Sunday, July 6, 2008

Focus Is The Law Of Attraction In Action

Unfortunately the majority of human beings on our lavish little green planet are not content with their 'lot' in life. They are living lives of low-key anguishdissatisfied with their interpersonal relations, jobs or personal wealth.
What is the main reason for this unhappiness? The central reason I believe this is so is due to a lack of comprehension about the nature of our world which can be precisely linked to our thought programming from childhood.
As a kid we begin to replicate the thought patterns of our peers. A person's beliefs and values are often passed from parent to parent until a person down the generations either has a life-changing experience or on a conscious level removes parts or changes their belief system.
Your beliefs and values predestine your focus and a key point I make in all my writings on personal development is the simple truth that "your focus determines your reality". Focus sets the path of the Law of Attraction.
The inner talk and imaginings of your mind are guided by your focus and your focus is reflected in your thinking. Your thinking becomes mechanical and therefore this becomes your unconscious creation system.
If you are not at this very minute living the life that is in alignment with your wants it is due to your inner unconscious creation system being out of alignment with your desires. Simplified this is more simply said as: Your focus is on what you do not want instead of what you do want!
Let us say you have payments due coming from everywhere and can't pay them. When you receive post through the mail what is your first thought? I'm sure it goes somewhat like this, "just what I expected more bills". Where do you think your focus being placed?
Why do the wealthy get wealthier and the less advantaged get more disadvantaged? Well a rich man has riches and he knows it is his already. He sees wealth all around him. The poor person sees lack and concentrates on it. Can you see the contrast in mental attention?
Now there are there are 2 basic methods to redirect your focus. The initial method is to alter your beliefs so that your focus becomes more unconcious but in the direction that is more in alignement with your desires. The next method is to deliberately redirect your attention to circumstances, people or events that reinforce new beliefs.
However this is often simplier to say than to do. For example take a look at the feelings, thoughts and beliefs of a person who has racial tendencies who thinks that he is better than another person due to his culture, skin colour, or ethnic beginings. I am sure you will agree that any normal person knows that these beliefs have no foundation in reality (subjective or otherwise). So in order to alter these beliefs, at a deep level, the racist would need to have some contact with other racial groups that have equal or better results in areas of their lives than he does. If he believes he is smarter then he would need to see that there are highly intelligent people of all ethnic backgrounds. If he believes that he is more likely to being successful because of his race then he would need to see that there are people of all origins who achieve success with ease. If he holds the view that he is more able to overcome obstacles than members of another race then he would need to know that people from all walks of life and different origins have achieved against seemingly insurmountable odds at great cost to themselves and so on!
The problem with this is how the person directs their focus! In the majority of cases the racist doesn't want to see such things. His focus is on the circumstances, people and life senarios that relate to and strengthen his beliefs! In extreme circumstances such a person will not permit himself to be in the company, correspond with, or listen about people of the group he is racist toward.
You and I do precisley the same thing everyday. If your life is similar today to yesterday, last week or last year it is entirely because your focus has remained the same. It is certain that your focus yesterday where the same as last week and if your thoughts and focus are the same today then you can expect the next day to bring the same results!
If your beliefs are called into question by that which you see, hear or experience many times you simply blank the information and continue 'blindly' believing what you have always believed. There is a natural tendency for us to filter our reality so that it reinforces our beliefs. It is necessary to need to break free from this self-imposed hypnotic trance and direct our focus on the things that will strengthen a new belief until we completely begin to belief it is real.
For example take a couple in a 'strained' relationship. Each one come home from work sure that they are going to have an argument with their other-half. Sure enough they arrive home and low-and-behold argue about who is taking the dog for a walk, what to watch on television or why they argue so much! Where is the focus in this relationship?
Perhaps they decide to try a new approch based on creating new beliefs and focus. They look at those areas that are working in their relationship. They talk about the reasons why they first became a couple and begin to reinforce the things they have in common. Their focus is beginning to alter. Although they will probably fall back into some old routines of arguing again if they keep their focus on common interests and the things in their relationship that are working can you guess what effect this will have on their relationship?
Try this little experiment yourself. Pick a person who annoys you in some way and that you can't avoid but would if the choice where yours. A work colleague is a good example. Can you think of one? OK, what are you focusing on about that person? I bet it is all the things that they do which annoy you the most. Try to think of something they do that you admire of that you like or that you admire about them. This can be difficult sometimes but remember that everyone has good and bad qualities so try not to be too polarised about people thinking them either entirely great or entirely evil - they are just people.
So, for a few days as best you can, try to focus on the things you like or admire about a person you are having trouble with and wait to see what happens.
Once you have succeeded at this small experiment try other little experiments in other areas of your life that you need to make better.
By: Michael A. McGrath
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