Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Selfish Law Of Attraction

Just like gravity has just one job, the Law of Attraction also has one job too. Its job is to match like energy with like energy.
If you feel miserable and depressed, don’t be surprised that you experience more unwanted people, places and circumstances. Through the Law of Attraction, you will attract more of it by what you give your attention to.
If you feel good on the other hand, you will be attracting more circumstances that will please you because that is what you’re aligned with.
The art of becoming a deliberate creator is to practice feeling good as much of the time as is possible so that you will attract what you want and effectively become the deliberate designer of your life.
Selfishly choosing to feel good over bad thoughts is exactly the way to go about this. If you do not choose good feeling thoughts, you will attract the unwanted opposite.
If you’re not selfish enough to feel good, then you will never attract the perfect life you desire. Most of us are conditioned into thinking that being selfish is a bad thing. Hoarding money and not sharing food for example would be one example of how being selfish could be seen as selfish behaviour.
Being so selfish that you do not let anyone else’s negativity into your life should not be seen as an unwanted behaviour at all. If you don’t have this level of selfishness then you will be giving away your power and relinquishing control. You will not become the deliberate creator of your experience.
Being so picky, so choosey and so selfish about how you feel will undoubtedly bring you more joy, more abundance and more fun into your life.
When someone who is stuck in a negative thinking cycle speaks to you and tells you their woes, there is sometimes a desire to discuss it with them. You may feel like you can help this person if you sink down to where they’re at and try to talk them out of it.
Unfortunately this effort can be very futile and can end up with you lowering your vibration and your feelings so that you too will attract unwanted circumstances. Is this any way to help someone? In my opinion, it is not.
If you truly desire to help someone get out of a negative pattern, then become the example and show them through your own participation in life what is possible. They’ll quickly realize that what they’re doing isn’t productive for anyone and the more they observe your fun-filled life, the more they will want it for themselves.
The more they want it… the more desire is being born within them. The more desire that is born within… the more response from the universe.
Don’t drop your vibration for anyone. Be so selfish that you will do anything to feel good as much of the time as possible. Help yourself first so that you can help others, if that is your desire.
And if that isn’t your desire, then ensure you achieve a high vibration as much of the time as possible so that you live the life you truly desire and deserve to have.
By: Gary Evans
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