Thursday, March 20, 2008

Laws of Attraction - Universal Laws To Success2

By: Delton Doucet
It's very simple because by some really fortunate luck at beating the odds that it takes to win the lottery, they won a fortune but their ignorance caused them to lose it all.

Their ignorance being that you can only earn income only to the degree that their awareness will allow them to keep.

Huh? What exactly does that mean?

It is easy. If you are not aware that you can earn that kind of income or possess that kind of income on a daily basis, which in this case the lottery its worth millions of dollars, most likely you are going to lose it all and the statistics show this to be true.

From my observations the vast majority of people who win these lotteries are the very type of people that have always been cutting down other people that were already successful or on their way to success in their chosen field.

I personally know seven people that were very closed minded about money, they were the very type of people I have been describing and through some tragic events they inherited or won in lawsuits millions of dollars and each one of them except one lost it all within a span of 3 years. One went through $2 million dollars in 18 months!

Also these people did not EARN their fortunes. They did WORK for it. When you have not worked for something to appreciate it, you have not experienced the gratitude of receiving all what you have worked for and built that connection, a mental connection to your fortune and success that you have worked so hard for.

These people always had the mindset of money does not flow their way. The law of attraction for them was one of lack, so when they had millions of dollars suddenly thrusted upon them they were still in the mindset of lack and the laws of attraction went to work to make sure they had lack in their lives.

Another thing is as you grow more successful and your income continues to soar, you become aware of your earnings and the status of the person you have become. You grow confident and have built a self esteem that makes you feel worthy for whom you have now become. You have the mindset of prosperity.

You can visualize earning even more, you can see it, and when you can see it, you believe it and that is the awareness that will allow you to keep what you have reaped for your self. There is a right way and a wrong way on how to use the law of attraction for you.

Remember like attracts like, that is the law of attraction

© Copyright 2007 - All Rights Reserved Delton Doucet

Discovery how to make the law of attraction work for you and what you can do to maximize the law of attraction and its effects in everyday life with the law of attraction

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