Monday, November 19, 2007

Stock Market Action + The Law Of Attraction1

By Michael Mcgrath
The Law of Attraction can truly work miracles in your life. It can be used to be, do or have anything you can imagine. The documentary style film "The Secret" was a great introduction to this great law. However, it didn't tell the full story.

Everything that you experience in your life is a direct result of what you have thought and felt in the past. This is a Universal truth that is evidenced everywhere you look. The fact that your thoughts and emotions create your reality can be seen everywhere. However, there is a third part of the equation which has not been covered nearly enough and it is essential you know about it.

Although you're thoughts, and especially your emotions, are responsible for kick-starting the Law of Attraction there is one piece of the puzzle that is often missing from the many great teachings on the subject.

The biggest secret to getting results from the Law of Attraction is to take appropriate action. No matter how small the action may be, you must be prepared to move towards your desires in some manner. There are three essential steps you must follow in order to successfully use this law.

The first step to utilizing the attractive forces of the Universe is to realize that the Law of Attraction is always actively working in your life. You must understand that it is directed by the thoughts you hold in your mind. Therefore you must hold only positive thoughts about the things you do want and, as best you can, disregard the things you do not want. Remove your focus from the things in life that displease you and you will not attract them to you. If you could focus your thoughts and emotions only in the direction of the things you want in life then that is all that life would give you.

The next step to consciously activating the Law of Attraction for creating your desires is to instil emotion into a mental image of you already possessing your desire. It is of vital importance to you to create as much positive emotions around this as possible. Emotion is the catalyst that quickens the process that changes your thoughts into reality.

The final step is often the hardest for many people because they think the law will work in a mystical way. However, the final step is imperative - you must be prepared to take some action! This is a key point that many teachers fail to tell people. Although the Law of Attraction will always bring you more of what you are focusing on action is still needed. If no action is taken by you but you are focused on what you want without thoughts or feelings to the contrary then the law will bring you opportunities to achieve your desires. But if you do not act on these opportunities then it is unlikely you will see your desire materialize in the material world, at least not in the way you want it to.

This action should not be viewed as a chore or something that you must do. The law will bring circumstances into play that will make the action feel enjoyable or even inspired. For example I make money trading on the Stock Market. However, when I first learned of the Law of Attraction I visualized daily and created strong emotion but took no action. I was waiting for money to fall into my lap, a lottery win or unexpected windfall to come my way and guess what - it never happened!
Law of Attraction resources tested and reviewed for free at . Free review of the best Law of Attraction course we tested can be found at it's time you found out what really works!

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