Wednesday, May 28, 2008


By: Katey Nixon

The Law of Attraction says that if you give out joy, you will attract more joy in your life. Similarly if you give out anger, you will get anger back.

The Law of Attraction is universal, it operates from morning to night every day of the year. As an example let's look at gettting out of bed and getting dressed. What happens when you reach in your sock drawer and can't find a single pair of matching socks! Frustration and the Law of Attraction is going to send this back to you - All day!

So you draw out a sock, then scramble around for another one to match - getting frustrated yet? Remember the Law of Attraction operates so that this frustration will be come back to you at some point in the day.

So you've got a pair at last. You've eaten breakfast and you're out of the house, but your rushing. You cut someone up on the freeway and there's a squeel of brakes - more furstration!

You've just put the other driver into a bad mood - well maybe he was in one already because he couldn't pair up his socks - he gets to work furious and shouts at the junior administrator and on the highway on the way home the same junior administrator cuts in to traffic two cars ahead of you - there's a squeel of brakes -your adrenaline is soaring! And all for the want of a matching pair of socks!

Now there are two ways to approach this. Firstly you can find a way of pairing up your socks and you could try employing an odd sock bag technique.

As an alternative let the universe find the pair of socks for you. A technique called the Sedona Method is one which I personally use to help with this. By letting go of my desire to find a pair of socks, I usually find one - this is because of the way the Law of Attraction works:

Simply because if you want to find a pair of socks, you are by the same token, lacking a pair of socks, and at the same time you are resisting the fact that you need to find a pair of socks. Hence the universe will resist your finding a pair of socks by same Law of Attraction. This is how the Law of Attraction really works.

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If you'd like to know more about the odd sock bag method, the law of attraction and the Sedona Method read Katey Nixon's freee report: odd socks and the law of attraction. For peace in your early morning routine there's the odd sock bag method, for the rest of the day, the Sedona Method

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