Thursday, June 19, 2008

Is One Law Of Attraction Teacher A Good Thing?

There are two different types of people when it comes to learning about the Law of Attraction. There are those who will love to read anything on the Law of Attraction, regardless of who the material is written by. And then there are those who find a specific teacher who they resonate with and will stick to them like glue.
Is there a right or wrong with this? Is it healthy just to rely on one teacher?
Of course, there is no right or wrong with any of this. You’ve may have heard the phrase “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. This is especially true with the Law of Attraction.
The teachers that you attract in your life that feel right to you, are the best teachers you could possibly find. What you may notice is that the majority of spiritual teachers are all teaching the same thing, yet this same information can be presented in so many different ways that some methods resonate more with different people.
I’m the type of person who likes to stick with certain teachers. I’ve noticed that over the course of 4 years I have gone through about 4 or 5 different teachers that have all led me up a spiritual ladder.
As I’ve progressed through teachers, its clear to me that I’ve either outgrown them or a mental shift has taken place within me and I no longer fully resonate with that teacher any more.
A good example for me is with Abraham-Hicks. I’m a big follower of their work and for about one year I fell in love with their teaching. I would dismiss other teachings that were available to me because I enjoyed their material so much. Now a couple of years later, their teaching no longer resonates with me as much and I have other spiritual teachers who I prefer to give my attention to.
What I know for sure is that the right teacher will always find you when you’re ready for it. You can never get anything wrong in this physical world, so there’s no need to worry about anything. Whatever you’re doing and whomever you’re learning from right now is perfect for you.
There will of course be other teachers who arise and resonate with you over the years. Embrace them and be grateful for their presence in your life.
By: Gary Evans
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