Friday, July 4, 2008

Why You Should Hire a Local Lawyer When You Have an Auto Accident

Submitted by Art
Imagine that you are driving from Ohio to New York. As you pass through Pennsylvania, you experience a car accident. Should you call your lawyer in Ohio, or find a local Pennsylvania accident lawyer? Which is the best choice, and why?
Imagine that you are driving from your home in Ohio on a business trip to New York. As you pass through Pennsylvania, another driver runs a stop sign and slams into your car, causing you injury and demolishing your car.
Your first concern is obviously to make sure that your injuries are treated. But once that is done, who is going to pay the bill for your treatment, a car to replace your now-demolished one, not to mention pay lost from missing work and the suffering you experience due to another's negligence.
Do you go back home to Ohio and sick a lawyer on the other driver's insurance company? Actually, the best choice is to hire a Pennsylvania auto accident lawyer. Why? Since the accident happened in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania laws apply and a Pennsylvania auto accident lawyer will have a familiarity with local law that your Ohio lawyer is unlikely to have.
Auto accident laws can have anywhere from minor to major variations from state to state. For example, a personal injury lawsuit resulting from an auto accident has a statute of limitations of four years in Utah, whereas in Tennessee it is just one year. Many states have a "comparative negligence" law, which means you might be found partially at fault for an accident, while other states place blame squarely on a single driver. Finding a local lawyer quickly is key, as sitting on it might result in your missing out on the ability to do anything about it at all.
Another good reason to find a local attorney is for the advantage he or she will have in understanding any quirks of the local justice system. An experienced attorney will have worked several auto accident cases in his state of practice, giving him an excellent feel for how to approach the case based on the local culture. His experience means he's probably dealt with the local judges on several occasions, and understands how the different judges run their court rooms, thereby avoiding any accidental crossing of the judge by an outsider.
When police officers and other witnesses are approached by a local lawyer, one with whom the officers and local insurance company representatives are probably familiar with, they are more likely to be at ease and work with your lawyer, whereas an outsider is likely to be treated differently.
Long story short; if you experience a car accident in Pennsylvania, get yourself a Pennsylvania auto accident lawyer rather than running back home to Ohio for help.
Article Source: the Author A Pennsylvania auto accident lawyer ( can help injured victims receive the compensation they deserve. The author, Art Gib, is a freelance writer.

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