Friday, May 30, 2008


By: Seth Manne

This is the topic that you can search on the internet and not find an answer that will satisfy you. This is the topic that all those people who don't believe in Law of Attraction use to try to prove their case. These non believers use the argument that says "if Law of Attraction is true and really worked, then are you telling me that 6,000,000 Jews manifested, chose, and attracted their own death in the holocaust?"

Then the non believers go on to mention 911, slavery, young children raped and killed, babies being murdered and any atrocity they can put forth. They assert the following as the base of their argument. "So if Law of Attraction were a real law of the universe, then I must accept the belief that all these atrocious death scenarios were chosen and attracted by the victims. Are you saying that the victims are to blame for their own deaths?

I must admit it sounds like a great argument and who could possibly explain this? I, also, admit I searched and searched all over the internet and could not find one LOA guru who could explain this argument properly from the side of the believers of Law of Attraction. All the great Law of Attraction gurus don't really like to deal with this argument and its corresponding set of questions.

It is almost comical to watch them try to sweep this one under the rug. They know that any explanation that you offer to all these Jewish people is going to infuriate them and elicit rage and anger if you in any way try to tell them that these Jews "attracted" this fate with their vibration.

The same, of course, holds true with the loved ones of those who died in the 911 holocaust or the descendents of slaves. I call 911 a holocaust very properly but for reasons that are really the subject of a whole other article or book. Now also the parents and loved ones of murdered children and babies are not going to accept that these children and babies chose and attracted their gruesome deaths through their vibration.

So this argument is the great debate and the great divide between those who believe in Law of Attraction and those who do not. Yet there really doesn't seem to be any great debate going on because not one person has offered an adequate argument on the side of those who believe in Law of Attraction. And, their simplified answers or even no answers that "insinuate" that these individual's vibrations have indeed attracted these ugly circumstance scenarios, even further infuriate those non believers and loved ones.

Now of course I choose not to offer some anonymous argument on the side of Law of Attraction but I must tell you that my name is Seth Manne and I' am the author of a new book entitled "Manifesting The Ultimate: Perfect Health, Massive Wealth, True Love and Infinite Happiness. Why on earth would I tackle a subject like this which can stir the angst of so many people? It is almost like it is the anti-thesis of my own book. "This" would appear to be manifesting the worst, atrocious, ugly, inhumane of possible circumstances and scenarios...would it not?

At this point in the article I can not imagine how long of an article this will be, but yet I choose to see it through because I' am so extremely disappointed in all of the so called experts out there who offer absolutely NO ANSWERS to these pointedly great questions.

Even my own favorite author who is a channel for a group of spirits has responded to this question at her seminars by saying to the questioner who asked about the Holocaust..."why do you choose to ask questions about such negative scenarios which in turn, keeps you focused on resistance in relation to your vibration?". Now I am paraphrasing what she said but I have definitely caught the flavor of her response and it is the old psychologist trick of trying to answer a question with a question. It doesn't sit well with the person asking the question and it is a diversion to direct the topic elsewhere or try to get the questioner to answer his own question. Regardless and either way IT IS NOT AN ANSWER.

These gurus, authors and experts of Law of Attraction know that this one question is a no-no because it seems to be a no-win situation for proponents of this so called universal law. It creates bad press, convinces no one and threatens the validity of that which they teach and believe.

So now, here come I, to tackle this. First let me say, and this has been said by the gurus, that these mass victims did not create this knowingly. I know that that statement has very little meaning to adversaries of Law of Attraction and it even irritates me because it seems to be just more avoidance of the issue and a dancing around and groping to give some "sweep it under the rug" type of answer.

So where to start to give even a glimpse of a proper answer? I must lay some foundational ground rule assumptions. Understand that what I' am about to say can be looked at as an "opinion emanating from my imagination". I 'am not saying that this is FACT or some written in stone answer. It could be looked at as just a figment of my imagination. But for me this figment can contain a "flavor of truth". It can also be looked at as perspectives of "being'. However, I assure you it is not contrived. It is the true essence of truth, through imagination, from one person's understanding of the human condition.

This explanation is certainly too short to be a book and a little long for an article but here we go. Question number one is: do these adversaries of Law of Attraction believe that a human being is just a higher animal form destined to die into nothingness? Do they believe that the "being" that is encased in this physical human body has any special powers or is magical, mystical, omniscient and omnipotent?

In order to understand my explanation to what we will call the Holocaust question, one would have to first believe in this foundational assumption... that beings who are human ARE endowed with powers and qualities that are magical, mystical, omniscient and omnipotent. Now that foundational belief is probably quite a stretch for those who argue against Law of Attraction, but you will have to, at least, pretend that you can go along with this first "imaginary assumption" of mine to continue to understand my explanation.

O.K. so now we have a very "Godlike" being existing in a physical body. We of course must assume that the "being" has NO LIMITATIONS while the physical encasement IS LIMITED to physical laws. The human can not breath underwater or flap its arms and fly in waking physical flesh life. We all know that in the dream state or in our own imagination there are absolutely no limitations.

The next question or assumption would be who among you believes in reincarnation? When a baby is born into physical existence, is not the being within the baby's physical body already omnipotent and will merely reacquaint itself with physical laws and physical life?

Now what type of "intended" physical life will it manifest? More questions...Do you believe that you, as a human "being", can manifest any circumstances at all in your own life? Again, here if you don't believe you can, than for the sake of this explanation you will have to pretend that you can manifest (create) at least certain circumstances in your own life.

Elsewhere, life has been explained as your "canvas". How others view your life is what they are seeing and surmising from the canvas that you have created and are presenting. Your life and who you present yourself to be are your choices, decisions, experiences and your personality. Obviously your life is much more than just those four things but I am symbolically abbreviating for reasons of simplification.

Now we must entertain areas that become even more questionable to many and those are areas such as mass manifestations, the mass mind, the sub conscious, the super conscious and the choices that any "being" to which every being has access.

My imagination tells me that the choices a being has access to are infinite and unlimited. We have not even gotten to the answer to our question and the above mentioned areas and your beliefs about them are critical to your understanding or acceptance of the answer I will offer. (END PART 1 SEE PART 2 CONCLUSION)

Article Source:

Seth Manne is one of the foremost experts regarding the "Seth Material". He is an authority on Parapsychology, Metaphysics, and Quantum Physics. Visit Seth's site at

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