Thursday, June 19, 2008

Is The Law Of Attraction Enough?

In a word … NO.
Although the Law of Attraction (that says “That which you focus on, you attract”) is an omnipresent law of the universe, it must be understood in two larger contexts to be fully appreciated.
Firstly, we must understand that our conscious mind is but a small aspect of our total Being. If your conscious mind is saying “I want to be successful” and your subconscious mind is saying “Successful people are jerks!”, there is going to be some serious static on the line! … and the subconscious mind will always prevail in the long-run (therefore the key is to transform the subconscious mind … Contact me for further details on this important subject).
Secondly, the Law of Attraction is not the only Law in the Universe. You must also understand … The Law of Allowing.
The Law of Allowing states that we can only have that which we grant permission to receive. So, for example, say you REALLY want to be a millionaire. You have spent a great deal of energy and focus exploring the “what, where, when, and why” of the matter. If you are unwilling to RECEIVE this blessing – maybe because you believe you don’t deserve it; maybe you believe life must be a struggle; maybe you think that suffering gives your life meaning – you will not allow yourself to resonate with the “millionaire” reality in an on-going and joyous way.
In addition, you may have a “soul contract” to experience some other things first. Maybe you chose to experience the lessons that lesser economic status would likely foster (possibly that money is not the source of happiness, or learning how to be creative and “stretch” a dollar).
Soul contracts can be altered. However, lessons must be learned first. So I encourage you to learn the lessons placed in front of you, and then be open to The Law of Grace that allows for miracles as it collapses time and space and allows for quantum reality shifts NOW!.
As one of my teachers often told me: The Law of Grace transcends the Law of Karma. I asked him to explain. He asked me to think of an airplane flying in the air. The laws of gravity still exist. It is just that the laws of aerodynamics can transcend their limiting impact… Food for thought indeed!
I know this article is “jam-packed” with powerful ideas. I encourage you read it several times. Even read it aloud. I know it will touch you deeply if you let it.
Until next time, I remain …
Your Friend Along the Way,
Kathy Bibby
By: Kathy Bibby
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Kathy Bibby, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Kathy can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Financial Independence

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