Friday, July 11, 2008

The Perfect Relationship: Using The Law Of Attraction To Find Love

Submitted by Lee
In this article we apply the lessons of the Law of Attraction to partnership relationships or romantic relationships, though the insights discussed apply to all relationships of all kinds - friends, parent/child, etc
In this article we apply the lessons of the Law of Attraction to partnership relationships or romantic relationships, though the insights discussed apply to all relationships of all kinds - friends, parent/child, etc.
The people we attract to ourselves in life match up vibrationally with some energy we're projecting. Attracting the right kinds of matches into your life then requires first and foremost accepting responsibility for the people you do attract. And taking responsibility for the kinds of people who show up in your life entails taking responsibility for how - you show up - in your life, inside and out. Change your vibrations, change what (and who) they attract.
Love is an energy - one we foster from within. When we access that energy of love from within, we project its vibrations outside of us; in our actions and in our being, we come from a place of love. This invariably attracts that same energy of love into our lives, for example in the form of other people to love who are also loving us.
One of the problems people have in getting the love they want is that so much of what people call 'love' isn't love at all. Often it's attachment: to the other person, to the relationship looking the way you think it should look, or even an attachment to 'drama'. Other times it's fear: fear of loss, fear of not being worthy of love, or one we hear a lot, fear of being happy, which really just amounts to more fear of not being worthy of love and fear of loss.
Some sages say that people 'crush' love like a bird in the hand when you hold onto it too hard, and while the image may be apt we prefer to say that when you cling to love you detach from it. If that sounds like a paradox, you're catching on. Clinging to love out of attachment and fear disengages you from the love itself and grips you to your attachment and fear. As does clinging to your ideas of what love should look like when and if it ever does come.
Love is an energy. It cannot be gripped any more than you can grip light; you can only be bathed in it, or shut yourself away in the dark. But the light is there nonetheless, and right outside the door. Love flows, and to have the relationship of your fondest desires, let the love flow through you and from within you.
Rather than focusing on fixing the problems in your relationship (or your utter lack of one), engage in the flow of love and watch the problems (or lack) dissolve. Change the circumstances, situations, and conditions you find yourself in by allowing yourself to feel here and now the love you aim to feel for the new circumstances, situations, and conditions.
The perfect relationship with another person comes from nurturing a perfect relationship with yourself; in other words: loving yourself fully and unconditionally as you are, and appreciating yourself fully for all the love you have inside to give.
Article Source: the Author Is MONEY standing in between you and a new car? a tropical vacation? or getting out of debt? My name is Lee Celeste and I can prove to you that lack of money is NOT the problem. Click the link below to discover how you can live out your wildest dreams on your current income: The Law Of Attraction Explained

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