a DBA. Also, incorporating will not eliminate the requirement that you also get a business license.

What information is included in DBA Business Name application?

Most DBA Business Name applications must contain the following information: The name and address of the small business owner. A description of the small business starting business operations. And various other information pertaining to the business or the business owner.

What if I do not file a DBA Business Name?

Most states require a DBA Business Name filing. In California and most other states, you are require to have a DBA Business Name before you start your business and there is a fine. In some states, may be a misdemeanor not to file it.

Elias Stassinos, Esq. is a business law attorney. Visit his website: . Mr. Stassinos is also a corporate counsel for , a business licensing company.

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